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Directions for creating a Picasso like work of art on Picassohead.

Go to
Click on:

Click and drag objects to create your art. For this assignment please make a black and white
picassohead for this particular assignment. You may color it with crayons or pencils if you like
AFTER it is printed. You can rotate and resize individual parts. Use your imagination and be
When you are finished you need to NOT sign your name, but use a number provided by
your teacher so your art can be anonymous to anyone voting for what they think is the best
finished product.
First, minimize your art window (click on the MINUS sign in the upper right hand corner of
your screen.)

Then double left click on the icon for a blank Word document page to open.
Go down to the bottom of your screen and left click one time on create Picassohead to
bring your Picasso head art back up on screen .
On the upper right row of keys on the keyboard, you should see a key that says Prt Scr or
Print Screen. Press that button to copy your art so you can paste it to your blank word
document. You might be used to just highlighting words or images and then doing a right
click and selecting copy. This option doesnt always work. To get around this problem you
can use the Print Screen key on your keyboard.

After you have pressed the Print Screen button, go back down to the bottom of the screen
and click on your Document
Right click on your blank document page and select Paste.
You will now have your art on a document page. Go up to the upper left corner of your screen

and left click on File

Go down and click on Save As. And save this onto the
computer under your first and last name.

Save this document to Ms. Lee-Youngs Library Jump Drive or your ART teachers jump drive. If
you run out of time, save this document to your H drive and desktop.

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