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About our school

Rochambeau AHS

Rochambeau is an alternative high

school located in White Plains, NY. Rochambeau offers four programs within
the building: Community, Passages,
GED, and STAR.
The building supports small class sizes
so that students are given more individualized attention. The class sizes
have about 6-10 students. There are
approximately 21 teachers in the
building and 170 students. Paul
Bratcher is the schools Director and
Principal. He began working at the
school during the 2013-2014 school
year and made many new changes to
the building including lockers, a new
basketball court, and schedule changes to enhance the school lives of Rochambeau students.

Address: 228 Fisher Avenue White

Plains, NY 10606
Tel: (914) 422-2420
Fax: (914) 422-22340
Website: http://

Rochambeau has certain events
throughout the year for the students
and staff. For Thanksgiving each program has its own feast. The day before
the holiday break in December students attend in the morning, but participate in school activities and a feast
during the day. Occasionally there is a
student vs. staff volleyball or basketball game that usually occurs during
the second half of the year. Towards
the end of the year, the school has a
barbeque. While Rochambeau doesnt
offer many electives Art, Technology,
and Spanish are offered to the students. Some students might have the
option to take classes at White Plains
high school in the afternoons or mornings if their schedule allows it.


School Policies
At Rochambeau, each program starts at
8:30am and ends at 2:42pm except for the
GED program which starts at 8:45am and
ends at 10:57am. The schools policies include the Code of Conduct and the Student Attendance Policy.

The four different programs within the

building are Community, Passages,
GED (to get a high school diploma),
and STAR. Community school and
Passages are alternative programs for
9th to 12th grade students who perform better in a smaller, less structured environment. Students are offered extra help and have more one-on
-one time with teachers. The STAR
program is designed for students ages
13-21. The classes are small and the
work given is less intense. Homework
is given less frequently in small
amounts to take pressure and stress
off the students. The STAR program
offers a therapeutic environment and
each student attends a session once a
week with a social worker.

The code of conduct was designed around

five core principles that govern its implementation: A safe and orderly school environment is essential to learning. Students,
staff and visitors will be held responsible
for their own actions. Home/school partnerships are critical to success. School
rules and their enforcement should be
fair, just and non-discriminatory. Respect
must be given for each persons unique
needs. The student attendance policy was
formed to ensure that all students attend
school regularly and reduce the level of
unexcused absences. Parents, school
staff, and the students themselves all have
a responsibility to contribute to a pattern
of regular attendance.

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