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12 Things Ive learned at Immanuel

by Pastor Sarah France, who has served as our Transition Pastor

at Immanuel Lutheran in Seattle until Pastor Priscilla arrives in mid-June 2015

1. Parking is a competitive sport. You play the game because you LOVE your work here.

2. It is Christs deep compassion in you that holds this congregation and its many ministries

3. Gods grace holds this 100 year old building together along with an endowment fund, hard
working committees and the ability to LOVE all things old & sagging.

4. A large percentage of the priesthood of all believers serve on numerous committees

throughout the year; making the pastors job both fun and more productive.

5. This priesthood of all believers put the needs of people before protocols and tidiness.

6. This priesthood is deeply connected to a unique WORD & the neighbor. Study is highly
valued along with advocacy and taking action on human rights issues.

7. Immanuel has a divine connection through their artists and mystics who fuel the work of
Immanuel with deep sensitivity followed by devoted works for the neighbor.

8. Prayer, healing and a Holden identity centers members in a perpetual summer camp milieu.

9. Humor is a readily available antidote for aging, past wounds & fatigue.

10. Wisdom is a constant companion of the leaders of Immanuel where the essential qualities
of humanity & the Divine are at the center of inclusive & loving relationships.
11. Acceptance of the differences in others is generally non-judgmental and kind.

12. Celebration is the modus operendi at Immanuel with an attitude of Lets try! Why not!

Falling in love with you was so easy my friends. Bill and I will keep you in our prayers and are
so excited for your new ministry with Pastor Priscilla!

Christs Love, Peace & Joy be with you always!

Pastor Sarah

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