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Three adaptation of


The speciation and history

The oldest chemeleon

is anqingosaurus
brevicephalus from
middle Paleocene of
Anhui, China.

It's sharing the same

ancestor with iguanids
and aramid which have
more than 100 years

The chemeleons can

change color in order
to pretend to have the
same color as object
they land, so others
can't see it.

Also, they sometimes change

by themselves. They show
darker colors when angered, or
attempting to scare or
intimidate others. When males
show lighter, it means they
want to courting females.

chemeleon species
are able to vary
colorations to blue
black brown yellow or

Chemeleon's tongue
can become very long
which helps them to
better capture food

Their claws can be

stick to anything
which is called gecko.
It's also an adaptation
which helps
chemeleon to survive.

Sharon Katz.
"National Geographic
Explorer (Student
Magazine) - Featured
Article." National
Geographic Explorer
(Student Magazine) Featured Article.
National Geographic,
4 Oct. 2002. Web. 27
May 2015.

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