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The sanding before the Ce ortame the muandator: powers Islamic Concept of ry 491112 the disboiovers*(8 44) 's mare comprehensive and ‘for phssical well being, needs 1 ey the flesh 2 Ye abhor that Ind keep war Nur 24-27 sale Day’ of Dhimmi (none ho ills 8 man under covenai (., ste) by declaring: “One Iragrance of Parsi.” obligation: declared by the Quran is rspect. preserva ind! Tha whosoever ies a hut heing for bans Ir 19-26 Other tha manslaughter ur enerupiom in the earth ‘shel be as fhe hailed ell mankind. and how) saver the fe ofome It shal ea he hed Saved the ie of all Ma td 5.32 hes Right to eq a helleve! Ie sends of State: veaning ot should be cleged by Aa ida 58 on ameong themselves. (42:38) 4, Political Rights Them i exchange seer ar here Right to struggle for just social order They serve me. They axcrbé ‘as priner unto Me. Th Aur 24:55 nvoned human rigs and many others not only ing mankind to transcend ihe lower level Tasted by the kinship of blood, racial ine, and economie privileges, I iavites man fo move onto a plane of in excellnge an can realize the ideal ofthe Brotherhood of ee ecclials ‘The United Nations System for the Protection of Human Rigl 1 world witnessed & espeienced In San Francisco bewec 5 slats eonferonce A, Charter Based Organs 1, Goneral Assembly 2, Secunty Cou 5. Beonomic and Social Councit 44 Trusieship Cou §, Intemational Court of Justice 6. Secretaria! B. o “The Genel Assembly i {All members ofthe United Nations are represen ns many subject (en sane suber) iy can eee International Instruments, UN General Assembly “The reso {ony} cena organ where review reports fo ‘of five permanent snd ten non-permanent members. The main ernational pedee and seourty, The endanger the inter tly made pronouncement ‘General may br Section-H] tw. secury Com horrors of2% World Wat “Te main fiction of ECOSOC is he in avers of jonal Eeonomie and Social Coopet feconoinic and gonorl States ca dchate any rel the post wat wave of A in all UN orga 1. UN Charter ‘The UN Chaner was the first ‘Anite 55. When Artic promete respect and observance of ura seh Sates” The Purposes and 'UN Chanter are mentioned in Antic principle of equ propriate measures respect fj mt ofthese como} inte fore an ind the ICCPR and ICESCR were intended fo be one Covenant but were separated the ICESCR were aspirational and goal selling and not capable of Fights contained ahs recognized ure agencies ofthe United Nations and then C. Implementation Mechanism lemented tough the fellowing Righls and Sub Commissi ‘the UDHR is not memionee in HOF people to uted ‘of the come acl erates“ (First) Optional Protocol to the Internati Rights: 1, The UN Commission on Human sur of inp enables private paris la 0s 0 compl od against Sats Parties (Second) Opt Bolitical Rights: International-Covenant on Economic, Social, and Cultural Ri relevant Govt nd it must also ensure that nd rlile knowledge of vielavons, is nol under consideration of anyother Dimensions of Human ke poope or an enc group and a such ol loads 10 the creation of ‘pend eee ined 10 reper, ve effet tothe provisions kes general comments of them, and such reports General Assembly shed under Anicle 28 of sighieen members and. is. responsible. for Imethods/proceduresf Reporting Procedure are under ebligtio, to subm he progress made in giving effect ports are to be submis huded work towards om grounds of race, sex, language cr so makos no rete extends to ‘everyone’ Under Acicle 44 of the Covena another ste pany is ot compl referred 10 the eo xis. persons belonging to such ‘ther members of thei group. 10 eligion. oF use thei own langage Drotccling right to religion is the UN Providing subject 10 if of his or her choice, ir religion or belief [Anicle 5 S50 religious education [Ani ee ear ‘ pe: United Nations Chane. 1948, Anieks 1, $8, 56, 73.74, (GA Res. 3085, UN Do. U5 36155 (198 : 2B rights. for national legislation. whi Seedoms (Aricle 7). (ee. 1992), to tain Iadcrs. 10 observe holidays, and 10 com Pakistan's Response to Human Rights at National and International Level ion of Pakistan (Rights mentioned in the Chapter on Fundamental Rights or libeny save in accordance 1d no law shall permit or facilitate its urna beings ae prhibie. “age of fourcen years shall be engaged in any fctory or mine ot ‘ther hazardous employment, Gettin in custody without being infon such arrest, nor sh ice, in custody shall be produced before @ hous of such ames. exsiudin ee of arrest fo the count of the neirest be detained in cused beyond the said period wi Authority ofa mepstrae enforcement of _ Ss he excoutve is believed fo a nde Amticle 199 is known a 7 intended to foster justice and or in abse dispose f property in am and any reasonable restrictions tmposed by confemed on the High Coun Ihe right profess. practi () every religious denomination and evry afore “Those principles of pol 5, subject 10 interest of [sovereignty 5. which have boon categorized in o sich that no organ of the stale, whet bell lesislature can be challenged these gi ins init supported ion on the pret rights can be taken against an person. Anothce ad ing the rights of th ‘uring the proclamation of an em the action of the government dunn courts under Antic 4, «alle in question in . % mens pss, fon Clause 29 macy and sovere sions of CEDAW." seaors. In the Fiest Womens i g0 to Haj (pilgrimage) without being accompanied ite Commission urs the need for Parliament fo give cleat order give Wormer fir chance to price ts of tho Chi) on ig of the provisions of vdrwn following the ‘of Religions Asis znd the Council of Islamic Ideology and the ‘ofthe Cabinet. The Minis of Forcign Affairs Is also formully conveyed the decision office ofthe Scertary General in New York De Shaheen Sardar. ‘Minister in cognition ofr hard work and enim the first Chairperson of Commission "ya: nes gov paRarchiveldocu riorty areas such 2s “The Optional Projoca on Sale of Children. Ch ‘on Jansary 18, 2002 following ric Fequite State paris to ub Report Writing svent polices and plans on a regular basis Recent i labor and juvenile jus ag conerete meas tak nal Summit ws beld on September “The CRC considers cernin general principles tobe fundamental t its implementation. Amongst these ae the principle of non-discriminaion, the bes nterests ofthe cil, the rights of the hild rd the rights of the child jo have hi General Measures of Implementation ‘of diserimination 60 crop up pe these principles enfored more effectively. In order to harmonize national ln and policy and to ensue con fortafe and snhoman treatment. The ‘and implemented ws. Efforts aye also being made to improve birth registration Laws, fr this u ERC, The report va 15 due 10 be subm he epos have Boon circulate, 1 enna — = GLOSSARY ~ ‘5. Comparative Sindy of Convention onthe El nation Against Women with Islamic Law & Laws of Pakistan”, Pes ‘Buergenthal, Thomas “Tie Homan Riel Lawson. Eda ‘Washington. DC Leary, Virgins A. ‘View Press, San Francisco cEDAW crc ECOSOC A, FCCPR ICESC 110 NGOs: UDHR, UN UNHCR, 6 M4 wort weweunorg) Me ‘of High Coun preven orp inferior tt 6 ==

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