Urn and Column Anthony Pin

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Assignment 2: Urn & Column

Anthony Pin p.7
Name (First & Last): _______________________________________ Date: _____ Per: _______
You can find the image for this assignment on page 24 in your text book, "Focus on Photography." Find the
link to chapter 2 on my home page.
Answer the following questions about the photograph "Urn and Column," figure 2-1 on page 24.
At the top of the page: First & last name, Date, Period #
Email your finished assignment to marni.oberpriller@stpaul.k12.mn.us labeled: Urn_and_Column_YourName
1. Looking at the image, the LIGHT and the VALUES of the urn are balanced by the dark door located in the upper
right corner. What is the second most prominent feature in the photograph?

2. Describe the SHAPES and LINES that you see (use your Elements chart):
there are curves in the urn and its a little rounded and the lines kind of leads your eyes to the urn,
horizontal lines.
3. What TEXTURES are present in the photograph(use your Elements chart)?
Rough, hard, smooth on curves

4. Consider VALUE, how much of the photograph is light, how much is dark?
Light: 50%
Dark:50% both are kind of equal where ever you see light colors youll also see dark colors

5. Is the mood of this composition energetic or calm?

Use evidence to explain your answer:
calm. Dark and gray colors, nothing much to look at

6. How do the SHAPES and VALUES contribute to the MOOD of the image?

They make the image. The color of the image comes from the value and the shapes
arent interesting and make the shapes plain.

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