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By: Hannah S.

Quisque facilisis pellentesque
risus. Mauris posuere, libero
eget laoreet posuere, erat urna
adipiscing erat, a tincidunt ligula
purus nec quam. Ut tincidunt.
Mauris ac tellus a odio laoreet
malesuada. Aenean vulputate.
Mauris vitae libero vel magna
ullamcorper iaculis.

Sed diam mi, porta ac, varius
nec, tempor et, purus. Phasellus
sit amet nulla. Donec
consectetuer arcu ac lacus. In
quis metus ac arcu ultrices
luctus. Nulla tristique enim eu
augue. Nullam et libero eu enim
placerat luctus. Integer tincidunt
auctor quam.

Young Life
This camp was bought from a farmer during the
late 1900s. It is located literally in the middle of
nowhere in central Oregon where temperatures are
always around 90 degrees Fahrenheit, super warm.
This multi-million dollar camp can hold over 1,000
people so tons of different groups make this
Continued on page 2

June 2015




location their go to place for hangout

time. It has tons of different activities and
games that everyone will enjoy and the
best food ever made.
1. This building is the sports and
recreation area. It has octoball,
basketball, a bead cart, the store
and snack bar, the ropes course,
mini golf, and much more!
2. This building is for staff only and is
not for use towards campers
3. This is one of the four dorms

Nam quis urna bibendum tortor pretium iaculis. Nullam cursus.

Donec erat. Sed lorem. Nullam tortor. Nam mollis diam sit amet
ante sodales placerat.

The waterslides:
At the Creekside
there are six one of a
kind waterslides, three of them
use inner tubes and land in the
pool. All the slides are so much
fun, you want to do them for the
whole day and not just during
the designated free time.
Everyone has a great time at
Creeksides water park.

4. This is the entryway to get into the

water park area
5. They have tons of beach chairs for
relaxing after a swim
6. This is (in my opinion) the coolest
waterslide in the park. You drop
straight down at lest fifty feet after
coming out of a tunnel and slide to
the end
7. This is another one of the
waterslides in the park. It has many
bumps and drops that send you
gliding to the end on the pad you
slid down on
8. This huge building is the dining
hall. Everybody goes here to eat
breakfast, lunch, and diner. And
the best part is, each meal comes
with desert

June 2015

The Pool

Pool Activities:
The activity show in the picture
doesnt happen everyday, only for
the pool party! As you can see
everybody is having a great time,
and look, everyones in his or her
clothes! The activities that young life
does are fun for almost everyone that

Works Cited
"Camp Photos - All Pictures." Camp Photos - All
Pictures. Young Life, n.d. Web. 02

"Summer Camp at Creekside." Summer Camp at Creekside., n.d.

The pool is a huge

E shaped figure that
can hold tons of
people at a time. It
is divided into two
sections, one being
so much colder than
the other. As shown
in the picture on the
left, a waterfall
drops into the
colder pool where
people can jump
into the water. If
youre too scared to
jump from the top
of the falls, you can
jump from the ledge
behind it (while the
lifeguards are
watching!). The
pool also has a
shallower section
for the younger kids
to play in.

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