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Genghis Khan's Diary

7A History of Asia - Research Project

Ignacio Guevara, Toms Pereira, Andrew Sime, and Juan Pablo Zambrano May 28, 2015

Diary Entries
Entry 1:
April 28, 1163
Dear Diary,
I'm writing this not for fun, or tradition. I don't like to write diaries, I hate to. I'm going
to write this diary to narrate all my son's achievements. Today he was born, by the way. We
are in Deln Boldog, near Burkhan Khaldun mountain and the Onon and Kherlen, but we
can't stay longer. We are nomads, which means we travel from place to place following the
animal migration. Temjin, my son, was named after a Tatar chieftain, Temjin-ge, whom I
just captured. I know he is going to conquer all of Asia because of he has a blood cot grasped
in his fist. The legend says that the one who has this cot, is going be the one who is going to
carry out all the Mongolian empire to domination and prosperity. In other words, the legend
says that he will unify all of Mongol Empire. Well, today was a shocking -in a delighted wayday to the Mongolian History. I will narrate every achievement of him. If you don't know me,
I am the major chief of the Khamag Mongo, a Mongolian Tribe. My father is Bartan Baghatur,
and my great-grandfather was Khabul Khan, and I'm leader of the Borjigin clan. I'm
Ambaghai's nephew, and Hotula Khan Khabul, my great-grandfather, was the Mongol chief
Khaidu, the first one to unify all of the Mongols. My other of my sons are: Hasar, Hachiun,
and Temge. I also have one daughter, Temlen.
With hate,
Yesgei Baghatur

Temjin, my
son is born,
and we see
his blood cot

Yesgei Baghatur

Entry 2:
October 5, 1171
Dear diary,
Today my father died, it felt like if I was cut in half, take away half of my heart and a
huge sadness was applied to me; it was horrible. He was poisoned by I don't know who, the
Tatars! We know he was poisoned by someone because he wasn't harmed, he just felt asleep
and died, it was the worst day of my life. I'm his son, Temjin, the one with the blood cot,
and destined to conquer all of Asia, and unify all of the Mongolian Empire. I'm nine years old
and live in a small tribe in the Mongol empire called the OUCA tribe. I want take over my
father's role as a chieftain of our tribe, and I requested to take my father's role. However, they
refused to let me take it, as they couldn't "let" a child take over a such great role in our tribe
and lead the tribe. For that, they have cast us out. My mother and three brothers, all of us,
out, cast out. We are living in poverty now and with fatigues everyday; with only memories
of our dear father. I am no longer the same person, I now feel that I have the mandate to find
the one who killed my father and with revenge and fury I will kill the one who killed my
father and strangle him until he says that he is sorry; this will be my new legacy.
With more sadness than ever,

Me and my

The sadness I felt

when I heard the news
that my father died

Entry 3:
January 15, 1172
Dear Diary,
Today for stupid and raging reasons I killed Behrer, my half-brother. I have shamed
my blood. I still feel a little sorry, but I did it and feeling shameful won't bring him back. He
started to rob everything I hunted and so on; with every little beast he stole, my anger grew
bigger because he was going too far. If he stole all I killed I wouldn't eat and eventually
starve, but for some reasons I think that I took a good decision. I had to, it was a necessary
action because it was for my own purposes. He had to die, and if he didn't he would be Great
Khan before I did. Eventually, he would have too much power and maybe overthrow him,
and that would be my end. So I had to kill him, stab him, and burry him to gain power and
since, I have a reputation. I think this is going to be a good reputation for me, as a great
warrior, as a Great Khan. But I still don't understand something: usually in the Asian steppes
it doesn't rain, but as soon I killed him the wind started to blow, and a cloud was coming. I
don't know if it wasn't a signal from my father or ancestors, but I was really scared. That
night I didn't sleep and thunders fell from the sky, it rained as if the Ancient Steppes would
have seen the depth of the next Great Khan.
With revenge,
Temjin, a future Great Khan

A quote and
drawing I came up
When I kill my

Entry 4:
October 17, 1187
Dear Diary
I know I haven't written a lot, in about ten years, but today is a special occasion, it is an
absolutely unique day, the best day of my life! I have married a beautiful women from the
Onggirat tribe, although she is beautiful, my family obliged me to marry her at the age of 16
to sign a treaty of peace. Hoping to bring peace and less war to our tribes we engaged. She
was shamefully kidnapped and as revenge for what my father did I employed hundreds of
men at my side to rescue her and see if she was okay. After I did I discovered she was the
wife of another man at the merit tribe, the tribe that kidnapped her. It was a very bloody,
furious, violent, and desperate attack, although, with my intelligent strategies employed at
the battlefield, and coordinate archers we ruled and got her back not even with a scratch. The
tribe was not expecting the attack so we got the element of surprise. I killed his new husband
and kept on with the attack. We robbed and got gold, gems, and airag, which is horse milk
made into alcohol. So my wife, my soldiers, and I drank until we were sick. Well, actually, my
rescuing was not so heroic since we were obliged to get married to unite our tribes and end
the bloody, devastating, unstoppable, massacre and waste of Mongolian lives we usually had.
Anyway it is a special occasion.

Me in my throne
with my wife

Me with my

Entry 5:
January 1, 1207
Dear Diary,
I haven't written for thirty years, but my role in society has changed. I was elected Great
Khan and am now recognized to be the universal leader and expected to take over the world.
In addition to all of this I've made my biggest decision yet. It is to take over China and rule
the whole world. I have always had this intention, but not my dream will finally be real. I've
decided to attack the Xi Xia Dynasty of China. I think I can help the Mongols become a
bigger empire. I have already done some raids, but now I will initiate something bigger,
much bigger. I have made a plan to mostly use only cavalry units. I plan to use a false
withdraw to trick the leaders, but then do a bigger attack that includes flooding the city.
After attacking the Xi Xia dynasty I plan to attack the Jin Dynasty. I plan to ravage the
countryside of the area. A while before this I have achieved some amazing things, if I don't
say so myself. I recently have reached ruling one million people and have forbidden selling
and kidnapping of women, and decide to conduct a regular census. I have also forced
people to use one unified writing system and given freedom of religion. I hope to attack and
rule the whole world. When I say this, I'm not kidding, I want to start with China, attack
Vietnam, then Japan, and all the way to Europe.
With dreams,
Genghis Khan

Me in a war fighting

6 war
Me after that

Here are some quotes and some drawings I came up with:

"If you're afraid - don't do it, - if you're doing it, don't be afraid!"
- Me (Genghis Khan)
"An army of donkeys led by a lion is better than a n army of lions led by a donkey."
- Me (Genghis Khan)

NOTE: This image was added after Genghis Khan died. The translators wanted an image
to represent him, but Genghis Khan never let a portrait be done of him.

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