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Field Study Focus Questions

Week 1

1. The area I have selected for my field study has a biome of temperate
woodland and shrubland. I have come to this conclusion because in Novato we
have hot and dry summers as well as cold and wet winters. My area also has
some evergreens and low plants.
2. I see many different relationships between organisms in my area. First is
between the mosquitoes and other bugs which feed on the plants. The plants
provide food and nutrients in order for the insects to thrive. The next relationship
is between the birds and insects. The birds feed on the insects. The last
relationship is between the trees and animals. The trees provide shelter and
homes for the birds as well as insects such as mosquitoes and dragonflies.
3. The site I have selected has a simple food chain. First the plants grow in
the ground which contains animal waste which provides nutrients. Next the
mosquitoes, dragonflies, and other insects feed on the plants. Lastly the birds
feed on the insects as well as seeds from plants and trees. So far I have not
found anything that eats the birds.
Week 2
1. My site has a lot of evidence of humans being there. First of all there are a
few cans and bottles left in the ivy and next to the creek. The second impact that
man has on my site is releasing cigarette smoke into the air. I was able to
conclude that people have smoked there because of a couple of cigarette boxes I
2. My site does have a few limiting factors. First is that during dry seasons,
the plants away from the creek do not have access to water. Also the soil is
lacking nitrogen which is important for the growth of plants. Similar to the plants,
animals do not have access to drinking water or breeding water when the creek
is dry in certain seasons. Another limiting factor for animals is that there aren't
many plants for the animals to eat.
Week 3
1. Bacteria are important to the plants in my site because they break down
organic material and convert it into usable nutrients. These nutrients help the
plants to thrive and grow. The bacteria are important to the soil because they
break down the nutrients and add nutrients. The bacteria are important to
animals because the animals eat the plants that the bacteria provide the nutrients
2. Fungi play an important role in ecosystems. They are found in areas that
are acidic rather than basic. They help recycle dead material. They then can
convert it into usable nutrients.
3. I do have some fungi in my site. It is found near the dead fallen trees. This
may be because they are breaking down the dead materials and are converting it

to usable nutrients. Also, the soil in my area had a pH level of 6 which is slightly
acidic. This is ideal for fungi to grow.
Week 4
1. There are many invertebrates in my area. They mainly consist of
mosquitoes and dragonflies. The larvae of the mosquitoes provide food for fish in
the water as well as bigger insects such as dragonflies. The adult mosquitoes
also provide food for birds. Dragonflies help control the population growth of
mosquitoes and other small insects.
2. Mosquitoes are mostly found near the water because they are able to
breed in it. They are especially found close to still water. The dragonflies are
found mostly where the mosquitoes are because they feed off of them.
Week 5
1. My site has many different plants. The first main one is stinging nettle. I
have concluded that it is an angiosperm dicot. I found this because it does not
have flowers or cones, and the leaves have veins that branch. The next plant is a
fern. I concluded that it is a vascular seedless plant because most ferns are. My
third plant is moss growing on a tree that fell over. This plant is a bryophyte
because all mosses fall under this category. The next plant is a blackberry bush. I
believe that this is also an angiosperm dicot. This plant also has veins in the
leaves that branch. I do not know what type of species my last plant is, however
it has very long thin leaves. I decided that it is an angiosperm monocot. I came to
this conclusion because the leaves are thin and the veins are vertical and
Week 6
1. Dermal tissue is important for protection and making sure water is not lost.
It is the outermost layer of tissue in the plant. The ground tissue is important for
photosynthesis, food storage, regeneration, support, and protection. This layer is
after the dermal tissue. Lastly there is the vascular tissue which is important for
the transport of water, minerals, and food. This layer is the innermost layer.
2. The first necessary nutrient is nitrogen. It is needed because it is important
for plant growth. The next nutrient is phosphorus. It is essential because it helps
transfer energy from sunlight to plants, and it stimulates early root and plant
growth. A last essential element is potassium. It helps with disease prevention
and it helps form and transport starches, sugars, and oils in plants.
3. There are a few ways of pollination in my area. First are that the insects
such as flies and dragonflies transport pollen from plant to plant. Next is the wind
which blows the pollen around, transporting it to other areas. Lastly is the water
which moves the pollen downstream and deposits it in the banks.
4. The plants in my area have to adapt to the area in order to survive. First
they have to be able to have minimal amounts of sunlight because of the tree
coverage which blocks the light. Next they have to be able to withstand different

amounts of water. During some parts of the year there is less water for the plants
to use. Lastly they have to adapt to different temperatures.

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