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The ABAP/4 Dictionary describes the logical structure of the objects used in

application development and shows how they are mapped to the underlying
relational database in tables or views.

Tables, Structures and Views are the three most important objects of

ABAP/4 Dictionary. Tables are defined independently of the database. Once

these objects are defined and activated they are available to all system
components thus ensuring data integrity, data consistency and data

ABAP/4 Dictionary is completely integrated with the ABAP/4 Development


The basic objects for defining data in the ABAP/4 Dictionary are tables,

domains and data elements. Domains are used for the technical definition
(for example field type, field length) of a table field, and data elements for the
semantic definition (for example, short description).

Fields are not independent objects: they are dependent on tables and can

therefore only be maintained within a table; they refer to data elements.

Each data element is dependent on the existence of a domain. Data

Elements determine how a field is displayed to the end-user. These are

objects in their own rights and appear in the object browser as separately.
And since they are objects, once defined they can be reused within the same
table or among fields in other tables in the dictionary.

The data element is the semantic attribute for fields/domain. It describes

exactly one role of a domain in a particular business context for its

dependent fields.

It describes the technical attributes and the meaning of a table field or a

structure field. It also contains the semantic Information of a field. Semantic

Information includes Field labels for displaying.

The domain is the central object for describing the technical characteristics

of an attribute of a business object. It describes the value range of a field.

This is determined by specifying formal characteristics such as external
format, length and so on. In addition, specifying fixed values or a value table
can restrict the value range.

Domains can be defined without further references to other Dictionary

objects. Like Data Elements, Domains are also stored as objects in the
Dictionary. And you can reuse the Domain object for different fields within
the same table or among fields in other tables.

In the ABAP/4 Dictionary, relationships can be defined between tables.

These relationships are known as foreign keys and must be explicitly defined
at field level.

Foreign keys are used above all to ensure the consistency of data. Data

entered should be checked against existing data to ensure that there are no
contradictions. (For example: assignment of a printer that does not exist.)

A combination of fields of a table is identified as a foreign key if this

combination is a primary key in another table.

A foreign key provides a link between two tables T1 and T2. Both the tables

should have the same field names existing in them. In table T1 there is a
reference to the primary key of table T2. In T1, the foreign key fields are
assigned to the primary key fields of T2. The table to be checked i.e. Table
T1 is called the foreign key table (dependent table) and table T2 is called the
check table (referenced table).

The fields from the two tables, which are paired to form the foreign key

relationship, should be of the same data type and length. In other word one
foreign key from one table should correspond with the primary key of the
other table.

If a foreign key is defined between two tables, a record of the foreign key
table refers to a record of the check table. A record is identified via its key,
so in the foreign key definition in the foreign key field it is sufficient to refer
to the primary key of the check table.

In order to avoid the comparison of fields with different data types and field

lengths, the same domain is required within the ABAP/4 Dictionary behind
the check field and the referenced primary key field.

The requirement that the domain be the same applies only to the foreign
key definition for the check field. For all other foreign key fields, it is
sufficient if the data class and field lengths are the same. You should
nevertheless ensure that the domain is the same. When the field length is
changed, the foreign key remains consistent, because both the assigned
fields have been changed (same domain). When the domains are not the
same, the foreign key becomes inconsistent when the field length, for
example, is changed.
In short, A field defined as Foreign key in one table should be defined as

Primary key in another table

While defining the foreign key relationship the cardinality has to be specified
Cardinality mentions in a foreign key relationship how many dependent

records or how referenced records is possible

Domains for the foreign key fields in the check table and the reference table

should be the same

When a transparent table is defined in the ABAP/4 Dictionary, technical

settings must be maintained.


technical settings are used to optimize individually the space

requirements and access behavior of database tables.

The technical settings can be used to determine how the table should be

treated when it is created in the database, whether the table is buffered and
whether changes to entries should be logged.

When the table is activated in the ABAP/4 Dictionary the table is

automatically created in the database. The necessary information on which

memory area (tablespace) to select and the probable table size are
determined from the settings for the data class and size category.

The buffering settings determine whether the table is buffered and how. The

Buffering Type (Full, Single Record, Generic) parameter specifies how many
records are loaded into the buffer when a table entry is accessed.

In the Logging entry, you can specify whether changes to the table entries

should be logged.

The most important data classes are master data, transaction data,

organizational data and system data.

Master data refers to data, which is only seldomly changed. An example of

master data is the data contained in an address file, such as name, address
and telephone number.

Transaction data is data, which is often changed. An example of transaction

data is the stock of goods in a warehouse, which changes each time an order
is processed.

Organizational data is customizing data, which is entered when the system

is configured and is then rarely changed. The table with country keys is an

System data is data, which the R/3 System itself needs. Tables containing

the program sources are an example.

The size category describes the probable space requirement of the table in

the database.

You can choose a size category between 0 and 4. Each category is assigned

to a fixed size of memory area (extent), depending on the database system


Buffering can considerably enhance the performance of the system.

The buffers are located locally on the application servers of the system. The

records of buffered tables are thus read from the local buffer of the
application server on which the accessing transaction is running.

Only Transparent and Pooled table can be buffered. Buffering is not

permitted for Cluster Tables.

Using Indexes records in the tables can be searched in a faster way.

Let us now go through the procedure of creating Tables, Domains, Data

Elements :

While creating the table we will also see how to create a Data Element and
Tables can be created by following the path Tools ABAP/4 Workbench
ABAP/4 Dictionary or Transaction Code SE11. Following this path you can
also create other ABAP/4 dictionary like Structures, Data Elements,
Domains, Views, Matchcodes etc.
Enter a name of the table in the Object Name box and click on the Tables

radio button for creating the table.

The name of the table should begin with a Z or Y. let us create a table with
the name YEMP1.

Enter a table name, select the Tables radiobutton and then Click on Create


Enter a Short description of the table in the Short Text area.

Select the delivery class. Select A.
Check the Tab. Maint. Allowed check box.
Enter a field name. Let us create a field called EMPNO for our example.
You can define a table as Client-Dependent by assigning a field of type CLNT

in the table.

Enter the Data Element Name. Lets create a Data Element called YEMPNO.
Double click on the Data Element name.
If the data element is not existing in the dictionary then you will get a Create

Data Element pop up. If the data element is existing then you will be taken
to the data element information screen in display mode and when you come
back by pressing the BACK icon you will find the field type length and other
information filled.

Click on the enter button if you want to create a new data element
Enter the description of the data element. It is recommended that you give

the same name as the field name preceded with a Z or Y.

You can also enter documentation for the data element. Choose Goto

Documentation. Or press F9. The text that you enter here will be displayed
when you press F1 on the field.

Under Extra DE Supplement Docu., you can specify some additional

documentation like the possible cause of error, what should be done in case
of error etc.
Note : You can also change the docu status with transaction SE61.

Enter the Domain Name

Double click on the domain name to create the domain for the data element

/ field

If the domain is not existing then you will get a pop up asking to create one.
Click on the Yes button

Enter the description for the domain in the Short text area
Specify the data type in the Data Type box in the Format area
Specify the field length

Click on Save icon.

In the resulting popup screen specify a Development Class.
Activate the domain in the dictionary by clicking on the Generate icon on the

application toolbar.

Click on the BACK icon. You will come back to the Data Element

specification screen

In the TEXTS are enter Short, Medium and Long field label names for the


Save the entries for the data element.

You will get a popup screen Specify a Development Class to save the object.
Activate the data element by clicking on the Activate icon
Click on the BACK icon to come back to the table definition screen
Save the table
Click on the local object button
Activate the table by clicking on the Activate button
You will get a pop up as follows :

Enter the Data Class. Enter APPL1 in the data class field. Data Class APPL1
indicates that the field is updated frequently.

Data Class defines the physical area of the database (tablespace) in

which the table should be created. The following data classes are
available :
APPL0 (master data)
APPL1(transaction data)
APPL2(organizational data)

Data in the tables of this class is not frequently

Data in the tables of this class is frequently
Customizing data goes in here. Data in the tables
of this class are not frequently changed

Enter the Size Category. The Size Category defines the expected memory

space required by the table on the database. You have 0 to 4 size category
to choose from for your tables. It defines the size of the table extents. Enter
1 in the Size Category. The value 1 in the size category indicates that the
table is small.

Using the Logging flag, you can log / keep track of the changes (Deletes,

Updates etc.) made on the table. The changes are logged in the table
DBTABPRT. To switch on the logging, a parameter rec/client should be set
in the system profile.
The above parameter can have the following values:
rec/client = 000[,...]
rec/client = OFF
rec/client = ALL

Log the specified clients.

Do not log.
Log all clients.

This parameter defined whether the all clients or selected clients should be
You can also specify the buffering type

Tables buffered by record reside in the single-record table buffer TABLP,

fully and generically buffered tables share the full/generic table buffer TABL.
Specify at least one of the fields as the primary key and then click on Save

icon to save the table and click on Generate icon to activate the table.

To create more fields in the table, click on the New Fields button on the

application toolbar and repeat the above steps.

We have added one more field EMPNAME to the table. Now the table structure
looks like this :

This is how you can create a table. You can use the existing data elements
by placing the cursor in the data element box and then pressing the F4 key.
You can also reuse the domains that you create. You can also create Data
Elements with the existing domains.

To enter data in the tables choose Utilities Create Entries

You will get a data entries screen
Enter the values for the fields and click on the save button after each record

You can display the table contents by going to Utilities Table Contents

Structures are defined in the same way as tables. However, a structure does

not correspond to an object in the database. A structure can be used as a

reference in ABAP/4 programs.

Structures are defined and activated in the ABAP/4 Dictionary. They can

than respond to ABAP/4 programs like tables in the TABLES instructions.

In transparent tables, data can be saved in the database, but structures

only contain data temporarily during the runtime of a program.

Since structures that are used more than once are defined centrally, they

can also be changed centrally. These changes are then effected at all
relevant points by the active ABAP/4 Dictionary

In the ABAP/4 Dictionary, the information about a table is divided between

domains, data elements and the table definition. The runtime object
(nametab) collects this information in a table in a form, which is optional for
application program access.

Summary information about the table (number of fields, total of the lengths

of all table fields, number of key fields, total of lengths of all key fields,
information on whether the table is client specific and how it is buffered,
and so on) is stored in the runtime object. In addition, it contains
information about the table fields (field name, position of the field in the
table, data type, length, decimal places, reference field, check table,
conversion routine, and so on).

If a large set of objects is to be activated simultaneously, for example after

an import, you can use the program RDDMASG0 for mass activation.

An index is used to speed up the selection of data from a table.

All indexes, which are defined in the ABAP/4 Dictionary for a table, are

activated along with the table and are automatically created with it in the

The indexes to a table are distinguished by means of a three-character index

ID. The index ID may contain only letters and figures. The ID '0' is reserved
for the primary index.

Combining the name of the table and the index ID creates the index name in

the database. Table names with fewer than 10 places are filled with
underscores with the ID being added on at the end. The index ID is thus
always located at positions 10-13.

An index could be described as a copy of a database table reduced to

specific fields. This data exists in this copy in sorted form. This sorting
enables fast access to the data records of the table. In order that the
remaining fields can also be read, that is, those fields not contained in the
index, a pointer to the associated record of the actual table are included in
the index.

Fields, which frequently contains constants in many selections, should be

located at the beginning.

The database utility allows you to create and delete objects defined in the

ABAP/4 Dictionary in the database. In addition the database utility

supports structural adjustments - so-called conversions - of an object
definition in the database to changed definitions of the object in the ABAP/4
Dictionary. The operations, which the database utility executes for an object,
are logged. The object log can be displayed from the database utility.

The database utility offers several analysis options. It can:

Check whether a table in the database already contains records..
Display the definition of the table in the database.
Display the runtime object for a table.
Check consistency between the database table and the runtime



consistency between the definition of the table in

Dictionary maintenance (SE11) and the runtime object.

Views, Match code objects, lock objects etc. is known as aggregated objects.
Using Views, you can permit access to certain set of data from a table or a

set of tables in an application. In other words Views are a logical datasets

which contain data extracted from a single table or multiple tables as a
single entity.

These objects are based on tables

The data for an application object is often distributed on several DB tables

in a relational data model.

The database systems therefore permit you to define application-dependent

views on the data.

In this way, data from different tables can be combined in a logical manner

and information which is not of interest can be masked out.

Aggregate objects in the ABAP/4 Dictionary are objects, which are formed

from several tables.

Views are application-dependent displays of various ABAP/4 Dictionary


Views make it possible to provide the user with information from fields of

various tables required when working with the R/3 System.

Views are used mainly for programming with ABAP/4 and for the F4 help.
Views are used to represent data which is distributed between many tables
Data of a view is not actually physically stored. The data in a view is derived

from one or more tables

There are 4 types of views : Database View, Project View, Maintenance

View and Help View

The individual tables involved in a view should be linked with a relational

join operation

The data that is selected using a view depend on whether the views

implement an inner join or an outer join. Database views implement Inner

Join whereas Maintenance Views and Help Views implement an outer join

Using the inner join, you can retrieve records which are there in the entire

table involved in the view i.e. you only get the records of the primary table
which also have the same record in the secondary tables of the view.

Using an outer join you can also select the records for which there are no

entries in the secondary tables

Note :
The join conditions for database views can be formulated using equality
relationships between any base fields. The join conditions for the other view
types must be obtained from existing foreign keys. Tables therefore can only be
combined into a maintenance view or help view if they are linked to one another
with foreign keys.

To create a view follow the path Tools ABAP/4 Workbench ABAP/4


Give the view name and click the view radio button
Click on the create button

Select the View type from the pop box

DB views can be created on the database and are defined in the ABAP

Dictionary once they are activated. They are provided for the user as virtual

It is possible to access the data of a DB view in ABAP/4 programs both with


Since the Database View is implemented on a database, only transparent

tables can be used to create them.

If a DB view is also to be used to insert new records in its (only) base table,

the initialization flag should be set for the base table fields which are not
view fields. In this case, these fields will automatically be filled with the
initial value by the view when a new record is inserted.

Select the Database View from the pop up box

Enter a description for the view
Under the tables box specify the table names. Let us take the F1S database

as our example. Select the tables SFLIGHT, SPFLI and SBOOK.

Specify the Join condition between the tables in the Join Conditions box

Or click on the Relationships button under the tables box

From the popup screen select the combination of the tables relationships

and the click the Copy icon. You will get the joins conditions defined for you.

Next place the cursor in the box of the tables and click on the TabFileds

button on the toolbar to select the fields from each table to include the fields
from those tables to be included in the View. For our Example Lets place it
on SPFLI table.

In the pop up box check the fields that you want to include in the view and

click the Copy button.

Do the same for the tables whose fields you would like to have as part of the
view. Let us select some fields from SFLIGHT and SCARR tables
These fields will appear in the View Fields area

Save and activate the view. When you save, you will be prompted for a

Development class.

Now you have created a Database view

To execute the database views go to Utilities Display Data
Click on the execute button. You will get the data for the view

You can also specify the selection condition for the view
Choose Goto Selection Condition or click on the Next Screen icon on the

tool bar

The Selection Condition box will appear in place of View Fields box

Give the condition by specifying the table name, field name, operator,

comparison value and the AND/OR condition in case you want to more
fields in the selection condition

You can type in the detail if you are sure of them or else place the cursor in

the Selection condition box and click on the TabFields button

You will get a pop box with the table name, which you had selected, in the

first screen

Double click on the table name to get the list of the fields for the table
Check the field(s) on which you want to base the condition and click on the

Copy icon / button

The fields will appear in the Selection Condition area

Then you specify the operator, comparison value and the AND/OR

condition. For our example we have done a selection on SFLIGHT-CARRID =


Save and activate the View

Display the data in the view by going to Utilities Display Data

Note: You could have still displayed the data without specifying conditions. In
short, specifying conditions is optional.
After you display the data from the view, you can download to an

unconverted file format or spreadsheet or to a RTF file

In the result screen go to Edit Download .

Select the file type by selecting the appropriate radio button
In the next screen give the path of the download file name with the

extension and press the enter icon

Go the location where the file was created and open the file with the

appropriate application

You can sort the data in Ascending or descending order

To do this first select all the rows by going to Edit Select Select all
This will put a check mark in the check boxes
Goto Edit Sort Ascending / Sort Descending to sort the data

You can also print the result

Projection Views can be created only on single tables

Selection conditions cannot be specified for a Projection View
The relational operator projection is used to remove fields from a cross-

product table created by join and selection. Information that is of no interest

for the particular view can thus be masked out i.e, the data that is actually
required is displayed when the database is accessed.

It also possible to access Pooled and Cluster tables using Projection View.
The remaining fields are the fields of the views defined by join selection and


In a projection, fields, which are used to formulate the selection condition,

can also be masked out.

From the pop up box select the Projection View type radio button and click

on choose

Give a short description for the view

Specify the base table name on which you want to create the view

Place the cursor in the View Fields area and click on the TabFields button

the toolbar

In the pop up box you will get the list of the fields of the table. Check the

fields to select them and click on copy button

The selected fields will appear in the view fields area

Save and activate the view

To execute the Project View follow these steps :

Choose Utilities Repository Infosys

Expand Basic Objects

Double click on views

Give the Projection View name

Click the Execute button

Mark the Check box against the View name

Goto Views Test / Execute

Click the execute icon

You will get the data for the view

After you display the data from the view, you can download to an

unconverted file format or spreadsheet or to a RTF file

In the result screen go to Edit Download .

Select the file type by selecting the appropriate radio button
In the next screen give the path of the download file name with the

extension and press the enter icon

Go the location where the file was created and open the file with the

appropriate application

You can sort the data in Ascending or descending order

To do this first select all the rows by going to Edit Select Select all
This will put a check mark in the check boxes
Goto Edit Sort Ascending / Sort Descending to sort the data
You can also print the result

Let us go through the procedure of creating Maintenance Views

Maintenance Views give a business oriented view of the data and at same

time allows you to maintain the data.

Maintenance Views are more like Database views where you have specify the

foreign key relationship between the tables. The foreign key relationship
should exist between the tables i.e. data from several tables can be
presented to in Maintenance view collectively.

All the tables used in the Maintenance View should have a foreign key


From the pop up box select the Maintenance View type radio button and

click on choose

Give a short description for the view

Give the Parent table name in the Tables box

Click Relationship button under the tables box

You will get a pop up box with the foreign key relationship of the base table

Mark the Check box and click the Copy icon / button

The candidate table will be displayed in the Tables box and the foreign key

relationship will be displayed in the Join Conditions box

You can also specify Selection Conditions by clicking on the Next Screen

icon. (Follow the Steps in the Database View to specify the Selection

Note : Dont forget to mention the AND / OR condition.

Save and activate the View
Now you will have to maintain the View
Goto Environment Table Main. Generator
Enter a function Group name
Specify the Authorizations Group as AC ( RA:User Controlled )

Specify the Maintenance Screen numbers in the Overview Screen and Single

Screen boxes ( Give numbers here eg. 100 / 200 )

Click on the create button on the toolbar

Save the object in a Development Class.

Go back by pressing the BACK Icon

Select the Maintenance status by going to Extras Maintenance Status

Save and activate the view

To execute the Maintenance View run the transaction code /nSM30

The view name will be displayed on the screen

Click the Maintain button and you will get the output

You can create New Entries by clicking on the New Entries button on the

application toolbar, Change the field contents, delete etc., but these changes
will not be reflected in the tables


the maintenance view has been created and activated, the

maintenance modules must be generated in the specified transaction. To do
so, it is necessary to define a function group into which the maintenance
modules are generated. The function group is automatically created if it does
not yet exist. This function group must be in the customer name range.

The generated maintenance dialog can be started at any time with the menu
path System Services Ext. table maint.
A maintenance interface for a single database table can also be generated in

the transaction Table view generation. If a text table exists for it, this text
table can be automatically maintained.

Help views can be used as a selection method in search helps. This is

necessary especially if a view with outer join is required for the value
selection in the search help. Since database views always implement an
inner join, a help view must be selected as selection method in such cases.

All the tables used in a help view must be linked with foreign keys. Only

foreign keys which have certain semantic attributes can be used here

The steps are the same as that for a Database View or Maintenance View
The help view is a type of view, which was specially designed for the

requirements of the possible entries help. Help views are also defined using
the relational operations join selection and projection. However, there are
several important differences to the DB view.

SAP HELP only uses help views. In particular, it is not possible to access

them with either OPEN SQL or NATIVE SQL.

The order of base tables in a help view cannot be changed. The primary

table plays a special role. The help view is used as possible entries help for
exactly those fields which are checked against this table. This is done
automatically. For this reason, a table may not be the primary table of more
than one help view.

There are special restrictions for the foreign key relationships used to set up

a help view. They must be defined so that at most one record of the
successor table is assigned to a record of the predecessor table. The
successor table may also be a text table for the predecessor table. In this
case, only those records of the text table that have the log on language in
the language field are automatically taken into consideration when creating
the view.

Search Help has replaced Matchcodes in 4.0B. Existing Matchcodes have been
converted into Search helps with the same name.
Matchcodes are tools for finding data records, which are stored in the

system. They are an efficient and convenient search help if the key is not

A matchcode ID is always uniquely assigned to a matchcode object. It is

formed from the base tables of this matchcode object by join, selection and
projection. The definition of a matchcode ID can also influence the way in
which the search help is displayed.

A matchcode ID is defined similarly to a view. You should, however, note

some differences:

The definition is based on the matchcode object to which the ID belongs.

The update type is one of the general characteristics, which must be defined.
The primary table of the ID is the same as the primary table of the

matchcode object.

The secondary tables must be selected from the secondary tables of the

matchcode object.

The fields must be selected from the fields of the matchcode object. They are

also given the names, which they had when the matchcode object was
defined. Various definitions can also be made concerning the output
characteristics of the fields.

Matchcode is a tool used for searching data records in a system

To create a matchcode, first create a Matchcode object, then create a

matchcode ids

One or more matchcode ids can be created for a matchcode object

Specify the primary table and the secondary tables
The system will display a list of tables having relationship with the primary


Select the tables that you would want to include in the matchcode

From each selected secondary table, select the fields to be included in the

Click on the fields buttons the toolbar.

Save and activate the matchcode object

Next create a matchcode id
Select the matchcode object
Double click on the matchcode object
Click on the matchcode ids
Give matchcode id no
Choose the tables.

Click on Choose Sec. Tables button and select the tables from the list

Give the table name and index name

Select the fields

Click on the fields button on the application toolbar

Enter the matchcode fields by which you want to search the records
These should have been selected in the matchcode object
You can create nine matchcode ids for a matchcode object

Certain names are not allowed because they are used in database systems or
because of SAA naming conventions. These names may not be used as names
for tables, views or table fields. When creating a table or a view, a check is made
on whether or not the intended name is allowed. The corresponding check is
performed during activation for table fields.
The reserved names are entered in the table TRESE. This table has two fields.
In the first field the reserved names are entered, in the second the reason the
name is reserved. This is normally the (abbreviated) name of the database
system, which causes the name to be reserved. If the name violates the SAA
naming conventions, SAA is entered.
Because the table TRESE can be extended, for example when a new database
system is supported, the activation program distinguishes two cases when
checking the field names. If the field is new, the activation of the table is
rejected. You must then change the field name. If the table was previously
active with the field, only a warning is output and the table is nevertheless
For transparent tables, structures and pooled/cluster tables, you should use
the name ranges Y* and Z*. The name ranges T9* and P9* are intended for
special tables. T9* is intended for pooled tables in the ATAB pool and P9* for
customer-specific information types (HR).
Note that the names of some SAP objects violate these naming conventions.
These objects were developed before the introduction of the naming
conventions. In view of the problems involved and for the sake of stability, SAP
did not rename these objects. The names of these objects are listed in the
exception table TDKZ and may also not be used when creating customer

Customer Name Ranges for ABAP/4 Dictionary Objects


Name length

Data element
Data element4
Matchcode object 4Y*, Z*
Matchcode ID
Lock object
ZSTR123 Transp.
Index code
Customer includes

Customer name range


Y*, Z*
Y*, Z*

YNAME, Z1234

9000 to 9999
0 to 9
Y*, Z*


EY*, EZ*


Y*, Z*, T9*, P9*



Y*, Z*, T9*, P9*



Y*, Z*
Y*, Z*

Y12, ZAB


YY*, ZZ*
Y*, Z*
H_Y*, H_Z*





ABAP/4 Dictionary Maintenance/Display

Tools ABAP/4 Workbench Development ABAP/4 Dictionary
- Dictionary maintenance (SE11) -

Dictionary display (SE12)

Repository Information System Data Dictionary

1. Tools ABAP/4 Workbench Development Dictionary (enter Dictionary
object, object name and choose operation)
Environment Repository Info Sys. or
2. Tools ABAP/4 Workbench Overview Repository Infosys.
- ABAP/4 Repository Information System (SE84) / ABAP/4 Repository
infosystem - Data Dictionary (SE15)
Data Display/Maintenance (Data Browser)
1. Tools ABAP/4 Workbench Development ABAP/4 Dictionary (Dictionary
object:Table, Enter table name and choose operation)
Utilities Table contents (data display) or Utilities Create entries (data

2. Tools ABAP/4 Workbench Overview Data Browser
- Data display/maintenance (Data Browser) (SE16)
Tools ABAP/4 Workbench Development ABAP/4 Dictionary (Dictionary
object: Table, enter table name and choose operation)
Goto Indexes or pushbutton Indexes...
Technical Settings
Tools ABAP/4 Workbench Development ABAP/4 Dictionary (Dictionary
object: Table, enter table name and choose operation)
Goto Technical settings or pushbutton Technical settings

Matchcode ID
Tools ABAP/4 Workbench Development ABAP/4 Dictionary (Dictionary
object: Matchcode objects, enter matchcode object name and choose operation)
Goto Matchcode IDs or pushbutton Matchcode IDs
Database Utility
Tools ABAP/4 Workbench Development ABAP/4 Dictionary (Enter
Dictionary object and object name and choose operation)
Utilities Database utility
- Database utility (SE14)
Storage Parameters
Tools ABAP/4 Workbench Development ABAP/4 Dictionary (Enter
Dictionary object and object name and select operation)
Utilities Database utility
Goto Storage parameters or pushbutton Storage parameters
- Database utility (SE14) Goto Storage parameters
Fixed Values
Tools ABAP/4 Workbench Development ABAP/4 Dictionary (Dictionary
object:Domain, enter domain name and choose operation)
Goto Fixed values or pushbutton Fixed values
Maintenance View
Tools ABAP/4 Workbench Development Other tools
- Table view generation (SE54)
System Services Ext. table maint.
- Maintain Table Views (SM30)

Transparent Tables :
A transparent table in the dictionary has one-to-one relationship with a table in
the database. Its structure in the R/3 Data Dictionary corresponds to a single
database field. The database table has the same name, the same number of
fields, and the fields have the same names as the R/3 table definition.
The transparent tables hold application data. Application data is master data or
transaction data used by an application.

Pooled Tables :
A pooled table has many-to-one relationship with the table in the database. For
one table in the database, there are many tables in the R/3 dictionary. The
table in the database has a different name than the tables in the DDIC, it has a
different number of fields, and the fields have different names as well.
A pooled table is stored in a table pool at the database level.
A table pool is a database table with a special structure that enables the data of
many R/3 tables to be stored within it. It can hold only pooled tables.

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