Dodger Greywing's Terms of Service: Updated June 05, 2015

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Dodger Greywings Terms of Service

Updated June 05, 2015

The terms contained herein may be changed at any time without notice, but will not be effective
By contacting Atomic Gryphon Art (Dodger Greywing) for work, the commissioner or customer
agrees to all terms contained herein.
The parties henceforth shall be referred to as you/your/yours (the commissioner or customer)
and me/my/mine (the artist, D. DuCharme/Dodger Greywing/Atomic Gryphon Art).
I will not...
Draw copyrighted characters in adult situations (this includes any fetish material).
I will do clean fanart.
Draw any other persons character without their express permission; I will contact
the other person directly, and will not accept hearsay permission.
Attempt to mimic another artists style.
Draw certain fetishes. This includes scat, watersports, cub, pregnancy, or adult
baby/diaper. Note that this is not a complete list, but dont be afraid to ask me about any
not listed here!
To get started...
I prefer communication to be strictly through e-mail; its much easier to organize
that way. If youd prefer a different mode of communication, just ask! However, only
changes requested through e-mail are official.
I absolutely will not communicate through FurAffinity notes, for
security and accessibility reasons.
E-mail me at annabelle.ashworth [at] with basic details: what type of
commission you are wanting (icon, lineart, cell-shaded, etc.); your FurAffinity, Weasyl,
SoFurry, or deviantART name; and how many characters will be in the image (as well as
their respective owner[s], if they are not your original characters).
Wait for me to respond--this may take a few days. If I have decided to accept
your request, I will contact you with a quote. If I do not accept your request, I will tell you,
and may give you a reason.
Send me clear references of all the characters. If no pictures exist, then you can
send a detailed written description. Also give me a detailed description of what you want
the final image to look like.
I will not be responsible for any errors due to the omission of
information, although I will make no more than 2 attempts to rectify these errors.
Any reference images featuring pregnancy, scat, or watersports
will result in immediate refusal of services.
Deadlines and Edits
I will discuss deadlines with you before I begin any work. The deadlines depend

on the number of characters and complexity of the image.

If I feel I cannot make your requested deadline, I will attempt to
negotiate a different deadline. If we cannot reach an agreement, I will decline the
Once the deadlines have been established, I will ask for payment in full before I
begin the sketching stage. For larger, costlier commissions, payment may be broken up,
with half as a down payment, and the rest being paid after the sketch has been
The sketching stage includes two rounds of editing. At this stage, minor and
major edits are allowed. Sketch and icon commissions include only one round of editing.
Minor edit: adding or changing of jewelry, color change, or other
small, easily changed details
Major edit: changing entire outfits, changing the pose,
repositioning limbs
Once the image is finished, only one round of minor edits will be allowed. This
round usually occurs after flat colors have been added, to guarantee accuracy of colors
and markings.
Any additional rounds of edits, or requesting a major edit of a finished image, will
incur additional charges.
I will do my best to meet deadlines, but of course real life occasionally gets in the
way. If I miss a deadline, you will be refunded 30% of your payment. If a deadline is
missed because you were unresponsive, then no refund will be issued, and I may
request that remaining deadlines be moved so that I dont have to rush your
Very short deadlines (short is at my discretion) may require a rush fee.
I only accept payment through PayPal.
There may be very rare exceptions to this. These exceptions will
be specified in advance.
After accepting your commission, I will send you an invoice for the agreed upon
I will not accept payment that is not in response to an invoice. Any
money not attached to an invoice will be immediately refunded.
I only accept payment in United States Dollars.

Refunds will be issued upon request.

If you request a refund, the amount of the refund will be calculated
depending on the amount of work already completed, ex. if only 20% of the final
product has been completed, you will receive a refund of 80% of your total.
If I cancel a commission, refunds will be issued depending upon the reason for
Cancellations due to personal issues or overwhelming workload
will be refunded in full.

Cancellations due to harassment and/or abuse* from you will NOT

be refunded in full. In these case, refunds will be calculated depending on the
amount of work already completed.
My Rights
I reserve the right to refuse any commission, for any reason, without explanation.
I reserve the right to terminate our agreement at any time if I am unable to
complete the commission or if your behavior becomes abusive or harassing*.
I may post the finished image on any of my art accounts or blogs. I may also use
it as an example of my commission work. If you want to remain anonymous, I will list the
art as just a commission, without your name.
I may include the image in a future portfolio.
I may sell prints of the image.
The image may be used in contests.
My signature or watermark must be left on the image, and I must be credited.
Any edits to the finished artwork must be approved by me. You or other artists
may not edit the image without my permission.
*Harassment and abuse are defined as such:
Excessive communication: requests for updates should be limited no more than
TWICE PER WEEK. This means twice in total. Requests for updates on multiple
platforms (E-mail, FurAffinity, Weasyl, Twitter, Skype, etc.) within a single week will count
as excessive harassment. You will receive TWO warnings in cases of excessive
communication. Failure to comply will result in cancellation of your commission; the
refund issued will be calculated according to the amount of work completed.
Aggressive language: cursing at me, threats, and the use of slurs will be met with
ONE warning. Continuing use of aggressive language will result in cancellation of your
commission; the refund issued will be calculated according to the amount of work
Negative publicity: if I have wronged you, please tell me! Any public postings
concerning poor customer service on my end, without first attempting to rectify the issue
with me, especially for the purpose of encouraging attacks by unrelated parties or for
libel against my business, will be viewed as harassment.
Your Rights
You have the right to terminate our agreement at any time, for any reason.
You may post the image to any of your accounts or blogs (as long as I am
credited), and use the image for icons (also with credit).
You have all rights to use the image for personal use, but to sell prints or use the
image commercially, you must purchase the commercial rights. The price of the
commercial rights will be negotiated on a case-by-case basis.
You may request updates on your commission, within reason. I will ask you to
stop if I feel you are requesting updates too frequently (more than once a day will be
seen as too frequently); continuing this behavior will be seen as harassment and I will
terminate our agreement and issue a refund.

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