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Ruach BBG #83s

December 2014

One Community

Table of Contents
Who are We? .. 3
The Executive Wall ..3
Fall Convention ....6
Summer Programs ...7
My First Regional Convention 8
Meet our Beaus.. ...9
MLIR (My Life Is Ruach) 10
Ruach Recipe ...11
Pets of Ruach.... 12
Coloring.... 14
Maze Craze..15

Who Are We?

Ruach was founded in 1994 by Erica Jablin
The word Ruach means Spirit in Hebrew
This is Ruachs 21st year and still growing strong!
In 1996, we adopted the blue M&M as our mascot
Our chapter colors are blue and white

The Executive Wall

Executive board members share their positions
My name is Ilissa Chasnick and I am the N'siah of Ruach BBG
#83. Having the position of N'siah is not the easiest task in the
world. I have to make sure everyone is doing their jobs, and
have to make sure I am motivating them to do their best at
everything. I believe one of the most important parts of being
N'siah is making sure that everyone has a friend and that no
one is left out in the chapter. That is just a little taste of what I am lucky enough
to do every day.
Hi, Im Yael Plotnick. As S'ganit I am responsible for
programming in the sisterhood, recreation and creativity folds. I
ran for this position because I wanted to create meaningful
programs for the girls in my chapter and to work with other
S'ganim to bring chapters together. As S'ganit I also try to help
general board members and especially young members plan

programs. I was inspired to run by the actions of older members. I am so

optimistic about the rest of the programming year and I can't wait to see how
the board and general chapter members work together.
My name is Rebecca and I am the MIT mom and membership
vice president of Ruach BBG, also known as Aym HaChaverot. I am in charge of recruiting new members and
making sure everything is peachy with membership. I love
being able to make an impact on the chapter and show
perspectives how great BBYO is. I ran for this position
because I wanted to inspire younger members, as I was inspired by my own
MIT mom as a freshman. I want them all to find their BBG feeling and
experience everything BBYO has to offer; and I am excited to give back and
educate new members to carry on the chapter in future years.
My name is Margo Dickstein, and I am Ruachs Shlicha. The
Shlicha is one of the chapter vice presidents and is in
charge of three of the six folds: Community Service, Social
Action, and Jewish Heritage. As Shlicha, I am responsible
for contacting organizations in order to coordinate chapter
community service projects. I also plan chapter events
relating to Jewish Heritage. I love this position because I am truly passionate
about these folds, and I believe that BBYO can be our way to change the world
while discovering our Jewish identities.
Hi, my name is Jen Weinger and I am Ruach BBG #83's
Gizbarit. I am in charge of fundraisers for my chapter, the
philanthropy section of StandUp!, and many more exciting jobs
and duties. I love being the Gizbarit of my chapter. I feel like I
am doing much more than fundraising. I am making a
difference by raising money to benefit charities that our
chapter votes on to donate money to. I love helping this process and I love that I
am able to do this during my high school career.

My name is Julia Weingarden and I am Ruach's Katvanit. As

Katvanit my main job is to record and type the minutes from
chapter and exec meetings. I also take attendance from
Ruach's events. Lastly, I promote summer programs, which
everyone should go on!!!
I am Kayla Kapen, Ruachs Mazkirah. The Mazkirah is the
chapter phone caller. I love being a phone caller because
every week we get to call someone in the chapter and
just talk to them. Also, when you are a phone caller you
get to design the buzz book! The Buzz Book contains
different information about all of the members of the
chapter. This is so much fun because I get to learn new things about the girls in
our chapter.
Hiya! My name is Jamie, and I am the 21st Orechet for Ruach
BBG #83. I make the newspaper for Regional Convention,
which includes formatting it and making the final product.
Being the Orechet isnt easy, but it sure is fun! I enjoy making
the articles and coming up with new ideas!
Hey Ruach BBG! My name is Carly Taub and I'm your
Madracha for this programming year! As Madracha, or past
president, I'm here for the exec board and every member
for advice or for anything in general. I'm currently a freshman
at the University of Michigan but I'll always be a Ruach BBG at
heart. Please feel free to contact me whenever. Thats what
I'm here for!
Hey! Im Lauren Bussell, Ruachs sunshine girl. I spread
sunshine to the chapter by wishing people happy birthday
and thanking families that host functions for our chapter. I
make sure that every girl in Ruach feels loved and

takes Fall

My name is Jenna and in early November, I attended my first Fall Convention. It

was so much fun! I had never attended anything regionally before, so I am really
glad that I was able to make it to the weekend at Tamarack. I met so many
new people from different chapters and I bonded closer with the girls in my
chapter. We did so many activities and I cannot wait to attend more regional
events in my next four years of BBYO.
-Jenna Ellenstein

Summer Programs and

Shabbat Nights
Chapter members share their summer programing involvements
This past summer I was lucky enough to
attend Impact: DC. All of the Impact programs
focus on service and advocacy. I had the honor
of spending my two weeks volunteering at the
Wider Circle. I got to become friends with all of
the staff there. Wider Circle focuses on
providing dignity quality (no stains, tears, etc.)
furniture and clothing to those who cannot
afford it. Also during Impact I had the honor of
lobbying with a Michigan Senator. My group of
me and two other BBYO teens from Michigan lobbied to create more
regulations on oil spills in the Great Lakes. It was amazing to be able to speak
about something I feel strong about. We also got to speak to homeless people
and groups to help them and learn about how they have lived, and ways to help
them. This program taught me how anyone can make a difference and that the
simplest things can change a persons life. In total it was an amazing experience
that I would recommend to anyone.
-Ilissa Chasnick

This summer I had the great fortune to go on

Chapter Leadership Training Convention, a
summer program focused around the
development of leadership skills. Going in I
expected to walk away with what BBYO's
description on B-linked promised, a chance to
form mock chapters and together learn specific
skills that will help them [AZAs and BBGs]
strengthen and lead their chapter at home. I was

excited to just get the opportunity to learn from some of the most experienced
AZAs and BBGs from across North America, and to bring back what I learned
to my chapter and region, to apply it and teach others. What I didn't expect,
however, is to become friends with people from half the states in the U.S., to
make friends I still talk to almost every day, and finally, to catch myself using the
leadership rules and techniques I learned at CLTC in my everyday life. As they
say, you get what you put in, and putting my best foot forward, keeping a good
attitude and opening up to new people allowed CLTC to be all it could be.
-Yael Plotnick

My First Regional Convention

Jamie remembers her first Regional Convention experience
My first Regional Convention was in December 2013 with my previous chapter
Or Shemesh BBG #786, and it was
a blast! This was the place where I
made friends with all the Ruach girls
and I met so many new BBYO
people I had never met before! It
was so fun to see all the spirit in
BBYO! I loved hearing all the
cheers people came up with and I
loved the traditions that were again
brought up. I also remember
winning first place banner which
was the most amazing feeling!! I
loved the sleepovers with my chapter and I loved all of the people in my
chapter! I am so happy I went to regional convention! The people were all so
nice and I loved being around them! I will never forget my first Regional
-Jamie Chmara

Da Boiz
Meet the Beaus of Ruach

Jonny Brasch
Chapter: Fisher AZA
Grade: Sophomore
School: North Farmington High School

Ethan Lis
Chapter: Fisher AZA
Grade: Junior
School: Bloomfield Hills High School

Both of our
beaus joined
our chapter at
Fall Convention
this year.
We all had a

Why did the M&M Cross the

Jokes from our chapter
How does NASA organize their company parties? They planet.
Why can`t you hear a pterodactyl go to the bathroom? Because the P is
What kind of shoes do ninjas wear? Sneakers.
Why does Snoop Dogg carry an umbrella? Fo drizzle.
What did Jay-Z call his girlfriend before they got married? Feyonc.
What do you call a big pile of kittens? A meowntain.
You want to hear a pizza joke? Never mind, its pretty cheesy.
What does a nosey pepper do? Get jalapeo business.

My Life is Ruach
How our lives revolve around Ruach

I think I have an M&M addiction. MLIR

My favorite color is blue. MLIR
I was a blue M&M for Halloween this year. MLIR
I love M&Ms. MLIR
My nickname is M&M. MLIR
I have twelve boxes of Ruach stuff in my basement. MLIR
My house is colored blue and white. MLIR
I opened an M&M package and the blues were on top. MLIR
My birthday present was surrounded by M&Ms. MLIR
I went to the store for some gum and left with a package of M&Ms. MLIR
Every time I put on a winter hat, I always put on my Ruach one. MLIR
I got a blue M&M phone case for Hanukkah this year. MLIR


Ruachs Recipe of the Month

M&M Brownie Bark
2 large egg whites
1/2 c. granulated sugar
3 T. unsweetened cocoa
1/4 c. vegetable oil
1/2 tsp. vanilla extract
1/4 tsp. salt
1/4 tsp. baking soda
1/2 c. all-purpose flour
1 (12.6 oz.) bag plain or peanut M&Ms
1/2 c. mini semisweet chocolate chips

1. Preheat the oven to 325 F. Line a 1318-inch rimmed baking pan with
parchment paper.
2. In a large mixing bowl, whisk the egg whites until foamy.
3. Add sugar, and whisk until combined.
4. Whisk in oil and vanilla until incorporated.
5. Add flour, cocoa powder, salt, and baking soda. Whisk until combined.
6. Pour the batter into the prepared baking pan, smoothing as needed.
7. Sprinkle M&Ms evenly over batter, and then sprinkle mini chips over the
8. Bake for about 15-20 minutes.
9. Let it cool until its easy to handle.
10. Break into pieces, and enjoy!


Fuzzy Members of Ruach!

Members of our chapter talk about their pets

These are my cats Daisy (white) and

Reese (brown and black). They are 17
and 12 years old and they sleep most
of the day. I love them with all my
heart and my family does too!
Jamie Chmara
In the spring of my freshmen year I became a
hedgehog owner. Yes, a hedgehog, the undeniably
cute creatures featured in children's stories and
found in pictures all over the internet. It all started
when my mom came down to dinner, Shabbat
dinner in fact, and proposed the idea. This led to a
few queries from my brother and me, namely what
is a hedgehog?!. After a lot of research and flipping
through oodles of pictures online I jumped on the
let's get a hedgehog board. My brother being a
total animal lover was convinced from the start, so
next I just had to convince my mom (though she
was the one who introduced the idea) that the
idea was practical and that my brother and I could
and would take care of another pet (we already
had two dogs). Once I had the facts, however, my
mom relented (and convinced my dad), she
actually was very excited being that she had
previously owned exotic pets and loves animals.
Next, things got fun. We found a breeder, visited
her and her pack of breeding hedgehogs, got on
a waiting list for a hedgehog, built a cage, acquired

all the necessary supplies, and finally chose a name. So it came to be that a few
months after my mom planted the idea in our brains our eight week old
hedgehog, Leyla, came home with us. And Leyla the hedgehog, Vinur and Cassie
the dogs, and all the two legged family members lived happily ever after.
-Yael Plotnick
This is our dog, Sammy! He is a black and white
cockapoo, and we got him a little over eight
years ago. He likes spending his day playing fetch
or tug-of-war with anyone around, and taking
naps on the couch. Sammy is also super friendly,
and gets so excited when meeting new people.
Hes such a sweet dog, and our family loves him
a lot!
-Rebecca and Jenna Ellenstein
My dogs name is Max. He is nine years old. We got him when we he was just a
puppy, though he was as big as he is now. Max is a
rescue dog. We got him from Paws 4 a Cause in
Ohio. Max was born during Hurricane Katrina, and
was then rescued. My grandpa found Max, and
then told my parents about him. He likes to sleep,
A LOT! He doesnt really do much. He likes to
socialize with the small dogs in the neighborhood,
and prefers them to big dogs. He likes to go on
walks and get his butt scratched. He is a great
cuddle buddy and the best dog a girl could ask for.
-Ilissa Chasnick


Color the M&Ms!


Maze Craze!
Can you find your way through the maze to the blue M&M?


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