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Current Thinking on 4/29/15

Learning. Collaborating. Results.

Priority Work: Investigate ways of increasing student achievement in mathematics, at the K-8
What can we do? What should we do? How will we measure success?

Building Common Beliefs

Source: Jo Bolar

Aligning Beliefs with Practices

Phasing out ability/skimming off the top strategies and phasing in mixed ability/flexible
grouping strategies
Instruction for Gifted Learners
Inappropriate Instruction
Appropriate Instruction
Ask them to do things they already know
Use multiple resources
how to do, and then to wait for others to
Use higher-level questions in justification
learn how.
and discussion of problems
Ask them to do "more of the same stuff
Use inquiry-based, discovery learning
approaches that emphasize open-ended
Cut them loose from peers and the
problems with multiple solutions
teacher for long periods of time.
Provide units, activities or problems that
They spend substantial time in the role
extend beyond the normal curriculum
of tutor or "junior teacher."
Differentiate instruction and
Increased use of technology
Flexible cluster grouping with flexible

Current Thinking on 4/29/15

Regular feedback from the teacher

Sources: Principles and Standards for School Mathematics (NCTM, 2000)andTheNational Association for Gifted Children

How Might We Preplan for Communications?

Brainstorming by Tom Idstrom & Cathy Kindem

Parent Meeting
1. Clarify Purpose of Meeting
You stated in your email...the potential direction of math in the district at the elementary level and
how more specifically will this will influence math instruction and learning for your child
2. Rationale of District Changes
We would like to share with you the rationale for the change
o Share direction of District and how this influences what happens at elementary X
o Share how elementary x will influence their children (and we believe positively impact

3. Impact to your child

So that is the direction of district but how does this impact you and your child??
Even M3 might not be meeting the needs
What does workshop model look like for your child?
Address Concerns: Somethings will look different (district looks different, etc)
Fill gaps in a similar way
Your child will still be receiving GT services
Need your support to challenge us and your child to do our best

Common Talking Points

We want your child challenged beyond the structure we currently havenew plans will not be
counterproductive to your child
Until we fully equip teachers within the math workshop model, there will need to be some gifted
enrichment/ intervention with the GT teacher
Identified GT students will continue to get GT services
Ensure needs will be met (and there is a plan)
Systems of excellence versus pockets of excellence
Talk about challenge, bringing challenge to students
Gifted students need special attention
Wont offer the world...not everyone will be trained...yet!
Dont want to promise too much
Share changes are research-based

Current Thinking on 4/29/15

o intentionally behind what we are doing
o we arent going backwards
o there is a why/a reason/a plan
Reassuring teachers there will be support
Benefit of having all students all day will create a greater opportunity for them to meet the needs of
all students
Additional Notes:
Google Classroom: Elementary Math Support (Class Code ke7ky7)

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