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Thesis B deadlines

1. Thesis Submission

Thesis is due Tuesday by 12pm week 13, 2 nd June 2015 on the Moodle
site. Students must upload a copy onto the Moodle site via the
Assessment folder.
Late submissions will be penalised and must be received before 12pm.
Please refer to the course outline for more details.
2. Posters
In addition to submitting a thesis, students are expected to attend Open
Day, held on the Friday of week 13, 5th June 2015.
Poster templates are available on the Moodle site in the folder Poster
As part of Open Day students are required to demonstrate their topics and
to answer questions from staff and students. Attendance is compulsory.
Students are also required to display a poster which provides relevant
information about their project. A prize will be awarded for the best poster
presentation as voted by attendees at Open Day. The size of the poster is
A2. A soft copy of the poster is to be submitted via the Moodle site via the
folder assessments Thesis B Poster Submission by Thursday 28th May to
allow enough time for printing. If any poster is not submitted by this day it
will be the responsibility of the student to print the poster.
The poster MUST be submitted as a pdf or we will not print it
The location of the Poster Session will be in the foyer of the TETB and will
run from 2 4pm.

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