TMQL4J - Javabased TMQL Engine

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TMQL4J - The Java-based TMQL engine

Sven Krosse, M. Sc. ( Topic Maps Lab, University of Leipzig ) <>

TMQL4J Architecture
TMQL4J is the first The TMQL4J engine
TMQL engine written in Java. offers a new abstraction layer
The current version supports on top of the TMAPI. Instead
the full draft of this query of accessing the topic maps
language. In addition it TMQL query engine directly applications
realizes additional features direct access
may use a simple TMQL
TMQL4J query. The architecture of
to support the process of
development and designing indirect access topic maps applications is
of applications using the TMAPI layered. The base of all
data model of topic maps. applications are the topic
maps backends, which are
Modularization topic maps engine administrated by the topic
TMQL4J is designed maps engines. To abstract
as a process chain of simple from the real implementation,
modules. Each module TMAPI is used as a
provides a simple or atomic topic maps standardized interface. The
function in context of the backend last layer under the
querying process, like the application is the TMQL4J
lexical scanner. The Fig. 1 Architecture of an application using the tmql4j engine engine (see Fig. 1).
configuration interface of
TMQL4J offers the possibility
to plug your own domain-
specific implementations of
some modules in.

TMQL4J realizes an additional
abstraction layer over the TMAPI and
implements additional features to speed up the
querying process by using new index
implementations and extension of the TMAPI.

Fig. 2 Screenshot of the result presentation of the generic query plug-in tmql4ontopia

Omnigator Plug-in
As one of the first implementations, we
provide a generic query plug-in for the generic
topic maps browser Omnigator., called
tmql4ontopia. It offers the possibility to query
the topic maps using the TMQL syntax. The
Fig. 3 Screenshot of the generic query plug-in tmql4ontopia
generic plug-in is an extension of TMQL4J.

Further Details
[1] online demo:
[2] Master's thesis:

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