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F I T N E S S M AG A Z I N E A P R I L 2 0 1 5














APRIL 2015
Siamack Alavi
Matthew Tiger
Danielle McVey
Domenico Bevilacqua
Sonal Sharda
Dr. Marvin Heuer
Joseph Palumbo
Estefany Jimenez
Noah Bryant
Josh Bryant
Christian Finn
Luke Leaman
Brandon Lirio
Roger Lockridge
Danielle McVey
Tony Mochinsky
Joseph Palumbo
Yvette Pullara

and MORE...

On the cover...
10. 4-Week Fast Track to

Maximum Mass



for Monster Growth


New Study

Creatine Increases Resting

Testosterone Concentrations and
Reduces Cortisol



Generation Iron
The Future is Now

The high vs. low
bar squat Debate

38. New Study

20. How Long Does it

Take to Recuperate
from a Workout? 24,
48, or 72 hours?

24. The Art of the Back

The Sunshine Vitamin for






Protein 101

Get to Know your Protien

Low-Carb Protein-Packed Mashed Potatoes

Low on Time,
High on Results

The Deadlift

Pure, Primal and Brutal


39. Vitamin D

Training for the Classic V

Shaped Back

26. Rest-Pause Training


Suggest Soy Protein Slows Down

Strength Gains in Older Adults


for Total Body Training

40. Can You Change

The Shape of Your



Get Leaner
Choose Fish
Over Sirloin

29. MCTs Enhance

Weight Loss

34. Overfeeding Protein

Does Not Increase


Pumpkin Spice Cupcakes



Welcome to the April edition of Muscle Media Digital Magazine. This

months cover features IFBB Professional Kai Greene from the hit film
Generation Iron, a documentary following the worlds leading bodybuilders
as they train and compete for the coveted Mr. Olympia title. The film
provides front row access to the lives of the top seven bodybuilders in
the sport, including current Mr. Olympia Phil Heath, Kai Greene, Branch
Warren and Dennis Wolf. Narrated by Mickey Rourke, there are also special
appearances made by Arnold Schwarzenegger, Lou Ferrigno and Jay Cutler.
The movie really opened my eyes to the passion and dedication it takes to
be a professional bodybuilder, and even if you are not into the bodybuilding
scene, I would highly recommend this documentary for any individual who
shares a passion for fitness and athletics.
This issue is packed with the latest nutrition, training, and supplementation
articles that you wont find anywhere else but inside Muscle Media Digital
Magazine. I have sought out the most trusted researchers and writers in
the industry to bring you the most accurate and novel information on the
market. Be sure to check out 4-Week Fast Track to Maximum Mass by
Luke Leamann. Moreover, the article, Can You Change The Shape of Your
Muscles? on page 40, by Christian Finn, offers insight on regional muscle
growth and a variety of strategies to help you optimize your current routine.
Finally, as an avid fitness enthusiast who trains every day, I was pleased
to see a new research article on the many benefits of creatine. As one of
the mostly widely investigated ergogenic aids to date, creatine not only
increases muscular strength but now the research is overwhelmingly clear
that creatine actually plays a role in testosterone production. Dont miss the
new study on creatine and its effects on testosterone on page 34.
Until next month, be sure to check out for all the
latest news and information.




Siamack Alavi
CEO and Editor in Chief
Muscle Media Magazine


APRIL 2015


is now
By: Tony Mochinsky

When Vlad Yudins

documentary Generation
Iron released in theaters
in September 2013, it
enjoyed the biggest
opening of a documentary
that year in the U.S. Since
then its gone on to play
overseas and has been
available to millions on
iTunes. And with the
launch of Generation
Iron website a year
later, Generation Iron
is establishing itself as
a brand synonymous
with health, fitness, and
hardcore bodybuilding.


APRIL 2015

fans will be familiar with, but itd

be premature to talk about those
projects at this time.
Bodybuilding has always been
something of a fringe sport. What
role might play
in addressing that?

Were hoping to grow the sport

and its popularity. That said, is not just a
network for hardcore bodybuilding

Talk about the success of the

Generation Iron movie on iTunes and
what kind of impact it has made.

Did you picture things this way

when you were working on the

Were enjoying worldwide success

and creating a movement. The film
itself opened to positive reviews
and has had screenings throughout
the world. It was the number one
documentary in America for three
straight weeks following its release.
Its won awards and been nominated
at various film festivals around
the globe. But little by little, more
and more, word is getting out that
Generation Iron is more than just a
documentary about bodybuilding. Its
a movement bringing together healthminded and fitness-conscious people.

No. The movement definitely came

out of the film. With the film, I
wanted to help bring bodybuilding
to the masses. I wanted to help
bring attention to a sport a lot of
people still dont know much about.
The bodybuilding community was
very supportive of the film and that
is very important to me.


APRIL 2015

Talk to us about

The website launched in September,

2014. Its the first digital network
for fitness enthusiasts. We have
original content like youd see on

Netflix or, including

instructional videos and articles.
Were developing a whole bunch of
new content, including a reality-TV
like show featuring Bev Francis and
Steve Weinberger. Bev is a legend
in bodybuilding and powerlifting.
She and Steve run one of the best
gyms around in Syosset, Long Island
(Bev Francis Powerhouse Gym).
They promote the annual N.Y. Pro,
several top amateur shows, as well
as judge NPC and IFBB contests.
Steve is a character and a great guy,
and we think this will play out very
well on the screen. Following them
around will definitely give people
a unique view of the sport. Were
also developing content with other
personalities that bodybuilding

and hardcore bodybuilders.

Were bringing it all together-bodybuilding, fitness, physique. Our
target audience is people who want
to take better care of themselves
and seek to do that through exercise
and diet. These days everyone
wants to be healthy; everyone is in
the gym. Our thing is to bring unity
to all these different sports and
highlight a lifestyle.
How did you get involved in

I always loved Pumping Iron. I

was intrigued by bodybuilding. In
many ways, this is the toughest

sport in the world. These men and

women are always on point with
their training, their nutrition, their
supplementation. They have to be.
Working on Generation Iron the
documentary, I got to spend time
with the top guys in the sport. I was
able to see what they were all about,
what motivated them and what their
lifestyles were like. All of this only
increased my respect for the sport
and its participants. Like a lot of
people out there, I might not be able

Digital is the wave of the future

and digital is now. Digital gives
the consumer what they want to
watch, when they want to watch it.
Where do you see Generation Iron
in 3-5 years?

Continuing to grow, continuing

to bring attention to fitness and a
lifestyle. We attend trade shows-well be at the Arnold Classic next
month--and major NPC and IFBB
contests. Well continue to do
that. Our site is frequently
updated and will continue
to be. Trust me, weve got a
lot of content coming out.
We recently teamed up with
Arnold Schwarzeneggers
ASAS (After School All
Stars) to be their media
sponsor. Well develop
original content for the kids
and a new generation fitness
enthusiasts. Were currently
working closely with the
New York and Newark

to be a competitive bodybuilder
myself, but I can enjoy fitness and
a healthy lifestyle.
Your concept (generationiron.
com) seems to have come along at
the right moment: bodybuilding
magazines are downsizing, losing
advertising dollars, being acquired
by new owners or going out of
business. Its like were witnessing
the demise of bodybuilding in

And its not just bodybuilding

magazines or magazines in general.
Its CDs, its cable.

Its a movement
bringing together
and fitnessconscious people.

4-Week Fast Track to


by Luke Leaman, Poliquin GroupTM



Tempo Rest

A. Leg Extension



90 seconds

B. Leg Press



75 seconds

C1. Leg Extension



10 seconds

C2. Machine Hack Squat



10 seconds

C3. Back Squat



90 seconds

D. Lying Leg Curl



45 seconds

Tuesday (Back and Biceps)



Tempo Rest

A. Hammer Strength Lat Pulldown



90 seconds

B. Wide-Grip Pulldown*



75 seconds

C1. Seated Cable Row to Waist



10 seconds

C2. Machine Pullover



10 seconds

C3. Standing Face Pull



90 seconds

D. Standing Cable Curl



45 seconds

Wednesday (Active Rest)

If you want to pack on maximum

just four days a week to ensure

4210. The first number indicates

mass in a hurry and youre

sufficient recovery. The body part

the seconds it should take to

Thursday (Chest and Triceps)



Tempo Rest

willing to take on a lot of hard

splits are arranged as follows:

complete the eccentric (or down)

A. Hammer Strength Incline Press



90 seconds

work, read on!

Monday: Legs

motion; the second number

B. Incline Barbell Press*



75 seconds

Tuesday: Back and Biceps

indicates the pause before the

C1. Dips



10 seconds

This workout builds muscle

Wednesday: Active Rest

concentric (or up) motion, which

C2. Flat Dumbbell Hex Press



10 seconds

lots of muscle! (Although this

Thursday: Chest and Triceps

is the third number; and the

C3. Flat Dumbbell Flye, Hand Pronated



90 seconds

program will help you reduce

Friday: Delts and Calves

fourth number indicates the

D. Triceps Pressdown with Rope



45 seconds

body fat, there are other workout

Saturday: Active Rest

pause before the next repetition.

systems that are more effective

Sunday: Active Rest

As an example, using a 4210

Friday (Delts and Calves)



Tempo Rest

tempo in the bench press, you

A. Hammer Strength Shoulder Press**



90 seconds

for getting you lean.) My clients

and I have used this fast-track

On rest days you can do just

take 4 seconds to lower the

B. Upright Row*



75 seconds

program when weve wanted

about any activity to keep you

weight to your chest, pause there

C1. Dumbbell Lateral Raise



10 seconds

to bulk up. At my biggest, I had

moving, such as walking and

for 2 seconds, then rapidly push

C2. Dumbbell L-Lateral Raise



10 seconds

21-inch arms and weighed 270

other forms of light cardio.

the weight up in 1 second, and

C3. Seated Dumbbell Overhead Press



90 seconds

immediately begin the next rep

D. Standing Calf Raise



45 seconds

pounds while carrying 12 percent


Monday (Legs)

(zero seconds of rest).

body fat. The program also works

For each of the lifts in this

well for anybody who wants to

workout, I include a tempo

pack on some beef quickly.

prescription to ensure you give

This workout uses a lot of tri-sets,

your muscles a precise training

which I believe is a great training

This workout is designed to be

stimulus. In prescribing tempo,

protocol to stimulate the muscles

used for one month. You train

four numbers are used, such as

into serious growth. Here you go!


APRIL 2015

*During the eccentric phase

stop and hold the bar 2 inches
above the chest for 2 seconds
**Use bands if you have them

Saturday (Active Rest)

Sunday (Re-feed and Rest!)

A complete training, diet, and supplement

program to pack on slabs of muscle, fast!

During this workout I recommend the

following macronutrient ratios:
Training Days:

16.5 30% 40% 30%

per pound of
body weight




Non-Training Days:


per pound of
body weight




Sunday Re-Feed:


per pound of
body weight



30% 50% 20%


APRIL 2015



For supplements, I consider these the

foundation: a high-quality multivitamin
(no iron for men unless they are
anemic), elemental magnesium, zinc,
fish oil, probiotic and digestive
enzymes. To increase insulin sensitivity
and activation of anabolism, I also
recommend supplements such as
alpha lipoic acid, micro PQQ, cinnamon
extract, green tea extract, chromium
polynicotinate, and a creatine/beta
alanine combo.
Now lets talk about supplementation
before, during, and after the workout. A
pre-workout supplement protocol should
not be loaded with stimulants. Instead,
you need electrolytes to stay hydrated
to increase the rate of force production
and you need elements that are ideal for
Krebs cycle utilization. My motto is that
a hydrated muscle grows a dehydrated
muscle does not. I would also have some
neurotransmitter-boosting compounds
such as N-acetyl tyrosine, and choline
bitartrate. For energy you could add
ribose, ATP salts, creatine (bonded with
magnesium), carnitine to shuttle fat to
the mitochondria, and some vitamin C
to keep recovery up. Lastly, add beta
alanine for buffering of lactate.
During the workout you will want
electrolytes again, but add more beta
alanine and a small amount of BCAAs.
Large amounts of BCAAs are not
desirable because they inhibit tyrosine
from making dopamine. Over the long
term, high amounts of BCAAs also
block tryptophan, so you cannot make
serotonin efficiently, and habitual
overuse can cause depression and a lack
of drive.

Lastly, post-workout: more electrolytes, B

vitamins, especially P5P and quatrefolate
to aid in removing waste and detoxifying.
Citrulline to increase vasodilation so
you get more nutrients into muscles and
more waste products out. Magnesium, for
many reasons, including detox from waste
products and driving ATP production.
Leucine to increase anabolic pathways, and
glutamine to increase the immune response.
A blend of essential amino acids recent
research shows that 6g of EAA are needed
to increase anabolism and hydrolyzed
whey protein is key in driving anabolic
pathways as well. Hydrolyzed whey is
typically well handled by people who are
lactose intolerant and dairy intolerant.
All of these products ideally will include a
little bit of sugar to increase absorption of
the electrolytes and to help dampen cortisol
throughout the workout and act as an anticatabolic after the workout. Be certain,
however, to use products that are free from
artificial sweeteners and coloring.
I cannot stress enough that after you
complete this four-week cycle, you should
switch to a radically different form of
training to give yourself a break physically
and mentally. For example, you could do
a 2-to-3-week strength cycle focusing
on heavy weight and low reps. Also, its
important to change the exercises to give
your joints a rest this can be as simple
as switching from incline barbell presses
to flat benches, and from back squats to
front squats. Resist the temptation to
resume using this same workout exactly as
prescribed. To build maximum muscle mass
you need to introduce variety to ensure
optimal progress.

In the early days of muscle building

when Venice Beach was the
mecca, it was rumored that many
bodybuilders would visit the gym
multiple times a day to get a pump.
This was not meant as a training
method to force the body to greater
levels of growth but merely to look

The pump is a vital part of

the bodybuilding experience,
and there may other benefits
associated with this training
effect besides looking bigger.
Until scientific studies provide
absolute answers, heres to
enjoying improved muscle
growth with back-off sets.

their biggest, longer. Vanity aside,

there are some benefits of getting a
pump for pumps sake.

for Monster

A unique
perspective on
the benefits of
pumping up.
By Stephane Cazeault,
The Poliquin Group

The late Larry Scott was a strong believer in using the

level of muscle tension is necessary to achieve a strength
pump to monitor the quality of a workout. Scott won the
training effect, and you cannot obtain this tension
first Mr. Olympia title in 1965 and followed that up with
threshold with light weights. In other words, using
another Sandow trophy in 1966. At a height of just 5 feet
appropriate training methods to build muscle size may
8 inches, at his peak condition Scott weighed 205 pounds
result in a pump, but its the muscle tension that causes
and his arms reportedly measured over 20 inches. Those
the growth response, not the pump.
arms were considered the best of his era, especially
his biceps, which possessed long muscle bellies that
As for the value of the pump, there are assorted theories.
presented a fullness and shape that separated Scott from
One theory is that the pump stretches the fascial tissue
his competitors. In fact, Scott used to joke that he would
that surrounds the muscle, and as such allows for more
have to tuck his thumbs into his belt loops to rest his
muscle size. Another idea is that the pump provides
traps because they would get exhausted from supporting
feedback about the effectiveness of an exercise in
the weight of his arms.
targeting a muscle group.
The following is an example of such a workout for the
For example, if you feel
chest. It starts with a superset using a back-off set and
bench presses only in your
Scott believed
is followed by a post-exhaustion superset (that starts
triceps rather than in your
with a compound exercise followed by an isolation
that when
pecs, this suggests that
exercise that works one of the same muscle groups).
arm strength is limiting
Rest (Sec.)
the effectiveness of this
started losing
Flat Barbell Bench Press 4 8-10
exercise and you need to
adjust your program.
their pump it
Incline Dumbbell Press
was a sign that
Incline Dumbbell Flye
an exercise
was no longer
effective and they should move
on to another exercise.
The most practical way to determine your pump is to use
a tape measure after each set a Gullick tape is best for
this purpose, as the tape will maintain the same degree
of tension to ensure your measurements are accurate.
Scotts approach to the pump is the same line of
reasoning used with the critical drop-off point. This
is the training concept that when you reach a point at
which you cannot produce a significant level of muscle
tension to elicit gains, you should terminate the set.
Generally speaking, this point represents a 5-7 percent
drop in performance. For example, if your bench press
peaks out on 220 pounds for 6 reps and on a subsequent
set you only manage 3 reps, youre done.
What is not true is the idea that you must have a
pump to create gains in strength. Olympic lifting and
powerlifting can certainly make an athlete stronger,
but such training is not associated with any significant
pumping of the muscles. As for muscle size, a certain



APRIL 2015



Beyond these possible

considerations, be aware
that there is a specific
hormonal response from performing high-rep, backoff sets. Heres how it works: The pump develops high
levels of lactate, which in turn increases the production
of growth hormone growth hormone is associated
with fat loss and muscle gain. To take advantage of this
process begin a superset with an exercise designed
to produce an optimal amount of muscle tension to
stimulate growth. Immediately follow this with an
especially high-rep set designed to produce a high level
of growth hormone, a set that will produce a serious
pump. As a general guideline, the amount of weight to
use on a back-off set will be about 55 percent of your
best effort for a single (i.e., one-rep max).



For example, its

a pretty basic fact
that you need
protein to build
muscle but knowing
your proteins can
be a big advantage
for you regardless if
youre trying to lose
fat, build muscle,
or improve for a
particular sport.
So pay attention
because Protein 101
is now in session!

Whether youve just started focusing

on your personal fitness or youve been
committed to a healthy lifestyle for several
years, youre likely aware that if youre not
following a sound nutrition plan, youll
just be spinning your wheels in the gym
and will see no progress. Many people
will spend hours a week finding new
exercises to help them develop
their lateral deltoid or target the
outer sweep of their quad but
they couldnt tell you anything
about nutrients besides what food
they eat to make sure its included in
their meals. Committing some time to
learning more about what youre putting
in your body could be the key to helping
you maximizing your potential and getting
the best effort out of your body when its
time to train.


APRIL 2015

Benefits of Protein
Protein plays a major role in
the growth and maintenance
of the human body. Its
the second most abundant
molecule in the body (water
is the most abundant). The
amino acids in protein are
used to build and repair
muscle tissue that has been
broken down as a result of
intense exercise or physical
labor. Also, its needed for
the production of blood cells.
Protein is the only nutrient
that can supply nitrogen for
the brain. Protein also can
help regulate blood sugar
which can be important for
those wanting to lose weight.

What is Protein Anyway?

Protein is an essential nutrient that serves as one of the building
blocks for body tissue. It can also be used as a source of fuel for
the body, with one gram of protein containing four calories and are
made up of 20 amino acids that you can see in the chart below.
Amino acids are broken down in three categories essential,
conditional essential, & nonessential.
Essential (Must be supplied
from food). Proteins with all
essential amino acids are known
as complete proteins.

Leucine, Isoleucine, Valine,

Threonine, Phenylalanine,
Tryptophan, Methionine, Lysine,

Conditional Essential (Limited

Synthesis under conditions
like infancy or severe catabolic

Arginine, Cysteine, Glycine,

Glutamine, Proline, Tyrosine

Nonessential Amino Acids


Alanine, Aspartic Acid, Glutamic

Acid, Asparagine, Serine

Types of Protein



APRIL 2015

Colostrum - This is the one that

has gained a lot of popularity in

popular here as well. Soy would be

considered a complete protein since it
includes the nine essential amino acids.
Whether you like it in the form of
steaks, burgers, roasts, or nowadays in
supplement form, beef is where its
at if getting big is your goal. Beef is
harvested from cows, bulls, steers,
and heifers. Cuts from steers have
a little more fat on them. When it
comes to the leanest cuts of meat,
go with round and loin cuts. As
with other animals, the older the
animal, the tougher the meat might
be so it is usually what you get when
you buy ground beef. Beef provides
numerous vitamins like B6 and B12 as
well as minerals including selenium, zinc,

Beef does have its share of controversy

surrounding it. There have been
statements made that beef can increase
the risk of cancer, heart disease, and there
have been recalls of beef due to E.coli
contamination. When it comes to your
health, you should talk to your personal
physician if you have concerns about
adding beef into your diet. If you talk to
your doctor and feel beef is ok for you,
then its great for anyone looking to gain
size and strength. You might want to go
with this option sparingly for weight loss
due to some cuts having higher fat than
other protein sources.
Chicken is probably the most consumed

The advantages to fish are twofold as

they are low in calories and they are
high in protein and healthy fats like
Omega 3, 6, and 9. Obviously there
are many different types of fish options
but here are three top choices for you to


Micronparticulated Whey The

advantage to this type is since its micronized,
its much easier to blend with whatever
beverage you choose to mix it with.

Casein Protein Hydrolysate (CPH)

Just like WPH, CPH is broken down
from larger amino acid chains into
smaller fragments so its easier
for your digestive system.

Soy is the most popular protein for

vegetarians since it is derived from
soybeans. Although its risen in
popularity in recent years, soy protein
has been around since the 1930s.
Its derived from soybean meal that
has been defulled and defatted. You
could find it as soy flour, isolate, or
concentrate. Soy is also popular for
athletes that are lactose intolerant.
Soy protein is actually the stored protein
in the protein bodies of the beans which is
supposed to be 60-70% protein. Obviously
since it would take a lot of soybeans to
get the amount of protein necessary to
maintain or build muscle, the supplement
form is the most

riboflavin, niacin, pantothenic acid, and

absorbable iron.

Albacore Tuna Albacore is generally

the kind of tuna you see canned but
you should make sure that it is albacore
because this is the type that is considered
the least likely to contain mercury. You
should also make sure its canned in water
to avoid extra calories.
food by athletes in several different
sports but when you look at the
reasons why, you cant blame them.
Its high in protein, low in calories,
fat, and has no carbs. Furthermore,
although turkey is best known for
having tryptophan, chicken also has
an abundance of the amino acid. It also
includes phosphorus which benefits teeth
and bones as well as selenium which can
improve metabolic performance.
Most people dont consider turkey poultry
and only eat it during Thanksgiving but
you should have it year round as its also
prominent in protein. It also has zinc, iron,
and phosphorus. Just make sure you dont
go with the pre-packaged, sandwich turkey
as it will have more sodium and could be
processed which makes it a less healthy
option than a whole turkey. Whether you
choose chicken or turkey and whether
you want to get big or are dieting, have it
in the evening and take advantage of the
best known attribute of that
helps you go to sleep.


Whey Protein Hydrolysate (WPH)

WPH is digested even faster than WPI
because its broken down from larger
amino acid chains into smaller fragments.

Caseinate Protein Caseinate is made

by adding calcium, sodium, or potassium.
The advantage of Caseinate is it will be
less likely to clump when mixing it and
will digest a little faster but it will still take
longer than whey.

There is a belief that you should

separate the egg whites from the yolks
to get the protein benefits without the
extra calories of fat as well as cholesterol
risks. What you should know is that if you
throw out the yolk, youre throwing away
close to half of the protein that the egg
offers. The yolks contain Vitamins A, D,
E, and K as well as the minerals calcium,
iron, phosphorus, zinc, and several
more. The yolks also provide healthy
fats docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and
arachidonic acid (AA) which are Omega-3
and 6 fats, respectively.
Eggs are normally associated with
breakfast but you can use it and reap the
benefits any time of the day. Since its a
relatively low calorie option, many people
choose to have it in the evening as well

as in the morning. If you insist on using

whites only but dont want to buy a bunch
of eggs, you can get egg white protein in
liquid or supplement powder form.

Beef Protein

Whey Protein Isolate (WPI) Whey

Isolate is the purest form due to additional
processing. WPIs generally have a 95%
concentration level.

Micellar Casein - Micellar is the result of

the casein in the milk has beem separated
from the lactose, whey, and fat.

In the old days, some bodybuilders and

athletes actually broke eggs in a glass
and just turned it up. This was one of
the most famous scenes of Rocky.
Fortunately, we know that there are
better ways to take advantage of this

Egg Protein

Whey Protein Concentrate (WPC)

This is a high quality protein that has
a concentration level of around 70%. It
can also contain carbs and fats. If youre
looking to save money, this is probably
your best bet.

recent years. Colostrum is produced by

female mammals late in pregnancy and for
the first few days after giving birth and
provides antibodies, antimicrobials, and
antioxidative factors for their newborn
offspring. It used to be the main source for
antibodies before antibiotics came along.
Bovine colostrum is the most popular form
that has been shown to help athletes gain
muscle mass, improve anaerobic power,
and has an abundance of vitamins and
minerals including Vitamins A, C, E, B12,
calcium, zinc, potassium, chromium, and
more. Colostrum can be taken any time of
the day but post workout may work best
with all of its benefits to promote recovery.

Soy Protein

Whey Protein

Since this is the most popular, lets get

it out of the whey. (Sorry, couldnt
help myself).) Youve likely heard of
whey protein since its the most protein
supplement on the market. Coming
from dairy sources, whey is separated
out when milk is being converted into
cheese. Whey protein has the highest
value in branch chain amino acids, or
BCAAs, which can play an important
role in building or maintaining muscle
tissue. Its also one of the fastest
digesting proteins. You can get whey
from milk, yogurt, and of course, in
protein powder form. However you
choose to get your whey protein,
make sure you take it first
thing in the morning
upon waking since
youve went
several hours
without any
food. If you
choose the
route, make
sure you
the different
forms of whey.

Casein Protein - Casein is the other

protein that comes from milk and dairy
sources and works as the polar opposite
of whey. Whereas whey is a fast digesting
protein, casein is a slow digesting that will
continue to fuel your muscles for hours.
Furthermore, casein can play an important
role in preventing muscle breakdown so
the hard work your whey has already
finished wont be undone. You should
consider casein before bed since while
sleeping you will go several hours without
eating. Having the casein breaking down
over a course of hours will help ensure
that you will wake up the next day without
your body going into a
catabolic state.
The most popular
source of casein is
cottage cheese
but it also
comes in
cows milk,
sour cream,
and in
form. If
you prefer
to go the powder
route, keep these
three versions in mind.

Salmon Salmon is popular since it is

believed to have a very high amount of
Omega 3 fats. There are actually many
more tasty ways to prepare it so you can
have variety in your nutrition plan while
still enjoying the same food. When you
shop for it, try to get the wild Alaskan
Sardines Named after Sardinia where
they were most prominent, sardines have
a high amount of protein and good fats but
it is also prominent in Vitamins B12 and
D which promote heart and bone health,
Now that you are well versed on the types
of protein and how each can play a role in
your muscle building efforts, you can make
adjustments to your nutrition plan and
may notice even better results! Commit
the time to studying more about nutrition
as you have training and youll be on your
way to being a smarter and better athlete!


How Long
Does it
Take to
from a
24, 48, or
72 hours?
If you ask any trainer how long you
should rest between workouts, you will
get answers anywhere from 24 hours to 72
hours. The late Mike Menzter often said
that it took one full week of recuperation
or longer to make gains in the gym. He
often advocated taking a few weeks off of
training, as he would often say that, 99%
of all bodybuilders are over-trained!. In a
previous study, researchers were interested
in a controlled study standardizing the diet
and training with excessive training load
and insufficient recovery time between
bouts on muscle markers of anabolism and
catabolism. They wanted to test the theory
that overtraining would lead to increases in
catabolic markers and decreased anabolic
activity in male rats. Male rats were
randomly assigned to either a trained or
a sedentary group. The trained group was
subjected to a 12-week resistance-training
program with excessive training load and
insufficient recovery between bouts that
was designed to induce leg-muscle atrophy.
Briefly, rats underwent consecutive
training sessions (five days/week) that
consisted of jumps (repetitions). The
overtraining protocol consisted of a
progressive number of sets (24) and
repetitions (512) with a 30-second rest
between each set and carrying an overload


APRIL 2015

of 50% body weight (a loaded vest strapped on the animals

chest). After the 12-week experiment, the muscle fibers were
collected to analyze the markers of muscle catabolism and
anabolism, such as MAFbx, MyoD, myogenin, and IGF-I
protein expression. The overtraining program resulted in
a significant reduction in muscle size in the legs (-17%,)
compared with the control group. Reciprocally, there was
a significant (~20%) increase in MAFbx protein expression
(i.e., marker of muscle catabolism), while the markers of
muscle anabolism such as MyoD (-27%), myogenin (-29%),
and IGF-I (-43%) protein levels decreased significantly. The
data indicates that muscle atrophy induced by excessive
training load and insufficient recovery was associated
with upregulation of the MAFbx catabolic protein and
downregulation of the MyoD, myogenin, and IGF-I anabolic
proteins. These findings suggest overtraining is a very real
phenomenon for athletes who continuously increase their
volume in the gym; to prevent overtraining, one should look
into a blocked periodization-type program where volume is
So based on the research in rodents, overtraining is a very
real phenomenon with increases in catabolic hormones and
decreases in anabolic hormones as well. There are very few
human studies in human but a very exciting new study was
recently reported on how long it takes to recuperate from
both single and multi-joint exercise protocols. Its been often
speculated that one can recuperate from training faster with
smaller body parts such as arms or calves faster that larger
body parts such as legs or back. The study examined muscle
recovery patterns between single-joint versus multi-joint,
and upper-body versus lower-body exercises and the utility
of perceptual measures (ratings of perceived exertion (RPE)
and perceived recovery scale PRS to assess recovery status.
All participants completed 10 different exercises. Resistance
exercises included: flat barbell bench press, seated dumbbell
military press, barbell dead lift, machine leg press, knee
extension, machine triceps extension, dumbbell side raises,

machine chest fly, and seated machine hip abduction/

adduction. A 10-rep max (10-RM) was determined for 6
single-joint and 4 multi-joint exercises (5 upper body and 5
lower body) for male recreational weightlifters. Participants
completed a baseline protocol including 8 repetitions at 85%
of 10-RM followed by a set to failure with 100% of 10-RM. In
a counter-balanced crossover design, participants returned
at 24 or 48 h to repeat the protocol. PRS and RPE were
assessed following the first and second sets of each exercise
respectively. At the end of the study, the performance
decline was most pronounced for the multi-joint movements
bench press, military press, deadlift, and leg press) and least
pronounced if not non-existent for the single joint exercises.
So the single joint exercises such as triceps extensions had
faster recuperation than the larger multi-joint exercises
such as the leg press and deadlift. A shocking finding was
that there was also a tendency for the lower body exercises
to recover faster than the upper body that stands in contrast
to the advice that lower body parts needs more recuperation
time that would require longer recovery periods. Eighty
percent of participants completed within 1 repetition of
baseline for all exercises at 48 h except bench press (70%)
and deadlift (60%); suggesting 72 h of recovery should be
implemented for multi-joint barbell lifts targeting the same
muscle groups in slower recovering lifters. There was a lot of
subject variability in the subjects, but the scientist suggested
that 72 h of recovery should be implemented for multi-joint
barbell lifts targeting the same muscle groups. So just to
be on the safe side, it seems that 72 hours is the optimal
recuperation times for training multi-joint exercises.
Korak, John A.; Green, James M.; and ONeal, Eric K. () Resistance Training
Recovery: Considerations for Single vs. Multi-joint Movements and Upper vs.
Lower Body Muscles, International Journal of Exercise Science: Vol. 8: Iss. 1,
Article 10.
Alves Souza RW, Aguiar AF, Vechetti-Jnior IJ, Piedade WP, Rocha Campos
GE, Dal-Pai-Silva M. Resistance training with excessive training load and
insufficient recovery alters skeletal muscle mass-related protein expression. J
Strength Cond Res. 2014 Aug;28(8):2338-45.
intake in older adults: A randomized controlled trial Clinical Nutrition,
Available online 7 February 2015.


The high
vs. low
bar squat
Older than the debate about
proper deadlift form is that
about proper squat form. The
change in 2-3 inches of bar
placement has left many a
spot partner to switch lifting
days and gym buddies. Is this
really a question of simple
personal preference, or does
the placement serve a specific
purpose? Well, to keep things
as clear as mud... it depends.





APRIL 2015

By Brandon Lirio

When we talk about the lifting

of various load weights to
increase muscular size and
efficacy, our brains back track
to a very basic idea of time
under tension. Fibers need
to be stimulated to point of
micro-tearing to be able to
grow. If you dont maximize
the amount of time the muscle
group is under the most
amount of tension, you are

minimizing the amount of

tearing to the fibers that is
Now that we know what it
takes to make the fibers grow,
and in turn make us stronger,
its a simple question of which
bar placement maximizes this
time under tension principle
best. Right? Wrong. The
problem with this ideology
is that hip flexion, femur
length, a whole laundry list
of physiological structure
dimensions can affect this
principle. These differences
in dimension usually are
important for another common
reaction to the squat choice...
the dreaded lean!
As we try to maximize the
torque of our lower body
bearing the weight of the

load we place on it (the squat weight itself),

low bar squatting usually means a slight
lean forward. For advanced power lifters,
keeping the chest up and out while allowing
the hip and leg joints to do the majority of
the movement (and by definition allow the
weight to be placed on the muscles within
the leg) can be a negligible amount of lean,
however inexperienced lifters can put an
amazing amount of stress on their lower
backs by leaning too far into their center
of gravity to avoid the feeling of falling
backward. A severe enough injury risk can
reduce the reward possibility of any exercise,
so trying to lift to heavy to fast is a recipe for
So after analyzing the mechanics of
squatting and weighing the risk/reward of
the choices, heres the conclusion we come
to. It depends...if powerlifting or trying to
master Olympic lifts exclusively, then all you
care about is the maximum amount of weight
moved in the shortest and most efficient
way possible to be called a legal lift. That
being the grading criteria, learning a low bar
stance benefits you in reducing the amount
of distance between the bottom of the lift
and the resting position. If simply reducing
the amount of risk while keeping tension on
the very dense and thick muscle groups of
the legs, then maybe high bar is your best
bet. All in all, lifters should try both and feel
comfortable with both positions on the back
before trying to lift for maximum weight
(1RMs) and should really use the risk vs
reward in conjunction with prior injuries,
level of skill in the gym, and comfortably
in the specific stance before choosing their
preferred method. In the end, gains are gains
and this one is more personal preference
than it is scientific argument.
Nuckolls, G. (2014, August 26). Time to end this-nonsense: High bar
vs low bar squatting. Retrieved from
Tumminello, N. (n.d.). Barbell Squats: High vs. Low Bar Position.
Retrieved from

The Art
of the



Training for the Classic

V Shaped Back
Its impressive





that can be seen from the front under the arms. There are a few


ways that I approach lat building. First the scapulas (shoulder



blades) must be stretched out. This is done with wide-grip chin pull



ups performed in the front of the neck, this will allow me to strap



a weight around my waist; I prefer this method because there is less


4 3-6

stress on the shoulder joint and less chance of injuries. The next
step is to work the thickness in the area with rows. The trapezius
muscle extends down along the spine to the erectors; when this

On seasons schedule

muscle contracts it affects muscles throughout the back. I usually

In the ON season schedule, I mostly use

perform rows with a barbell, sitting cable rows or machine T-bar

machine and cable. This allows me to contract,

rows; this works the meat of your back. Some body builders have

squeeze and concentrate on the muscle with

biggest muscles of the back from both the front and back view.

high lats and others low lats. As for most it is somewhere in-

higher reps; bring the muscle to failure.

When the two largest muscles of the back are fully developed,

between. Therefore, to correct this, bodybuilders who possess high

the Latissimus Dorsi and the Trapezium, they make up The Art

lats should perform plenty of rowing movement and the ones who


of the back an absolute impression of strength and virility. A

possess low back need to perform more wide pull ups, pull downs



well-developed back will enhance the appearance of your whole

and stretching the lats. If you are fighting against Mother Nature




and you do not have the genes for a massive V shaped back there



is still hope. Train according to your body along with hard work can


bring a well-developed symmetrical back.



me. They had such amazing backs. They left such an impression

Before I begin my back workout I warm up and perform various

on me, every time I saw a pull up bar I had to stop and do a set, I

back stretches making sure I get everything loose; traps lats lower,


didnt care where I was, I just desired the look of a powerful back.

middle, and upper back are all included. Like most professional



bodybuilders I often vary my back workout using different



Today we have a host of pros with incredible back development.

principals of training each time, I also try to cycle my back workouts



When I speak with todays top pros, they all seem to agree

in a three-way rotation, performing a heavy back day, followed by

that superior back development is an absolute necessity when

a moderate and then a light day emphasizing more on the Squeeze.

Tips: Do not forget to warm up and stretch the

it comes to achieving victory. The holders of the Mr. Olympia

This method of training gives the joints and ligaments a rest.

muscle; this is just as important as the training

title all share a reputation for awesome Latissimus muscles.

Effective back training requires excellent technique and good

itself. Proper technique and by stimulating the

Ron Coleman, Phil Heath, Jay Cutler, Dorian Yates; with their

nutrition to fuel your workouts and promote muscle growth. To get

muscle fibers, it will be the key to a great work

thickness and width I believe they have the most massive backs

the best development, youll need to use a variety of exercises. Your

out Maximizing best results; loose lifting and

of all, it actually looks like a W instead of a V shaped back.

back consists of many muscles, when working the back I always

heaving of the weight wont work the muscle

In order to achieve this look one must think of the body as a

suggest split training. I work lats and lower back one day and traps

sufficiently and can lead to potential injuries.

sculpture. This consists of working and molding the back from

with delts another day.

For the best results remain strict and contract

top to bottom. There are some bodybuilders that believe training

completely. *To avoid shoulder or neck injuries,

the trapezius muscles will distract from the visual width of the

I prefer to perform Pull down or Pull up in the

body. This is NOT SO. What distract from the visual width of
the back are under-developed shoulders and a wide waist and
hips. The only time one should refrain from trapezius exercises
is when there is an inherited short neck; the appearance of big
traps on a short-neck bodybuilder will make them appear with a
lack of symmetry.
APRIL 2015

Movements with fewer reps.

The lats are the biggest muscle of the back. They are the wings

Robinson, Sergio Alive, Arnold and Franco Columbo inspired


In the Off-season I perform more Power

Mother Nature has arranged the human body to show two of the

In the late 70s and early 80s bodybuilders such as Robby


Off season schedule

Director of Physical Performance
IFBB Professional Bodybuilder
Certified Trainer
Advance Sports Nutrition Specialist (ASNS)
Certified Navy Seal fitness Instructor

front of my body. Studies have shown not only

will this prevent injuries it will actually stimulate
the Latissimus Dorsi muscle (lats) more so than
pulling the bar down behind the neck or doing
pull ups from behind the neck.

Rest-Pause Training

Low on Time, High on Results

through trial and error to

Its very logical the rest-pause method evolved out of the

jailhouse weight pile: You cant give up your weights with
a limited supply on the yard. So cons do as many reps as

transform himself into the

possible...take a short break...repeat.

strongest con on the yard.

he became the first person to

Rest-Pause Training Explained

Rest-pause training breaks down one set into several
sub-sets with a brief rest between each. Depending on the
intensity level and training objectives, several different

surpass a 650-pound bench

variations may be used.

Jim Williams turned his prison

sentence into an opportunity

Williams was more than a

jailhouse weight pile sensation,

press in competition.
Williams wasnt a one-trick
pony, totaling an astounding
2240 pounds in a full meet
following time served.
Unlike Penn State, the state
pen does not boast laboratories
or Exercise Physiologist PhDs
running around testing and
collecting data. Regardless of
limited time, resources and
equipment, the jailhouse weight
pile championship physiques
and innovative training methods
have evolved out of these
barebones conditions.

If hypertrophy is what
youre after, lighten the
load, but maintain the
training intensity.
Select your chosen exercise and load a weight you can
perform for 610 repetitions. Lift the weight for as many
reps as possible, take a 20-second rest interval, and do
the same weight again; this will probably be two to three
repetitions. Repeat this process twice, for a total of three
mini sets.
A practical application of this method in a chest workout
could look like this:
Chest Workout

one-repetition max (perform last set in a rest-pause

A failed experiment in the lab,

style as described above)

worst case scenario means

losing a grant; behind bars it


Weighted Dips (Forward Lean)12, 12, 8, Rest-Pause (3

total sets @ 80% of one-repetition max)

means losing your manhood.

Think about it.

Reverse Grip Bench Presses4 sets x 8 reps @75% of


Floor Pause Dumbbell Flyes12 reps/Dumbbell Pull

Over20 reps (3 super sets)

Jim Williams never had a

By: Josh Bryant

high-profile strength coach, a

Twitter account or even bands

100 miles due west of the Big Apple lies

the blue collar, no-nonsense town of
Scranton, Pennsylvania.
Scranton is home to Rockview
Penitentiary, which in the 1960s housed
Scranton Strongman, Jim Williams.

and chains, but he became the

strongest man in the world
training with the rest-pause
According to numerous
interviews Adam benShea and
I piloted for our best-selling
book Jailhouse Strong, prison
bodybuilding legends Michael
Christian and Tookie Williams
trained with a high-rep variation
of the rest-pause method.



APRIL 2015


Time Under Tension Incline Cable Flyes (45 seconds) x

3 sets

If limit strength is your

priority, follow Williams lead.
The Scranton Strongman took 9095% of his one-repetition
max, then waited 2060 seconds and then performed
another single, and repeated the process for the maximum
amount sets he could do that day.
Typically, six to eight singles were done. This method is
extremely taxing on the central nervous system, so be
careful! Keep in mind, this variation gets you better at lifting
heavy weights but does not spark a huge degree of muscle

A practical application in a chest workout of this method

could look like this:
Bench Press Workout

Bench Presses1 rep @93% of one-repetition max, do

as many sets as possible resting 45 seconds between


Wide Grip Bench Press Paused-2 sets of 6 reps


Weighted Dips (Forward Lean)3 sets of 5 reps (work

up to a 3-rep max)


Chest Supported Incline Dumbbell Rows-4 sets of 6 reps


Tate Presses-3 sets of 12 reps

Why it works
Each of us has differences that eventually dictate how many
reps and sets we can perform, how often we can train, and
how much weight we should be using while training.
Rest-pause training is custom tailored to individual
Regardless of ones ability to perform reps-- maximum intensity
is the ingredient which induces size and strength gains.
If you are good at reps you do more, if you are poor at reps
you do your bestintensity is the ingredient!
Final Thoughts
The Rest-pause method is intense! DO NOT use it every
single exercise, every single set, every single workout. Use
it sparingly for a couple exercises as cited in the provided
I have used this method with Johnnie Jackson, when he had
best year ever in pro bodybuilding in 2012. Furthermore,
I train a bushel of world-class strength athletes and using
variations of this method, some have gone from good to
great, while others from great to world records.


Get Leaner


Choose Fish
Over Sirloin

MCTs Enhance

Weight Loss

Only When Replaced with Other Fats

body composition in adults. Changes in blood lipid

levels were secondary outcomes. Randomized

Thirteen trials (n=749) were identified. Compared

with LCTs, MCTs decreased body weight); waist
fat; total subcutaneous fat, and visceral fat.
No differences were seen in blood lipid levels.
Replacement of LCTs with MCTs in the diet
could potentially induce modest reductions in
body weight and composition without adversely
affecting lipid profiles. However, further research
Fats varying in fatty acid chain lengths are metabolized differently.
MCTs are naturally found in foods such as coconut oil, palm oil, and butter.

Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA)

Coconut oil has the highest naturally occurring percentage of MCTs, which

Research into the weight-loss benefit of these healthy fats is

and oils eaten by Americans are saturated or unsaturated or come from an

still ongoing, the current theory being that these fats:

animal or a plant, are composed of long-chain triglycerides (LCT). Probably

Improve glucose sensitivity

98 to 100% of all the fats we eat consist of LCT. LCT are absorbed directly

APRIL 2015

chain triglycerides (LCTs) on weight loss and

until March 2014 with no language restriction.

Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA)


trials comparing the effects of MCTs to long-

New Zealand Science, and Cochrane CENTRAL

compose nearly 60% of its total fat content. The vast majority of the fats


and meta-analysis of randomized controlled

Web of Knowledge, Discover, PubMed, Scopus,

Medium-chain triglycerides (MCT), containing 612 carbon fatty acids.

In a cross-European study it was recently shown that

consumption of cod increases weight loss in men and also
has other positive health effects. The aim of this study was
to investigate whether cod consumption increases weight
loss and improves cardiovascular risk factors in a dose
dependent manner during an 8-week energy restriction diet
in young overweight and obese healthy adults. In this dietary
intervention 126 subjects comprised the group given energyrestricted diets (-30%); they were prescribed an identical
macronutrient composition but different amounts of cod: the
control group were given no seafood and lean meat; group 1
were given 150 g cod 3 times a week; and group 2 were given
150 g cod 5 times a week. Anthropometric measurements and

Researchers just published a systematic review

in healthy adults were identified searching

Alpha-linoleic acid (ALA)

Speed fat oxidation by stimulating a specific receptor

in the liver that affects fat

reducing potential of MCTs, have been mixed.

circumference, hip circumference, total body

There are three types of omega-3 fatty acids:

Reduce markers of inflammation

intervention studies investigating the weight

controlled trials >3 weeks duration conducted

Most people that I know when they are getting ready for a
physique competition start incorporating more fish into
their diet, as they get closer to the contest. Its no coincidence
that research can validate these claims that consuming
fish products can enhance fat loss over lean meat products.
Omega-3 are found in deep-sea fish such as salmon, mackerel,
swordfish, and shark as well as certain oils (canola) and nuts

Reduce insulin resistance

triglycerides (LCT). However, results from human

cardiovascular risk factors were assessed at baseline and

endpoint. Body weight decreased after 8-weeks, also waist
circumference, BMI, systolic and diastolic blood pressure,
triglycerides, and insulin. The prevalence of the metabolic
syndrome dropped from 29 to 21%. According to linear models
weight loss was 1.7 kg greater among subjects consuming
150 g 5x/week compared to the control group. The trend
analysis supported a dose-response relationship between cod
consumption and weight loss, but changes of other measured
cardiovascular risk factors were similar between the groups.
A dose-response relationship between cod consumption and
weight loss during an 8-week energy restriction diet is found
and 5 x 150 g cod/week results in 1.7 kg greater weight loss
in young overweight or obese adults than a isocaloric diet
without seafood.

into the portal circulation and transported to the liver for rapid oxidation.
LCT, however, are transported via chylomicrons into the lymphatic system,
allowing for extensive uptake into adipose tissue. Therefore, it has been
hypothesized that the rapid metabolism of MCT may increase energy
expenditure (EE), decrease their deposition into adipose tissue and result
in faster satiety.
There is evidence to suggest that short-term consumption of MCT increases
energy expenditure in humans and results in decreased fat cell size and
body weight accretion in animals. Medium chain fatty acids (MCFA) are
readily oxidized in the liver. Animal and human studies have shown that
the fast rate of oxidation of MCFA leads to greater energy expenditure
(EE). Most animal studies have also demonstrated that the greater EE with
MCFA relative to long-chain fatty acids (LCFA) results in less body weight
gain and decreased size of fat depots after several months of consumption.

Ramel A, Jonsdottir MT, Thorsdottir I. Consumption of cod and weight

loss in young overweight and obese adults on an energy reduced diet
for 8-weeks. Nutr Metab Cardiovasc Dis. 2009 Dec;19(10):690-6.

Furthermore, both animal and human trials suggest a greater satiating

effect of medium-chain triglycerides (MCT) compared with long-chain

is required by independent research groups using

large, well-designed studies to confirm the efficacy
of MCT and to determine the dosage needed for
the management of a healthy body weight and
composition. MCTs can be used for safe and
effective weight loss if you replace LCT with MCTs
in your diet, but dont be fooled into thinking that
MCTs are a wonder fat that magically makes fat
shrink. Only by replacing LCT with MCTs has they
been shown to reduce bodyweight and enhance
fat loss. Bodybuilders may want to consider
experimenting with MCTs for fat loss.
Scalfi, L, Coltorti, A. & Contaldo, F. (1991) Postprandial
thermogenesis in lean and obese subjects after meals
supplemented with medium-chain and long-chain triglycerides.
Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 53:1130-1133.
Seaton, T. B., Welle, S. L, Warenko, M. K. & Campbell, R. G. (1986)
Thermic effect of medium-chain and long-chain triglycerides in
man. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 44:630-634.
Hill, J. O., Peters, J. C., Yang, D., Sharp, T., Kaler, M., Abumrad,
N. N. & Greene, H. L. (1989) Thermogenesis in humans during
overfeeding with medium-chain triglycerides. Metabolism
Rothwell, N. J. & Stock, M. J. (1987) Stimulation of thermogenesis
and brown fat activity in rats fed medium chain triglyceride.
Metabolism 36:128-130.
Van Wymelbeke, V., Himaya, A., Louis-Sylvestre, J. & Fantino,
M. (1998) Influence of medium-chain and long-chain
triacylglycerols on the control of food intake in men. Am. J. Clin.
Nutr. 68:226-234.
Mumme K, Stonehouse W. Effects of medium-chain
triglycerides on weight loss and body composition: a metaanalysis of randomized controlled trials. J Acad Nutr Diet. 2015


The deadlift is the least technical and easiest lift to do of the big
three. You start with the weight on the ground and you lift it up until
you are completely erect, knees, hips, and shoulders in a straight line.
There are two styles of deadlifting; sumo and conventional.


The sumo style is characterized by a stance with the feet wide and
arms inside of the legs. Conventional style means your feet are closer
together (shoulder width or closer) and your hands outside of your
legs. Which style you decide to do is a matter of preference, muscular
weakness/strength, and anatomical characteristics.

Conventional pulls place more emphasis on the lower back and

The Deadlift

Pure, Primal and Brutal

By: Noah Bryant



APRIL 2015

The deadlift is the simplest,

purest test of strength that
exists. Simply pick up a
weight from the floor and
stand up, nothing could
be easier. Because of its
simplicity, the deadlift
tests the limit strength of
the participant better than
any other lift. It is a pure,
unadulterated test of what
you and your muscles are
made of.

posterior chain. So, if you have a really strong back, this may be the

The deadlift is the ultimate

test of mental toughness
and intestinal fortitude, a
lot of lifters can make up
for muscle weakness or poor
technique with pure, primal
rage. That is the beauty of the
deadlift, more than any other
lift it tests the whole lifter;
mind, body, and spirit!

Luckily for you, in the deadlift, weaknesses are usually easy to

style for you. Sumo deadlift places more emphasis on the glutes,
hamstrings, quads, hips and upper traps. If you have a weak lower
back or have low back problems you may want to consider the sumo
deadlift. The best advice is try both and see which one feels more
natural and which one you think has a higher potential for heavy


The key to successful deadlifting (or lifting in general, really) is
identifying weaknesses and through intelligent exercise selection and
programming, turning those weaknesses into strengths.

identify. If you can lift a weight off the floor but cant complete the
lift, you obviously need more lockout work. On the other hand, if you
are one of the lifters who can lockout anything that you can break
off the floor, you would be best suited by working on your start. Once
you have identified your weaknesses, it is time to devise a plan that
attacks the weak points in your lift.




Speed Deadlifts
Lifting sub maximal weights with maximal effort leads to
strength adaptations similar to lifting maximal weights.

Starting strength is hugely important in the deadlift. Getting

Lifting maximal weights with explosive intent throughout

the bar off the ground with maximal speed is crucial to

the entire range of motion can create staggering strength

completing the lift.

benefits. Using this method will help you build great strength
off the floor.

Deficit Deadlifts
One way to work on your starting strength is to incorporate

An explosive start is crucial to a good deadlift, so we want to

deficit deadlifts into your training. The deficit deadlift is the

train explosively. Load the bar with 50-65% of 1RM and pull

single best exercise for someone who lacks strength off the

as fast as possible through the entire lift. Dont let off the gas!

bottom in the deadlift. You can use them as an accessory after

You can add speed deads after your working sets of deadlift.

your deadlifts or you can replace your deadlifts with deficit

deadlifts for an entire cycle.

Set up a platform or plates so that you raise your

feet 1-3 off the ground. Then, simply perform a
deadlift. Do not set the platform above 3,
this puts you too far out of a true deadlift
position and the transfer will not be as great.

Deadlifts with Bands

Deadlift With Chains

One of the best ways to work on the top end of your deadlift

The same VRT principle is at work here, the weight gets

is to employ the use of Bands. As you lift the barbell from

heavier as you lift the bar up and chain links are lifted off the

the floor the bands start to stretch further, adding more and

floor. The chain method is much easier to hook up and easier

more weight as you reach your weak point, the lockout. So

to gauge how much weight you are actually lifting. Also, a

you may only be lifting 400 pounds off the floor, but you

lot of lifters prefer this method of VRT because it allows the

are actually locking out 500 pounds. This concept is called

bar to travel closer to its natural path, whereas bands can

Variable Resistance Training (VRT).

interfere with the bar path.

The bands can be set up a few different ways. You can hook
the bands to heavy dumbbells on the floor, if you are lucky

Deadlift from Blocks or Rack Pulls

enough to have a platform with hooks use them, thats what

To perform this variation, simply set up blocks, or safety pins,

they are there for. Another way to set the band up is to wrap

to just below your sticking point. Next, try to mimic your true

one end of the band around the collar of the barbell and

deadlift position as closely as possible. Many times while

stretch it over to the other side and hook it on the opposite

doing this exercise athletes change the mechanics of the lift

collar. This method will require you to stand on the band

and transfer of training to the deadlift is not as good as it

while performing the lift.

could be. You can really overload the weight on this exercise,
so dont be scared to throw some big numbers on there.



APRIL 2015

If you are
not already,
add the
to your
Your mind,
body, and
spirt will
thank you!




New Study:

average 307 69 grams of protein compared to

138 42 in the control. When expressed per unit
body weight, the high protein group consumed

Creatine Increases
Resting Testosterone
Concentrations and
Reduces Cortisol

4.4 0.8 g/kg/d of protein versus 1.8 0.4 g/

kg/d in the control. There were no changes in
training volume for either group. Moreover,
there were no significant changes over time
or between groups for body weight, fat mass,
fat free mass, or percent body fat. Consuming

decreases in cortisol concentrations, in

contrast with other overfeeding studies, which

comparison with Pl and baseline, after

showed gains in body weight, fat mass and lean

5 and 7 days of Cr loading. There were

body mass; however, those investigations were

no significant changes in heart rate,

performed in non exercise-trained individuals

systolic blood pressure (SBP), diastolic

that were consuming a lower protein diet. The

blood pressure (DBP), mean arterial

really interesting aspect of the study was that

pressure (MAP), heart rate and rate

the high protein-eating group consumed over

pressure product (RPP). Results of the

800 calories more per day for eight weeks

For years, nutritionists have said, A Calorie is a Calorie! We now know

higher the thermic effect. Both young and old

that this is the furthest from the truth. Researchers wanted to examine

individuals experience an increase in resting

the impact of a high protein diet to examine if it had any impact on weight

energy expenditure after a 60-gram protein

gain, according to the all calories are created equal theory, the participants

meal (17-21% increase). So if youre dieting and

should gain weight after overfeeding protein. Thirty healthy resistance-

need to eat something, a high protein snack is

trained individuals were randomly assigned to one of the following groups:

a better option to keep the weight off. Another

control or high protein. The control group was instructed to maintain the

interesting finding was that the higher protein

same training and dietary habits over the course of the 8-week study.

group did not gain any more lean muscle mass

The high protein group was instructed to consume 4.4 grams of protein per

than the control group, so dont be expecting to

kg body weight daily. They were also instructed to maintain the same training

pack on greater increases in lean muscle mass

and dietary habits (e.g. maintain the same fat and carbohydrate intake). Body

by eating more protein but it will keep your

composition, training volume, and food intake were determined at baseline

bodyweight in check.

and over the 8-week treatment period. At the end of eight weeks, the high
protein group consumed significantly more protein and calories pre vs.
post. Furthermore, the high protein group consumed significantly more
protein and calories than the control. The high protein group consumed on


APRIL 2015

present study suggest that more than

5 days of creatine supplementation,

that creatine not only increases muscle

Increases Resting
Testosterone and
Reduces Cortisol

strength but now creatine does what no

Twenty active males were randomly

study to get you motivated to take

other supplement can do...creatine lowers

assigned to either a creatine group (Cr)

creatine monohydrate.

myostatin. In a study in the Journal of

or placebo group (Pl). At the first visit,



all participants given 4 5 g.d~1 dose

researchers examined how creatine impacted

of creatine or dextrose and maintained


group consumed an extra 145 grams of protein

may make it difficult to gain body weight during

times of overfeeding. It has been shown that
the greater the protein contents of a meal, the

Lemon PW: Do athletes need more dietary protein and

amino acids? Int J Sport Nutr 1995, 5(Suppl):S39-S61.
Lemon PW, Tarnopolsky MA, MacDougall JD, Atkinson SA:
Protein requirements and muscle mass/strength changes
during intensive training in novice bodybuilders. J Appl
Physiol 1992, 73:767-775.

75 or 85% of one repetition maximum.

in testosterone concentrations and

not result in an increase in body fat. This is in

of protein. The high thermic effect of protein

intensity of program was determined at

Cr group showed significant increases

consuming a hypercaloric high protein diet does

not gained weight because of the thermic effect

leg curl, and abdominal crunches. The

the end of the study, subjects of the

first interventional study to demonstrate that

Increase Bodyweight

curl, squats, leg press, leg extension,

the lifting load during exercises. At

maintain the same training regimen. This is the

reasons why the high protein group may have

shoulder press, lat-pull down, arm

subjects were not allowed to increase

resistance-trained individuals who otherwise

4.4 g/kg/d). The researchers suggested several

exercises that included: Bench press,

exercise was allowed for rest. The

protein has no effect on body composition in

daily (mean intake of 307 grams per day or

performed 3 sets 10-repetitions of 9

A minute break between sets of

5.5 times the recommended daily allowance of

and still did not gain weight. The high protein

5, and 7. During each session, subjects

Creatine has become the mostly widely

researched ergogenic aid to date and








for seven days. All testing or exercise

men. In a double-blind design, 27 healthy

sessions began after approximately 12

male subjects were assigned to resistance

hours overnight fast and 8 hours sleep.










groups. Amazingly, the study found that

exercises at day 3, 5, and 7; and also tested


at day 4, 6, and 8. Volunteers were on

resistance-training program amplifies the

their ordinary diet, not permitted to use

training-induced decrease in serum levels of

nutritional supplementation, and did

myostatin, increasing the effects of exercise

not consume anabolic steroids or any

on muscle strength and mass. Other studies

other anabolic agents known to increase

have reported that ingestion of creatine

performance. Under the direction of

enhances muscle IGF-1 responses as well


in conjunction with increasing satellite cell

resistance exercise sessions took placed

activation. Just when you think creatine

in a weight training room. Participants

cant get any better, it does.

performed resistance exercises at day 3,







associated with resistance exercises is

sufficient for increasing testosterone




cortisol concentrations. If your not

taking creatine, this is the perfect

Saremi A, Gharakhanloo R, Sharghi S, Gharaati

MR, Larijani B, Omidfar K. Effects of oral
creatine and resistance training on serum
myostatin and GASP-1. Mol Cell Endocrinol,
2009 Dec 22.
Deldicque L, Louis M, Theisen D, Nielens H,
Dehoux M, Thissen JP, Rennie MJ, Francaux M.
Increased IGF mRNA in human skeletal muscle
after creatine supplementation. Med Sci Sports
Exerc, 2005 May;37(5):731.
Brilla LR, Haley TF. Effect of magnesium
supplementation on strength training in
humans. J Am Coll Nutr. 1992 Jun;11(3):326-9.
Candow DG, Chilibeck PD, Burke DG, Mueller
KD, Lewis JD. Effect of different frequencies of
creatine supplementation on muscle size and
strength in young adults. J Strength Cond Res.
2011 Jul;25(7):1831-8.
Cinar, V., Polat, Y., Balaci, A., Mogulkoc, R. Effects
of Magnesium Supplementation on Testosterone
Levels of Athletes and Sedentary Subjects at
Rest and after Exhaustion. Biological Trace
Element Research. 2011. 140, 18-23.
Arazi, F. Rahmaninia, K. Hosseini, A. Asadi
Effects of short term creatine supplementation
and resistance exercises on resting hormonal
and cardiovascular responsesScience & Sports, ,
Available online 4 February 2015

for Total Body Training
How to train fast and efficiently



Varying the leverages of these three

This tri-set starts with two

dumbbell exercises intensifies the

compound exercises followed by an

work of the medial deltoids.

isolation movement, and works the

A1. Dumbbell Lateral Raise

chest from three different angles.

A2. Dumbbell Accentuated Eccentric

Lateral Raise (i.e., the Funky Chicken)

A1. Incline Bench Press

A3. Dumbbell L-Style Lateral Raise

A3. Decline Dumbbell Flye

A2. Flat Dumbbell Press

By: Stephane Cazeault, The Poliquin Group

Some of the greatest training methods in bodybuilding use tri-sets
to enable you to perform more work in less time. By performing more
exercises for each body part without significantly increasing training time
you can develop a physique without weaknesses. Lets take a closer look.
Whereas supersets usually pair opposing muscle groups, such as the
biceps and triceps, tri-sets enable you to perform three exercises for the

Upper Back


Here is a tri-set that works the upper back

Forearms that are relatively weak will

from horizontal to vertical angles to promote

limit biceps development, which is why

both width and thickness.

the EZ-bar reverse-grip Scott curl is

A1. Seated Row

performed first in this series.

A2. 45-Degree Leaning Pulldown to Chest

A1. EZ-Bar Reverse-Grip Scott Curl

A3. Wide-Grip Pulldown

A2. Seated Dumbbell Hammer Curl

A3. Incline Dumbbell Curl

same muscle group. The method is especially effective for body parts that
require a large variety of exercises for complete development, such as the

The squat is the king of exercises, so this tri-

The ball-and-socket design of the shoulder permits seven functions:

abduction, flexion, horizontal adduction, internal rotation, extension,
horizontal abduction, and external rotation. To train all these functions
using conventional workouts would make for an extremely long workout.
Tri-sets can take care of that problem.
In the case of a muscle attached to a simple hinge joint, such as the biceps,
your focus could be on working the entire strength curve of the muscle

set starts off with the barbell back squat to

give it the respect it deserves. It is followed
by two less challenging exercises to push
the quads into greater growth.
A1. Barbell Back Squat
A2. Barbell Hack Squat
A3. Incline Leg Press

The V-bar dip is a compound exercise
that strongly affects the lateral head of
the triceps. Because this muscle tends
to be recruited best when heavy loads
are used, the V-bar dip is performed
first in this tri-set.
A1. V-Bar Dip
A2. Flat Dumbbell Triceps Extension
A3. EZ-Bar Seated French Press

by tri-setting exercises with different resistance curves. For example, the


resistance curve in a Scott curl is strongest at the bottom range of the

The hamstrings have several different lines

exercise, in a standing barbell curl it is strongest at the mid-range, and in

of pull, so this tri-set changes the position of


a spider curl the resistance curve is strongest at the top range.

the feet to effectively work all the angles.

Although the A2 and A3 exercises in

A1. Lying Leg Curl, Feet In

this tri-set each involve a short range of

The order of exercises in a tri-set influences the training response. The

A2. Lying Leg Curl, Feet Neutral

motion, they have different resistance

late Casey Viator, a teenage phenom who placed third in the 1982 Olympia,

A3. Lying Leg Curl, Feet Out

curves and as such can be teamed up to

is a good example of the effectiveness of tri-sets. At a height of 58, Viator

work all areas of the strength curve.

weighed 218 pounds; his arms measured 19 15/16 inches and his chest 50
inches. To focus on his quads, in one workout Casey performed a tri-set
that included 20 reps of 750 pounds in the leg press followed immediately
by 20 reps of 225 pounds in the leg extension and then 13 full squats with
502 pounds!
To get you started, here are my favorite tri-sets for the major body parts.
Variety is essential to fast muscle growth, so dont limit yourself to just
these exercises; there are many more options. As a general guideline,
perform a specific tri-set workout a total of six times before moving on
to another workout.


APRIL 2015


Lower Back
The first two exercises in this tri-set

The first exercise in this tri-set works

involve flexion of the trunk, whereas

the gastrocnemius, the second works

the third exercise involves movement

the soleus, and the third works the

of the legs. Working both ends of

anterior tibialis for a total lower leg

the muscles in this manner ensures


complete development.

A1. Standing Calf Raise

A1. Standing Good Morning

A2. Seated Calf Raise

A2. 45-Degree Back Extension

A3. Anterior Tibialis Raise

A3. Reverse Hyperextension

A1. Standing EZ-Bar Reverse-Grip Curl

A2. Decline Barbell Wrist Extension
A3. Seated Barbell Wrist Curl


Vitamin D:

The Sunshine Vitamin

for Bodybuilding:

New Study
Suggest Soy Protein
Slows Down Strength
Gains in Older Adults

in whey vs. soy protein in terms of

Muscle strength, body composition,

strength and body composition gains.

physical function and quality of life

Soy has a beneficial impact on reducing

were assessed at baseline and 12 weeks.

serum lipids but the impact on strength

Protein intake was higher in high

and body composition gains remain

dairy protein and high protein soy diet

controversial so researchers wanted to

compared with usual protein diet.

examine its impact on elderly adults.

Strength increased less in high protein

Recently, soy protein popularity has



soy diet compared with high dairy

increased due to its use in health food

strength into older age is critical to

protein and usual protein diet. All groups



maintain health. The researchers wanted

increased lean mass, physical function

regarded as being concentrated in protein

to determine whether increased dairy

and mental health scores increased and

bodies, which are estimated to contain at

or soy protein intake combined with

fat mass decreased with no differences

least 6070% of the total soybean protein.

resistance training enhanced strength

among the groups. Increased soy protein

Soybeans also contain biologically active

gains in older adults. 179 healthy older

intake reduced gains in muscle strength

or metabolic proteins, such as enzymes,

adults, with an average age of 61 years of

during resistance training in older adults

trypsin inhibitors, hemagglutinins, and

age performed resistance training three

compared with increased intake of dairy

cysteine proteases very similar to papain.

times per week for 12 weeks and were

protein or usual protein intake.

Soy protein contains phytoestrogens,

randomized to one of three eucaloric

which bind to estrogen receptors in the

dietary treatments.







body. Controversy exists whether soy will

support skeletal muscle protein accretion

High dairy protein (HP-D, >1.2

g of protein/kg body weight/d;
~27 g/d dairy protein).

High soy protein (HPS, >1.2 g

of protein/kg body weight/d;
~27 g/d soy protein)

Usual protein intake (UP, <1.2 g

of protein/kg body weight/d).

in response to resistance training as

effectively as whey or casein protein.
Previous research has reported that
whey was superior to soy in stimulating
amino acid uptake during a resistancetraining




studies have shown no differences



APRIL 2015

Phillips SM, Hartman JW, Wilkinson SB: Dietary

protein to support anabolism with resistance
exercise in young men. J Am Coll Nutr 2005,
Candow DG, Burke NC, Smith-Palmer T, Burke DG,
Candow DG, Burke NC, Burke DG: Effect of whey
and soy protein supplementation combined with
resistance training in young adults. Int J Sport Nutr
Exerc Metab 2006, 16(3):233-244.
Haub MD, Wells AM, Tarnopolsky MA, Campbell
WW: Effect of protein source on resistive-traininginduced changes in body composition and muscle
size in older men. Am J Clin Nutr 2002, 76:511-517.
Rebecca L. Thomson, Grant D. Brinkworth, Manny
Noakes, Jonathan D. Buckley. Muscle strength gains
during resistance exercise training are attenuated
with soy compared with dairy or usual protein intake
in older adults: A randomized controlled trial Clinical
Nutrition, Available online 7 February 2015.

In the Golden Age of Bodybuilding, Arnold and Franco Columbo

would be seen sunbathing on the beaches in Venice. Todays
bodybuilders rely on Pro-Tan and artificial methods of tanning
to color the skin, but bodybuilders maybe be missing out on
getting adequate Vitamin D. Vitamin D deficiency is a global
health problem. With all the medical advances of the century,
vitamin D deficiency is still epidemic. Over a billion people
worldwide are vitamin D deficient or insufficient. Vitamin
D, also described, as the Sun Vitamin is a steroid
with hormone like activity. It regulates the
functions of over 200 genes and is essential
for growth and development. There are two
forms of vitamin D. Vitamin D2
(ergocalciferol) and vitamin
D3 (cholecalciferol). Vitamin
D status depends on the
production of vitamin D 3 in
the skin under the influence
of ultraviolet radiation from
sun and vitamin D intake through
diet or vitamin D supplements. Usually 50 to 90% of vitamin D is
produced by sunshine exposure of skin and the remainder comes
from the diet. Natural diet, most human consume, contain little
vitamin D. Traditionally the human vitamin D system begins in
the skin, not in the mouth. However, important sources of vitamin
D are egg yolk, fatty fish, fortified dairy products and beef liver.
In addition to vitamin Ds well-known role in bone and calcium
metabolism, vitamin D deciency has been linked to a long-list of
health conditions including atherosclerosis. Vitamin D is critical
to the proper functioning of the endothelial cells that line blood
vessels. Without sufficient levels of vitamin D, these endothelial
cells become more susceptible to damage and dysfunction that
ultimately can lead to the development of atherosclerosis as well
as arterial calcification.
Vitamin D Keeps Lead in Your Pencil
Given the link between vitamin D and atherosclerosis,
Italian researchers conducted a study in 143 men with
erectile dysfunction (ED). The men were evaluated for penile
atherosclerosis by ultrasound along with blood levels for vitamin
D3. Fifty men were classified as suffering from atherosclerotic
ED, 28 borderline ED and 65 non- atherosclerotic ED. The
average vitamin D level was 21.3ng/mL and 45.9% of the men
had vitamin D deficiency (<20ng/ml). Only 20.2% had vitamin
D levels greater than 30 ng/ml. The results showed that most
men with ED have low vitamin D levels and those with more
severe ED had significantly lower vitamin D levels than those

with mild ED. Vitamin D deficiency was also worse in those

with ED due to penile atherosclerosis than in those men
with ED due to other factors. These results indicate that
low levels of vitamin D3 are linked to ED and indicate that
vitamin D3 levels should be measured in men with ED.
Establishing optimal blood levels of D3 may lead to better
endothelial function and reduce/prevent ED. In addition to
ED, low vitamin D levels have been associated with reduced
testosterone levels and anabolic genes.
Vitamin Ds Role in Muscle Building
Vitamin D is not technically a vitamin or essential dietary
factor. Vitamin D is actually a pro-hormone produced
phytochemically in the skin. And unlike traditional vitamins,
Vitamin D has its own hormone receptor (VDR). VDRs are
found in at least 36 different organs in the body. To
further establish this fact and to see if Vitamin D3
may actually have an anabolic effect, researchers
carried out an in-vitro study using muscle cells,
insulin, leucine, and Vitamin D. The focus
of this study was on the mTOR anabolic
signaling pathway in muscle cells. It
is well known that insulin facilitates
the activation of the mTOR pathway,
particularly high insulin levels. Leucine is
a direct activator of the mTOR pathway and
in this way can switch on protein synthesis in
muscle cells. These researchers took muscle cells and exposed
them to leucine and insulin, or leucine, insulin, and Vitamin
D. Results demonstrated that the addition of Vitamin D to
insulin and leucine significantly enhanced the activity of the
mTOR pathway and protein synthesis. The authors conclude
that Vitamin D has the potential to directly alter protein
synthesis in muscle cells. Additionally, several studies have
found that low vitamin D is associated with low testosterone
levels. One study found out that men with sufficient vitamin
D levels had significantly higher testosterone levels and
lower SHBG count, than men who had insufficient amounts
of the vitamin (or hormone) in their blood serum. Another
study found out that when healthy male participants take
3332 IUs of vitamin D daily for a year, they end up having
25,2% more testosterone on average when compared to
placebo. Getting out in the sun maybe be more than just
relaxing, it may be anabolic for bodybuilders!
Barassi A, Pezzilli R, Colpi GM, Corsi Romanelli MM, Melzi dEril GV. Vitamin
D and erectile dysfunction. J Sex Med. 2014 Nov;11(11):2792-800.
Salles J, Chanet A, Giraudet C, Patrac V, Pierre P, Jourdan M, Luiking YC,
Verlaan S, Mign C, Boirie Y, Walrand S. 1,25(OH)2-vitamin D3 enhances the
stimulating effect of leucine and insulin on protein synthesis rate through
Akt/PKB and mTOR mediated pathways in murine C2C12 skeletal myotubes.
Mol Nutr Food Res. 2013 Dec;57(12):2137-46.
Wehr E, Pilz S, Boehm BO, Mrz W, Obermayer-Pietsch B. Association of
vitamin D status with serum androgen levels in men. Clin Endocrinol (Oxf).
2010 Aug;73(2):243-8.
Pilz S, Frisch S, Koertke H, Kuhn J, Dreier J, Obermayer-Pietsch B, Wehr E,
Zittermann A. Effect of vitamin D supplementation on testosterone levels in
men. Horm Metab Res. 2011 Mar;43(3):223-5.

Can you Change

the Shape of your

EMG can be carried out in two ways.

The differences in activation of the lower

In most cases, guys with a large biceps

The first involves placing electrodes on

hamstrings was stark, with the leg curl

peak have a relatively short muscle belly

the surface of the skin directly above

showing greater lower lateral hamstrings

and longer tendons. And the length of

the muscles that you want to analyze.

activity of approximately 170% and

your tendons and muscle bellies cant be

The second uses fine wire or needle

lower medial hamstrings activity of

altered through training.

electrodes inserted into the muscle belly

approximately 65% compared to the stiff-


legged deadlift.

EMG lets researchers see how different

These studies tell us that exercise

endless sets of calf raises with their feet

exercises, as well as variations in angles

selection, as well as variations in angles

pointing out at different angles. But the

and grips, affect regional muscle activity.

and grips, have an impact on regional

long Achilles tendon and short muscle

In one study, Australian scientists

muscle activation.

belly will limit their ability to make their

to calves. Guys with high calves can do

examined the effects of different bench

By: Christian Finn

Bodybuilders have claimed

for years that different
exercises affect different parts
of a muscle. Youll hear that
one exercise, for example,
develops the peak of the
biceps, while another exercise
gives it width or thickness.
Physiologists, on the other
hand, say that all of this is
nonsense. Muscle shape is
determined entirely by your
genetics. Doing a bunch of
different exercises for the
same muscle group is a
complete waste of time.


APRIL 2015

So whos right?

Its much the same story when it comes

calves bigger.

angles and grips on muscle activity in

But does this have any practical relevance

the chest [1]. They found that changing

to you and me? In other words, does a

People with good calf development

the angle of the bench and the width of

short-term difference in regional muscle

usually have short Achilles tendons and

the grip emphasized different parts of a

activity translate to a long-term gain in

longer muscles bellies, where the potential


muscle mass in that particular region?

for growth is that much greater.

Both the upper chest and long head

Several studies have attempted to answer

of the triceps, for example, were more

this very question. And the answer


active with a shoulder-width versus a

appears to be a qualified yes.

You cant completely isolate one area of

double shoulder-width grip, especially

Japanese researchers found that the part

a muscle relative to another. And the

during the flat and incline bench press.

of the triceps that were highly active

potential shape and size of each muscle

during dumbbell skull crushers were

is determined ultimately by the genetic

More recent research, published in the

the parts that grew the most when the

blueprint you were handed at birth.

January 2015 edition of the Journal of

exercise was performed three times a

Strength and Conditioning Research,

week for 12 weeks[3].

compared a knee-dominant exercise

But you can make the most of that

potential by using different exercises,

(the lying leg curl) with a hip-dominant

The same group of researchers also found

as well as variations in grip width and

exercise (the stiff-legged deadlift)[2].

that muscle activity in the triceps during

angles, to emphasize different sections

the dumbbell bench press matched up

of a muscle. By using several exercises

Back in the 1990s, a Swedish scientist

the toes pointed out worked the lateral

by the name of Per Tesch took a group

head of the calves to a greater extent

of experienced bodybuilders and got

than the same exercise done with the

The results show that the lying leg

with muscle growth in that exact same

rather than just one, you ensure that all

them to perform a variety of different

toes turned in. Tesch also found that

curl led to greater muscle activation

area after 12 weeks of training[4].

available fibers in a given muscle get


different exercises activate different

in certain parts of the hamstrings -

parts of a muscle to a greater extent

the lower lateral and lower medial

In other words, the ability to emphasize

than others.

hamstrings in particular - compared to

a head or portion of a muscle group can

the stiff-legged deadlift.

cause that part of a muscle to grow more

Then, he used magnetic resonance

imaging (MRI) to look inside their

a piece of the action, leading to more

quickly, leading to a change in the shape

bodies to see which muscles were used

The wide grip barbell curl worked the

to do the exercises.

short head of the biceps to a greater

Heres how study author Brad Schoenfeld

extent than the long head. The incline

describes the results:

and appearance of that muscle.

There are, however, a few caveats. The

What Tesch found was that a change in

curl, on the other hand, distributed the

grip width, hand position or even just

work evenly across both the long and

Activation of the upper hamstrings was

main problem is that the extent to which

the direction in which the feet were

short head of the biceps.

similar between exercises. Interestingly,

the shape of a particular muscle can be

however, activation of the lower

altered is not unlimited.

pointing led to a change in the region of

the muscle that was worked most during

As well as MRI, researchers have used a

hamstrings, both medially and laterally,

an exercise.

technology known as electromyography

was significantly greater in the lying leg

You and I can do concentration curls until

(EMG) to chart electrical activity in a


the end of time. But we still wont get a

For example, the donkey calf raise with

muscle during various exercises.

biceps peak like Robbie Robinson.

complete development of a muscle group.

1. Barnett, C., Kippers, V., & Turner, P. (1995). Effects of

variations of the bench press exercise on the EMG activity of
five shoulder muscles. Journal of Strength and Conditioning
Research, 9, 222-227
2. Schoenfeld BJ, Contreras B, Tiryaki-Sonmez G, Wilson
JM, Kolber MJ, Peterson MD. (2015). Regional differences
in muscle activation during hamstrings exercise. Journal of
Strength and Conditioning Research, 29, 159-164
3. Wakahara T, Miyamoto N, Sugisaki N, Murata K, Kanehisa
H, Kawakami Y, Fukunaga T, Yanai T. (2012). Association
between regional differences in muscle activation in one
session of resistance exercise and in muscle hypertrophy after
resistance training. European Journal of Applied Physiology,
112, 1569-1576
4. Wakahara T, Fukutani A, Kawakami Y, Yanai T. (2013).
Nonuniform muscle hypertrophy: its relation to muscle
activation in training session. Medicine and Science in Sports
and Exercise, 45, 2158-2165

30g protein

eat better

16g carbs | 0g fat

Low-Carb ProteinPacked Mashed

2 C Cooked Cauliflower
2/3 C Liquid Egg Whites
1 TBS Pea Protein
1 TBS Garlic Powder
1 TBS Chives
1 tsp Parsley
Salt & Pepper to taste
I Cant Believe Its Not Butter Spray (optional)
Combine all ingredients in a food processor and process
until smooth and creamy. Place in a microwave safe
dish and microwave for 1-2 minutes, stirring mixture
half way through. Top with a little I Cant Believe Its Not
Butter spray and extra parsley and chives.

190 calories
0g fat
16g carbs
8g fiber
30g protein

10g protein
11g carbs | 1.5g fat

Pumpkin Spice Cupcakes

2 C
2 Scoops
1 tsp
1 tsp
1/2 tsp
2 tsp
2 tsp
1/2 C
1/2 C
4 oz
15 oz

Oat Flour
Vanilla 100% Whey
Baking Soda
Baking Powder
Ground Cinnamon
Unsweetened Almond Milk
Pure Vanilla Extract
Cup Liquid Egg Whites
Unsweetened Applesauce
100% Pure Pumpkin

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
Line two muffin pans with cupcake liners. Mix
dry ingredients in one bowl and wet ingredients
in another separate bowl. Combine wet and dry
ingredients and mix well. Distribute batter evenly
into 22 cupcakes. Bake 25-30 minutes until golden
on top. For icing, combine Greek yogurt, cinnamon
and vanilla in a mixing bowl. Slowly add whey
protein (1 2 scoops depending on thickness) until
icing is thick enough to spread or pipe on cupcakes.
You may want to use a zip lock bag and decorative
piping tip to decorate cupcakes.
Serves 12
per Cupcake
98 calories
1.5g fat
11g carbs
2g fiber
10g protein



APRIL 2015

for her
coming soon


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