Prod Diary

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Learning Outcome Three

Production Diary

Task One
13th April Today we were issued the task of the final major project;
at first we reviewed what we needed to produce throughout the next
two months in a simple chart that displayed all the minor tasks that
had to be carried out in each section of the project. This way we can
gain an understanding of the structure of the project and help
manage our time in the production schedule, it will also benefit me
because I will be able to control the production and avoid missing
anything out.
14th April Today I was instructed to originate and develop initial
ideas for my production, this included deciding my most likely idea
for the production such as what format it will be in and what type of
production (e.g. T.V advert, music video) By doing this I have now
narrowed down my final options for what my production will include.
I was also able to discuss market competitors that will have a similar
type of production to mine, this way I will be able to carry out
surveys soon that will gain me with knowledge on how I can make
my advert more unique to the viewers.
15th April I have now completed brainstorms and analyzed my
initial ideas, by doing this I have narrowed down my choices for the
production and have chosen to complete my production on the
perfume/cologne advert rather than an IPhone 5C advertisement. I
have elected my best idea and have justified my reasons for
choosing this idea. Because I have chosen this idea I will soon
develop on the idea and the potential issues, constraints and
benefits that it will provide me with.
16th April Now I am developing my initial idea further by creating
mood boards to show the audience the feel I am going to attempt to
achieve and what elements will be required to achieve these
intentions. To find out what my peers though of my ideas I have
constructed a survey that I will send to my classmates to get a
general outlook on other people views of the production. After a
short time, I have collected the survey results and have understood
that my production has developed a mostly positive reaction and
the feedback included constructive thoughts on how I can make my
production more unique than other similar products.
17th April Today I analyzed my production and detailed potential
issues I may come across such as legal issues or ethical issues that
could potentially be harmful towards others. This part of the
production demonstrated the concerns that I may face if I do not
avoid these issues, so therefore I created a document that came up

with solutions to any issues. Another issues could be the costs of the
production so I have to work out the potential costs and how I will
pay for them avoiding any excess unnecessary costs that may slow
down the production.
20th April Continuing from the developing ideas section of the
production, I have now constructed primary and secondary research
for my production by sending surveys and comparing my
productions reaction to a similar product. I have researched into
similar products to mine so I can compare and get inspiration, this
way I can create an image for what my product will look like and
whom it will aspire towards. Continuing this I also researched into
the locations of my production, this was because I needed to have a
specific idea of my productions outlook.

Task Two
21st April Today I developed a proposal with a pitch witch I would
need to present next week so I must prepare for it today to be able
to practice the presenting for when the time comes. I researched
into the presentation styles to help me understand what to do and
things to avoid when I am presenting, this was useful because I
want to keep my audience interested while I am pithing my idea.
Now I have research the crucial elements of making a successful
pitch, I will put my proposal and pitch together ready for rehearsals.
22nd-23rd April Today I will be going over the proposal and pitch to
rehearse what topics I will be covering and the way I will be covering
these topics. I have rehearsed the pitch and gone over my script
that I have created and changed them into simple queue cards so I
can summarize my points to the audience I am presenting to next
week. I have also completed the presentation that I will be showing
whilst I am proposing my idea to the audience, this presentation
covers all the primary and secondary areas of my product and
shows the audience what I will be producing and how I will do it. 24th
April Now that I have completed the presentation for the project I
can create a treatment that summarized my intentions for the
30th April Today I presented my presentation to my class and
received feedback for my presentation, this propped the idea to
everyone and I could gain knowledge on their views about the
production or if they had any enquiries. I summarized everything
that I had to include in my production from cost issues, locations
and everything that will be an including factor of the whole process.
It assured that I had finalized my idea for the project and refined all

my ideas as a result of the criticism from the pitch that was done
through a PowerPoint presentation.

Task Three
4th May Today I have began on the pre-production of my project
that included completing all of the pre-production material. Firstly I
have developed a script for the production that included all the
words that my characters were going to say, this would be useful
because without it I would have to improvise the production and
that may slow the process down. 5th May Now that I have an idea
for what my story will roughly look like, I have finalized the actual
appearance of the advertisement by developing storyboards with
detailed analysis of the shot types, camera angles, duration and
positioning of every single shot in my production. Because of this, I
can precisely create film my animation and have it turn out the way
I intended it to.
5th May Now that I have begun on the process of detailing out the
advertisement I have been able to construct a detailed description
of the camera angles that will be used in my production as well as
the dialogue that will be present through the advert. The next item I
constructed was the photographed location reeces that showed the
locations I would be filming in and detailing the potential issues and
benefits of the location such as availability and public access issues,
because of this I had to check the areas I was filming in to ensure
that I was not breaking any rules. Following this, I also created risk
assessments for the areas that I was filming in, I had to complete
this to ensure that no health or safety issues would occur when
filming on the locations and it helped me and the crew members
prevent any instances by taking precautions.
11th May Today I will begin shooting my film at my first location,
the filming is estimated to be finished three weeks from now hoping
that I stay on schedule. I will begin filming shots in London town
center in areas such as Piccadilly Circus and Oxford Street; these
shots will be in the background of my production shown through a
green screen sheet. I have filmed around 1 hours worth of footage in
London town center and it has taken roughly one week to collect all
the shots I intended for. I have finished on location shooting on 22nd
of May. I will now be moving onto shooting my footage in with my
actor in the Henley College studio where I will have access to a
green screen and many lighting tools. I have filmed the actors
sections in the studio to save time and travel issues that may have
arisen with the crewmembers. The indoor shooting is estimated to

take up only a few sessions of recording before I have my intended

footage. The indoor shooting was competed by the 28th of May.
29th May I have finished all the filming for my production and will
now begin to edit my production, this section is estimated to take
around one week to complete, I will gather all my clips together and
choose them based on how well they fit to my storyboard and then
begin to edit them together adding my intended effects onto it. This
section was finished on the 4th of June.

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