4 Personality Animals

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Its a Zoo Around Here Quiz and the Lingo to go with each Animal

Which Animal are You?

1. What keeps you engaged in a presentation?

Clarity, sold, well-researched data and depth of information.

Visual representation of data, graphics and amusing anecdotes.

Lots of real-life examples the closer to home, the better.

A brisk, logical presentation leading quickly to a conclusion.

2. How do you influence people to do what youd like them to do?

Be honest and straightforward state what you want and what youre prepared to give in

Give them the information that shows the benefits of your course of action.

Persuade charm, maybe flatter a little and talk them round to your point of view.

Use empathy and sensitivity and be generous with concessions.

3. What kind of positive feedback makes you feel most valued?

Warm friendly comments maybe some physical contact too.

Public praise and celebration.

Brief, sincere, and to the point no fuss.

Detailed comments one exactly what was done well and how its made a difference.

4. A colleague shows you the birthday present hes bought for his wife and asks your opinion; you
think its awful. How do you handle it?

Make a jokey comment.

Come straight out with your opinion say it like it is.

Bend over backwards to be tactful.

Be completely stuck for what to say and end up being non- committal.

5. And finally, pick 3 or 4 traits from the list below that you think best describes you. To help you be
objective, imagine what a friend would say if they were asked about you.

Good listener

Fussy about details



Energetic and



Hides feelings





Lacking assertiveness

Sensible and reliable

Gets bored easily
A good laugh


Lions are straight-forward, tenacious and purposeful. They make visionary leaders and love to
be in charge. They are excellent at making tough decisions and meeting deadlines. People can
perceive them as being stubborn, impatient and uncaring. When talking with Lions, be brief
and focus on the task in hand. Make a point of honoring all agreements to the letter.

The Lion. Likes to lead. Very important. Needs to have straight forward answers. Singleminded, visionary, straight forward, purposeful, persevering, Multi-tasker and aggressive.
If they bought a camera, it would be the top of the range.

Lions needs to be: Patient, funny, loving, friendly, respectful, forgiving, Vulnerable

Monkeys are dynamic, creative and energetic. They can inject liveliness and humor into the
dullest of situations. Because of this, others sometimes feel they dont take things seriously
enough. They often have trouble with timekeeping. When talking with Monkeys be
enthusiastic, tap into their ideas and give them space to think flexibly and change their minds.

The Monkey. Extrovert. Short attention span. Lively, Funny, outgoing, creative, moves
quickly and energetic. Playful and persuasive. The Monkeys bought a phone or a camera
before the Elephant has finished researching; the Monkey will take it out of the box, throw
away the instructions and then spend months delighting in finding new things out about
their camera (or call an Elephant to ask them how it works).

Monkey needs to be: Disciplined, focused, leader, punctual, organized and determined.

Elephants are capable, analytical and often more sensitive and vulnerable than they let others
see. They are extremely reliable and value clarity, gentleness and quiet. They have difficulty
expressing themselves and people can see them as overly formal and fussy. When talking with
Elephants, allow them to save face and be prepared for lots of questions about detail.

The Elephant. Likes detail. Likes structure. Doesnt like surprises or change. Cautious,
meticulous, deliberate, , intellectually sensitive, honest, good communicator when you
have the necessary information, skeptical, formal. If an elephant buys a camera or mobile
phone, it will have researched it thoroughly, and will have read the instructions from cover
to cover.

Elephant needs to be: Wild, spontaneous, sexy, relaxed and enthusiastic.

Dolphins are very supportive and perceptive of others emotions. They are excellent at building
rapport and are often also skilled in handling detail. People can perceive them as being weak

or over-emotional. When talking with Dolphins, pay attention to social and personal aspects as
well as the task and remember they find change unsettling.

The Dolphin. Lovely. Very patient, very supportive and quite relaxed in their approach.
Caring, nurturing, affectionate, likeable, sharing and cares for others. They wouldnt mind
what phone they had, as long as they could phone their team or keep in touch.

Dolphin needs to be: Feel beautiful, worthy, strong, feel powerful, love self believe in the

1) You need to first know what personality type is your prospect. Look at what they wear, what they say,
how they behave to identify their personality types. See below "Identify"
2) Use the "BIZ Language" in your invitations specifically for that personality type.
3) The "Closing" are questions or statements you can make to have them take action to sign up when you
meet them NOT when you are inviting them.

"PROMOTERS": Monkeys
Identify: They Love Attention, Fun, Colors, Bling Bling, Name Brands, Energy, Loudest, Talkative, Always
about themselves, Fast action, Risk Taking, Daring, Dyed Hair Color.

BIZ Language: Travel the world, Go on stage, Be recognized by 1000's, First Class Travel! Shopping! Be a
Millionaire! Fun business, Be the first to enroll all you friends! Create more time to enjoy life! So many
Millionaires! Live in style! Make lots of money! NYSE Listed company! We are TOP 5 in Malaysia! We are one
of the Fastest Growing Companies! We pay the MOST percentage of Sales than any other company in the
NYSE! Make 5 Figures in 3 months! Buy New clothes, Look Stunning, Attractive, Sexy, 6 Packs, Honey Drip
Line, Fun, Lose weight for FREE, Only 12 Weeks (Fast), Be the First to Lose Weight, Celebrities (Ning
Baizura) do it, From USA, Enjoy Food, Enjoy eating, make 5 Figs, go see the best beaches of the world
together, be the TRA Champion and win RM5000! Go from XL to M to XS! We can take nicer photos!

Closing: "Can you imagine how successful you will be? We will have lots of fun when we go to Osaka, Japan!
Let's get all your friends under you, you can be the first, leader! Let's do it fast before anyone signs up
your friends! " "Can you imagine how beautiful and healthy you will look? Everyone will be looking at you!
Let's do it!"

"SUPPORTERS": Dolphins or Horse

Identify: They love friendship, nature, peace and harmony, always accommodating, flexible, never say 'No',
loves helping others, charity, dyed hair, no shocking colors (like Promoters)

BIZ Language: Support me, Be my guest, Can help more people stay healthy, save lives, team work, friendly
team, be an example to inspire others, group support, coach others, give back to society, help parents spend
more time with their children, support the environment, support the government initiative to lose weight,

create a more health conscious society, www.ForceForGood.Org , www.nourishthechildren.com, teach people

how to fish (vs. giving them fish), reduce family problems due to money problems, a company with great
culture, we support IJN (Institute Jantung Negara) to save 25 Children this year from congenital heart

Closing: "Can you imagine how many people you can help be more healthy and productive? I believe a lot of
people need our help to make more money to overcome inflation and financial turmoil. Let's help our friends.
We have a great team and we need good people like you." Can you imagine how healthy you will look? You will
be able to help more people and save more lives. Let's do it together.

"ANALYSERS": Elephant or Owl

Identify: They love data, details, safe, not to take any risks, don't want to be forced, books, system, step
by step, black and white, dull people, stubborn in nature, very loyal, very careful, have a few pens in the
pocket, neat, black hair.

BIZ Language: Safe, Clinical Studies, 38 Universities (Stanford, UCLA), 300 scientists, TRA Certified by
Health Science Authority of Sg, US Patented, No Side Effects, 12 weeks, lose 5-10kg, 70% Fat loss,
Reduce Vfat by 20-30%, 50 Doctors on the program, Measurable, LifePak Money Back Guarantee,
Systematic approach, 100,000 successful cases, everything is tracked so we can ensure it works, Success is
in the details, the company publishes the average income per month, there are over 700 people who have
made more than USD1 Million, we are registered with DSA, we are TOP 5 in Malaysia, we were TOP 10 2
years ago, We have been interviewed by Bloomberg News, FOX News, CNBC, TV3, etc. We focus on AntiAging and Weight Management, We are looking for people who ask lots of questions. LifePak is the first
product with 2 Double Blind Placebo Tests (any doctor would be impressed).

Closing: "If so many people, some of whom are even less educated and have less resources than you, can
become successful and make millions, why not you? If they can do it, you should be able to do it too! With
our proven system and global support, if I can do it, you mean you can't?! There is no way to make a
mistake, you either get healthy or healthy and wealthy!" "If so many people have lost fat and become
healthier, why not you? If they can do it, you should be able to do it too, right?"


Identify: They love to be right, result focused, efficient, money minded, talk big, think big, confident,
composed, cool, and insensitive to others, always in charge, dye hair, neat, business like.

BIZ Language: NYSE Listed Company, USD1.5Billion company, 5A1 Dun & Bradstreet Rating (Higher than
HSBC, CITI Group, Sony, Toyota), Created 727 USD Millionaires. 1 MCM is born every 5 days! No other
company has created this many Millionaires (except Google and Microsoft). Nu Skin is Top 5 Largest in the
World! SEA is the fastest growing Region! Malaysia is the Fastest Growing Country! 60% Professionals vs.
38% industry standard. Powerful & Generous Business plan. 5% 6 Generation. Commission Payout of 43% of
Sales (Highest in the NYSE)! Only 11 Network Marketing Companies exceed USD1Billion in sales in the
NYSE! We are looking for leaders with ambition. We are looking for successful people who are looking for a
bigger platform to be successful! We want to create 1600 micro franchises all over SEA! We are looking
for powerful people! We have exclusive partnerships and patents that makes us the most Unique and

Innovative Anti-aging company in the world! We have been interviewed by Bloomberg News, FOX News,
CNBC, TV3, etc.

Closing: "This is a platform to create millionaires through an anti-aging industry with the fastest growing
network marketing company in the world. If this company can create 730 USD Millionaires, there is
definitely a huge potential. Since we all age, the market is even BIGGER, right? Are you in a position to
build a global organization and create passive income and be a millionaire? We can't miss this boat!"

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