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Mathematics: Measurement

Learning Area


50 minutes

Topic/Lesson Title
Mathematics: Measurement
Through their exploration of nonstandard measurement, children begin to see
relationships and develop an understanding of why standard units of measure are
Comparing lengths using finger length, hand span or a piece of string

AusVels Syllabus
Mathematics: Measurement
Compare and order several shapes and objects based on length,
area, volume and capacity using appropriate uniform informal units (ACMMG037)
Childrens prior knowledge/experience
Students have already used unifix blocks in class for measuring.
By the end of this lesson students will be able to understand:
Why standard units of measurement are important

Preparation /Resources
Prepare measuring station beforehand.
Make copies of worksheet.

Beginning of session 3
Students settle into class and sit on the floor

5 minutes

15 minutes
Explain to students that todays lesson is going to be about measuring things.
Talk to them about: what they have used to measure in grade 1

Call a volunteer to the front

Which do you think are longer? ......s arms or legs?
How do you think we could find this out?
o Use streamers to measure and compare the 2 lengths and ask students what
they think.
How do we know? Write it down on the board
o Model how to use other things to take the same measurement
It is important to measure the same thing using different things (1 thing at a time)
Model this (the incorrect way too with gaps in units of measure, etc. and get
students to talk about the correct way to measure)
Also model how to use the different means of measurement


To day we will be measuring things around the class (give a few examples) in groups

Explain the importance of:

o Working quietly
o Not disturb the learning of the other class next door
o Being sensible
Assign groups and group leaders
Group leaders task is to record information (scribe)
Remind them again what they need to do

Free Exploring
Free exploring

10 minutes

5 minutes
Students sit down in groups
Inform them that they need to discuss what they think about the measurements and
the things they used to measure

Things to think about: comparing different units of measure; seeing relationships;

efficiency; measuring; matching; efficiency

10 minutes
Give each group an opportunity to share their ideas
Discuss about efficiency and why we need to use standard units of measurement.
Can you think why it is important to use rulers or tape measures to measure things?
We would have a lot of trouble making sure that measurements are the same or
Closing session
Packing up

5 minutes

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