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D. Hyams
Anchorage, Alaska | Eugene, OR

University of Oregon
Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science and Political Science. 3.69 GPA.
Washington University in St. Louis
Worked toward a bachelors degree in the College of Arts and Sciences. 3.75 GPA.

2013-June 2016 (Expected)


Canopy Connections Facilitator, Environmental Leadership Program
January-June 2015
n Developing an 80-page place-based, hands-on environmental education curriculum for middle school students
n Facilitating the curriculum during classroom lessons and daylong field trips with over 200 middle school

students in the HJ Andrews Experimental Forest (HJA)

n Working closely for 22 weeks with a team of 8 undergraduate students while managing an organized and

efficient system for communication and meetings through extensive use of Google Drive, agenda creation, and
facilitation techniques

Producing a 3000 word case study for Clearing Magazine outlining our project

Communicating with project partners including middle and high school teachers, program donors, HJA staff,
and the Pacific Tree Climbing Institute, in addition to a presentation to 20 high school counselors

Student Ambassador, University of Oregon

n Guided campus tours for prospective students and other guests

September-December 2014

Represented the University of Oregon on student panels and in other outreach events to encourage hundreds of
students, especially those from underrepresented demographics, to attend college

Lennette Undergraduate Research Fellow, Tyson Research Center

May-July 2013
n Worked with a research team in the Tyson forest dynamics plot studying spatiotemporal biodiversity changes
Front Desk Associate, Historic Anchorage Hotel
March-July 2012
n Handled guest check-ins, resolved problems, answered questions, made reservations, handled luggage and
maintained a clean and orderly environment to ensure smooth operation of the 26-room hotel
n Managed the hotels social media pages
n Translated for and managed conflict between staff members (English to Spanish and vice versa)
Conservation Corps Member, Canyon Country Youth Corps
September-November 2011
n Manually built and/or maintained multi-use trails, built a fence and trough for cattle control, and removed
invasive plant species through various management techniques
n Planned and prepared meals while living and working in remote locations with 7 other crewmembers


Fluent in conversational and written Spanish

Lifeguard and CPR certified through StarGuard (June 2015)
Extended outdoors experience through backcountry camping, cooking, backpacking, and sea kayaking; team
building, leadership, and group dynamics with the National Outdoor Leadership School (NOLS) (2012)

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