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Colegio Nemesio Antnez Zaartu

English Department
Francisco Hernndez Murga.

Name: ____________________________




Objetivo: Manejo de los nmeros en ingls en las habilidades de Listening, Reading, and Writing
Puntaje Obtenido :______/30

1. Listen to the teacher and write the number that you hear. (10 points)
a) _________________

f) _______________

b) _________________

g) _______________

c) _________________

h) _______________

d) _________________

i) ________________

e) _________________

j) ________________

2. Read and write the numbers (10 points)

a) Twenty two: ___________

f) Fifty five: _________________

b) Forty three: ____________

g) Seventy one: ______________

c) Sixteen: _______________

h) Ninety: ___________________

d) Thirty three: ___________

i) One hundred: ______________

e) Eighteen: ______________

j) Nineteen: __________________

3. Do the sums (10 points)

a) Fifty two + Eight:
b) sixteen + one:
c) five + ten:
d) Eighty + twenty:
e) twelve + five:

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