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User Interface Design 2505ICT

Workshop Nine Evaluation and Testing

1 Activity Evaluation and Testing Planning
This website was developed by a group of Industry Project students in 2013. It
has been revised since, based on the requirements of the committee that runs
the kindergarten. Thinking about a site for a kindergarten, develop a high level
evaluation and testing plan:

What are your testing goals and objectives?

What are your research questions?
What are your participant characteristics?
What method will you use?
What is your task list?
What is your test environment?
What role will your moderator have?
What data will you collect and what measures will you use to evaluate it?
How will you report your results?

2 Activity Evaluation and Testing

Now that you have a plan, put it into action. Within your team, decide who is your
participant, moderator, and observers. Conduct a usability test of the kindy website.

3 Homework

Look at evaluation and testing. What approach will you need for your Design
Brief? What can you do? What would be difficult?
Start developing your evaluation and testing plan for your Design Brief.
Continue development of your ePortfolio
Find an example of Communicating Interface Design in action.

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