Project Update .: Proposed Highway Improvement Works - Browning Avenue, Siddal

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April 2015.

Funding has
recently been
confirmed by the
Cabinet to assist
with highway
improvements to
Avenue, Siddal.

Proposed Highway Improvement Works

Browning Avenue, Siddal.

Project Update.
Calderdale Council is looking to assist you improve the condition of your road.
We carried out consultation earlier this year, and are pleased to announce that
a majority of Browning Avenue *Frontagers have indicated their support for the
proposed scheme.

Having considered matters such as parking, traffic calming & likely costs the
preference was for a bituman road surface incorporating cobble rumble strips
& side channels, low concrete kerbs and sand asphalt footways. The scheme will
also include for new drainage gullies and street lighting.
This combination should enable a traditional appearance to be maintained
whilst also providing a degree of traffic calming.
Calderdale Councils Environment Projects Team are now preparing a
specification for pricing by a Highway Contractor - once this has been received
we will contact Frontagers to confirm individual costs...if you are able it may be
a good idea to start putting some money aside in readiness .
*The owners of property with a frontage on the road.


Proposed scheme ..

The above layout shows the proposed improvement works.

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you would like to discuss anything further...
Calderdale Council
Housing, Environment and Renewal
4th Floor Northgate House
Tel: 01422 392404


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