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User Interface Design 2505ICT

Workshop Ten Communicating

User Interface Design
1 Activity Sharing your knowledge
Youve now completed your initial design work for your interface design brief for
Fiscal, and should have your testing sessions underway. If you were working as a
consultancy group, you would share your design work and decisions within your
1. What techniques do you think best suit your team in communicating your
work internally?
2. Design a design pattern library for your project:
a. What would you include?
b. How would you present the information

2 Activity Presenting your findings

You will also need to present your design work to your client. Design a high level
client presentation:
1. What would you need to cover?
2. What style would you use?
3. Create a slide that outlines your recommendations.

3 Homework

Look at your Design Brief. How clearly have you communicated your work?
Think about how you can present your recommendations in your Design
Continue development of your ePortfolio
Find an example of Agile in Interface Design in action.

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