Assessment 1, Part 1 - Report

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Salwa ALmudhaweb

Salwa ALmudhaweb 201100111


Table of Contents









A meeting was organized with S.Nabil Mahdi the owner of Sosign
Advertising Company in the 6th of April to ask him about his job as
a graphic designer. The meeting was held in his small company from
1:00 PM until 1:30 PM. The first three questions were about the
nature of work and why he chose this job. He explains more about
graphic design in the beginning of the meeting and talk about his
passion and ambitions that lead him to be graphic designer, he was
interested in design and loves technology thats why he chose this
work. And regarding to the experience question, in 1997 he start to
learn about graphic design by himself through the Internet and
between 2002 until 2004 he studied graphic design to improve his
skills. Moreover he was working in advertising company for 10 years
before he open his own company.
Further more there are few questions that related to the job
challenges and experience, for example whether he likes to work
alone or in groups and he said that depends on the kind of work if
the works need a huge effort he prefer to work in group but usually
he work alone. And regarding to challenges he focus on the clients
and customers needs, he said the designer must be patient and able
to handle the pressure. Because he might face different opinions
from the customers for example sometimes he create more then six
logos because the customers always ask for changes and extra
The rest of the questions were about graphic design field in Bahrain,
first question was about the salary of graphic designer in Bahrain,
and he said regarding to his experience its start from 350 BD.
Moreover one of the questions was about the future of graphic
design field in Bahrain, whether it will be improved in next few years

or not. He said the graphic design is related to technology and since

the technology is improving the graphic design will improve too. And
regarding to Bahrain nowadays Bahrainis have more awareness
about how the design could affect their business. For example if
they manage to publish advertisement they focus on the design
because its play a huge role to make people understand and notice
the purpose of the advertisement.
The last question was about the requirements to be graphic
designer or to get similar job. He said if somebody wants to be a
designer he must to be creative and patient but the most important
things is to love what he wants to do.
And to get the job he must have portfolio to show his talent and
creativity. Because if a company need a designer they want to see
his work to trust him and to make sure of his talent.

Graphic design industry in Bahrain:
There are several jobs in Bahrain offered for graphic designers via
the Internet. But there is not enough information about this field in
Bahrain. There are few information about the salaries but its
doesnt accurate because it depend on surveys. For example
according to ( graphic designers salaries start from 1K
BD to 7K BD.

Graphic designer requirements:

The graphic designer must to be creative and artistic, to create
creative and attractive design. Also the ability of drawings could be
helpful. But it doesnt necessary because there are many graphic

designer who couldnt sketch many things but they are still creative
designer and they create amazing designs (Fernandes).

_ Education:
Education is one of the important things in graphic design, because
its approved that the people who want to be graphic designer have
the knowledge and the ability to work on different design softwares
such as Photoshop and illustrator. Also the student that aims to be
graphic designer need to study something relevant to that field to
improve his original skills and become more professional
Graphic designer must to be updated and follow the new trends.
Graphic design is related to technology thats why the graphic
designer needs to be aware of new trends and softwares. For
example today digital trend is flat design, big companies like apple
change their icons to flat design because they are following the new
trends. Moreover if a designer stops following new trends, people
will forget him through the time (

Graphic designer skills:

If anybody want to be a graphic designer he must have 8 important
skills that related to art and design to help him to create creative
designs (Rauch , 2014):
1- Visual ideation the designer needs to be creative
2- Typography typography impact the design and make it more
3- Design software Adobe programs to create the designs
4- Multimedia design software to create animations and active

5- Color theory colors is the most important part in the design

6- Web design basic languages such as HTML and CSS
7- Design and structure elements
8- Print design the design might change in the print process, so
the designer must be aware of the best settings for printing.

Employment projections:
The graphic designer need to create his own portfolio by choosing
the best of his work and organized them together. That would make
it easier for him to get the job. Nowadays most of companies are
asking for portfolios. Moreover it could be like a chance to get the
job. For example if the designer doesnt have the entire requested
requirement but the company like his portfolio they might hired him
just because they like his work (Stewart, 2014).

Analysis of findings:
The research results was similar to the interview findings, for
example regarding to the requirement of graphic designer but the
research include extra information about the field for example the
most important programs and languages for graphic designer such
as Html and CSS. However the findings of the interview are more
accurate especially the information that related to the field in
Bahrain, for example the salaries range in Bahrain is between 350
BD to 700 BD, but regarding to the research salaries range is
between 1K BD to 7K BD which means there is not enough
information about graphic designer in Bahrain.
So in the in the interview there are more information about the
nature of work in Bahrain because its provide with personal
experience and challenges. For example in the interview S.Nabil

Graphic designer explained why he thinks the clients opinions are

the most challengeable things, Sometimes he end up with more
than six logos to meet the clients needs. Though in the research
there are many detailed information about graphic designer but in
the findings of the interview are more accurate and related to
Bahrain industry because its a results of from personal experience.

This job is related to my academic qualification because as a web
media student, I have an experience with almost all design
programs such as Photoshop, illustrator and Flash. Also I have a
good background in technology and web developing. So I have an
idea about many different languages such as CSS that related to
graphic design Field. Moreover regarding to my experience, I am
able to draw and I love art. So I start learning and improving my
design skills when I was 16 years old. Also I have a good knowledge
in colors with good understanding of color theory and colors wheel.
Almost I have every thing each graphic designer needs except
patient. For example I dont like to keep editing and change my
design regarding to customers opinions. So if I want this job I need
to control my self and start to be patient and handle the pressure. In
additional I need to collect my works to create a portfolio, because
it's a requirement to apply for a designer job.
However I still interested in this job, but in the same time I would
like to think about another jobs, because I dont feel comfortable
dealing with customers and be patient with them. Mostly I will look
for a job related to design but without dealing with customers such
as graphic design teacher.


Fernandes, T. (n.d.). So you think you might have what it takes to become a
graphic designer? Where do you go from here? Retrieved from
Graphic Designer salaries in Bahrain. (n.d.). Retrieved from
Retrieved from
Rauch, J. (2014, August 13). 8 Essential Skills for Every Graphic Designers
Toolkit. Retrieved from
Stewart, C. (2014, April 1). Create the perfect design portfolio: 30 pro tips.
Retrieved from

Interview Questions:
1. Why do you choose this job?
2. What are the requirements to be a graphic designer?
3. Talk about your experience as graphic designer
4. Do you prefer to work independently or as part of a team?
5. What are the challenges that you are facing as a graphic
6. If you have the chance to change your job which kind of jobs
you will apply for?
7. What is more important, experience or education to be
graphics designer?
8. How much graphic designer salary in Bahrain?
9. Do you think graphic design field will improve in Bahrain in the
next few years?

What do you recommend me to do to get similar job?


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