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Ed 701 Terry Messmer and Paul Nelson


Rule #2 Exercise
Exercise boosts Brain Power
Survival of the fittest
Not much exercise gives your
brain what it needs to excel.
Exercise gets blood to the brain.

Rule #3 Sleep
Sleep well, think well
Naps are important.
Sleep loss=brain drain
We are still working when we

Rule #4 Stress
Stressed brains dont learn
the same way.
Emotional stress has huge impact
on society.
The worst stress is when you feel you
have no control- you are helpless.
Chronic stress de-regulates the bodys

Rule #5 Wiring

All Brains are wired differently.

Experience wires the brain.
Neurons have a growth spurt
during terrible twos and teen
Gardner - many different

Rule #6 Attention

Rule #7 Memory

Rule #8 Sensory Integration

Stimulate more of the senses.
Our senses evolved to work
Smell is a powerful sense for

Rule # 9 Vision

Vision is our most dominant sense.

We see only what our brain wants
us to see.
Vision is a very complex use of
our brain.
We learn best from pictures,
not written or
spoken words.

Rule # 10 Music

Study or listen to boost cognition. It creates

empathy and prosocial behavior.

Rule #11 Gender

Men and women respond
differently to acute stress.
Women activate the left
hemisphere and remember
emotional details.
Men activate the right brain
and get the gist of a

Rule #12 Exploration

Some parts of the brain
remain malleable so we
can create neurons and
learn new things at any
Medical schools are
actually ideal school

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