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Day 1 Task Teacher Guide (all of these items are in the nearpod


Technically, there is no way to solve this, as we cannot confirm this is a

right triangle. But, now talk as a class and state that the angle
between x and the side that is 15 in length is 90 degrees. If this is the
case, students can solve for x using the Pythagorean Theorem.

x +15 =21
x +225=441
x 2+225225=441225
x 2=216
x= 216=6 6
Task 1:
Students will first watch the following short video:
Students will then complete the following tasks:
1) In the Geogebra app
(, move the dog
around. What kind of shape does the dogs 5 foot leash
limitations create? What is the area of the space the dog can
occupy? The perimeter?
Answer: The maximum dog path creates a circle shape.

2) Are Owen and Lucas safe? Or do I have inform my brother that

he no longer has twins?
Answer: Owen is safe, Lucas is in some trouble. Good luck, little
3) What do you think the angle measure is between the green and
blue lines? Can you prove it?
Answer: The angle is 90 degrees. The green line is parallel to
the y-axis, and the blue line is perpendicular to the y axis.
Therefore, the green line and blue line are perpendicular to each
other. This means that the angle between these two lines is pi/2
or 90 degrees.
4) If I consider the dog to always use his leash to full capacity and
his location to be (x,y) on the model designed, what is the length
of the green line and what is the length of the blue line?
Answer: The green line has a length of y and the blue line has a
length of x
5) Using questions 3 & 4 (and knowing the leash length is 5 feet),
can you come up with an equation or relationship that models
the shape you found in question 1? If so, what is it? What
theorem(s) did you use?
Answer: We are looking for standard form, but the following work
x 2+ y 2 =25
x2 + y 2=5
(x0)2 +( y0)2=5
25x 2= y

What if I wanted to move the dogwalker to the coordinate (2,

1). How do I need to modify my equation and why?
( x2)2+( y 1)2=5
(x2)2+( y1)2=25

You can either think of this in transformations, in that our (h,k) center
has moved to (2,1) thus reflected in the standard formula. You can
also think about how the length of the green line is now (y-1) and the
blue line is (x-2) to find this answer.

Task 2:
Students will travel to:
1. Using the sliders, create the following circle in desmos. Submit a
screenshot of it.

2. What does h, k, and r do to the circle?

Standard for of an equation of a circle with a center of (h,k)
(moves horizontally h units and vertically k units) and has a
radius of r:
(xh)2 +( y k )2=r 2
If time permits, have the class play with and discuss the following:
Homework Key:
Homework is found here:
Answer key:
1. (x+ 2)2 +( y5)2=9
2. (xh)2 +( y k )2=r 2


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