Teacher Comments Assertion 1 Idea: The Rise of Question 1: What Was The State of

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Bailey Smiley
Body Paragraph 1

Packet #1: Mussolini

Assertion 1 Idea: The Rise of Mussolini

Question 1: What was the state of Italy prior to mussolini coming to power?
here - make sure that you write as much as possible - more is better. Make sure that you
copy the information word for word!
iTALYS gains in 1919 were impressive; in the first place she gained the great port of
Trieste()which was acquired by the French, one of the two largest cities to be gained by
any of the victorious powers(..)thirdly, the destruction of the Habsburg monarchy, Italy's
traditional enemy, meant that in one sense she did not need such an effective frontier anyhow.
But the Italian government and public were disappointed at the peace terms, and the myth of
the mutilated peace was born.
Source #: INSERT SOURCE # 1
Citation: Harry Hearder, PG #218
Question 2: How did Mussolini gain support of the people?
EV: Write your quotation here - make sure that you write as much as possible - more is better.
Make sure that you copy the information word for word!
Mussolini was a dynamic and captivating orator. At rallies- surrounded by supporters wearing
black shirts- he caught the imagination of the crowds. His attitudes were highly theatrical, his
opinions were contradictory, his facts were often wrong, and his attacks were frequently
malicious and misdirected; but his delivery was extraordinarily effective.
Source #: INSERT SOURCE # 2
Citation: Amy McKenna, PG #202
Question 3: How did Mussolini solidify power? (if you dont know what solidify means, google it) WHY

EV: Write your quotation here - make sure that you write as much as possible - more is better.
Make sure that you copy the information word for word!
The march on rome marked both an end to the Liberal State and the beginning of two
decades of authorization Fascist rule. Technically, Mussolinis seizure of power occurred
within the letter of the Italian constitution; at the same time , by employing systematic violence
and wantonly ignoring parliament, The fascists destroyed what was left of traditional
constitutional government.
Source #: INSERT SOURCE # 2
Citation:,Harry Hearder, PG #144

Body Paragraph 2:
Assertion 2 Idea: Mussolinis maintenance of power
Question 1: How did Mussolini improve/take steps to improve the economy?
EV: Write your quotation here - make sure that you write as much as possible - more is
better. Make sure that you copy the information word for word!
By 1935 Mussolini felt Italian fascism was ready for final fulfillment, world empire. This
meant war, spiritually justified within the Fascist mystique as well as economically necessary
to stimulate the still-depressed economy without damaging the propertied conservative
Citation: Fascism, james D. Forman, zPG #32
Question 2: How did DICTATORS NAME use his military to maintain control/expand his
reign? (if you dont know what reign means, google it)
EV: Write your quotation here - make sure that you write as much as possible - more is bett
er. Make sure that you copy the information word for word!
Mussolini now promised order in the face of what appeared to be a paralyzing government
incapable of governing. While publicly pledging to avoid drastic economic changes ,
Mussolini carefully bolstered his support with the military, so that when the king consulted
generals, they gave Mussolini their vote of confidence , as did leaders of the catholic church.
Citation: AUTHOR, PG #
Question 3: How did DICTATORS NAME maintain control over the people/manipulate the
people to maintain control?
EV: Write your quotation here - make sure that you write as much as possible - more is
better. Make sure that you copy the information word for word!
He had been successful in improving the Italian economy and bringing stability,as it was
said, "He made the trains run on time" (by shooting someone if they didn't).
Citation: AUTHOR, PG #

Body Paragraph 3:
Assertion 1 Idea: DICTATORS NAME fall from power
Question 1: When did things begin to go terribly wrong for DICTATORS NAME?
EV: Write your quotation here - make sure that you write as much as possible - more is better.
Make sure that you copy the information word for word!
His biggest mistake, however, was the decision to enter the Second World War. On 10 JUNE
1940, Germany had been at war with Britain and France since the previous September, but
Italy was still at peace, and had little reason to fear that any of the other powers would attack
it. Germany was on the verge of winning the Battle of France, and France was likely to
surrender very soon, and it seemed to many observers that Britain would then make peace.
Perhaps Mussolini thought that Italy would be the next target for Nazi aggression, if he did not
help Hitler win; or he may have just been moved to grab a piece of France before it was too
late. In any case, he did declare war on France.
The war did not end, however, and as it continued, the true weaknesses of the Italian Army
and Navy were revealed.


Citation: AUTHOR, PG #http://www.euronet.nl/users/wilfried/ww2/mussolin.htm
Question 2: How did military losses in WWII affect the stability of DICTATORS NAMEs
EV: Write your quotation here - make sure that you write as much as possible - more is better.
Make sure that you copy the information word for word!
By July 1943, Italy had lost all of it colonies in Africa, and most of its army, and was being
invaded. Mussolini was deposed by a revolt within his own Fascist Grand Council, and Victor
Emmanuael III, the King of Italy, who had been reduced to a figurehead by Mussolini,
appointed Marshal Badoglio to be the new Prime Minister. Mussolini was arrested, while Italy
attempted to change sides. In the southern part of Italy, occupied by the Allies, this
succeeded, and the new Italian government helped create the Italian Co-Belligerent Forces
Citation: AUTHOR, PG # http://www.euronet.nl/users/wilfried/ww2/mussolin.htm
Question 3: How did the peoples loss of faith in DICTATORS NAME affect his rule/control
of the country?
EV: Write your quotation here - make sure that you write as much as possible - more is better.
Make sure that you copy the information word for word!
By 13 May 1943 275,000 Germans and Italians have surrendered and the war in
North Africa is over, In the wake of the Italian defeats, Mussolini's popularity
begins to nosedive.On 24 July an overwhelming majority of the Fascist Grand

Council passes a resolution effectively deposing him. The following day he is

arrested. He is imprisoned on the island of Ponza off Naples, moved to a remoter
island off the coast of Sardinia, then placed in a supposedly impregnable hotel
high in the mountains of Abruzzi, east of Rome.
Citation: AUTHOR, PG # http://www.moreorless.net.au/killers/mussolini.html
Question 4: How does DICTATORS NAME die?
EV: Write your quotation here - make sure that you write as much as possible - more is better.
Make sure that you copy the information word for word!
With Germany's defeat imminent, Mussolini attempts to flee to Switzerland
disguised as a German soldier but is recognised by Italian partisans and captured
on 27 April. He and his mistress, Claretta Petacci, are shot and killed near Lake
Como the following day.
Their bodies are then transported to Milan where they are hung by the feet with
piano wire in Piazza Loreto for public display and humiliation. All of Italy rejoices
at the downfall of the dictator and the end of the conflict.


Citation: AUTHOR, PG # http://www.moreorless.net.au/killers/mussolini.html

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