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It is the vision of Oliver Middle Prep to become the middle school of choice by providing a rigorous curriculum to

promote academic excellence.

W.H. Oliver Middle

Draft 2015- 2016
W.H. Oliver Middle School staff,
parents, and students will work
as partners to foster a positive
learning environment. This
compact has been developed and
describes school and family
responsibilities, our signatures
indicate agreement to fulfill this
compact to the best of our

1. Provide high-quality
curriculum and
instruction in a
supportive and effective
learning environment
that enables the
participating children to
meet the States student
academic achievement
2. Hold parent-teacher
conferences (at least
annually) during which
this compact will be

discussed as it relates to
the individual childs
Specifically, those
conferences will be held:
- School-wide
conferences will be held
during designated times
pre-determined by the
school district.
- Additional conferences
can/will be scheduled
by the parents,
teachers, and/or
administration as
3. Provide parents with
frequent reports on
their childrens
progress. Specifically,
the school will provide
reports as follows:
Report Cards will be
distributed at the end of
each nine-week grading
software will be utilized to
provide parents and
students with up-to-date
student progress
4. Provide parents
reasonable access to
staff. Specifically, staff
will be available for
consultation with
parents as follows:

- Staff will be available

daily during planning
periods, and before or
after school as scheduled
by the parent and teacher.
- Additional consultation
time will be directed by the
district calendar and the
schools open house.
5. Provide parents
opportunities to
volunteer and
participate in their
childs class, and to
observe classroom
activities, as follows
:- Parents have an open
invitation to attend their
childs class, and to
observe classroom

Title I
Plan and Goals

Title I programs generally


Smaller classes or special

instructional spaces. Additional
teachers and aides
Opportunities for professional
development for school staff
Extra time for teaching
students the skills they need ex:
Additional teaching materials
which supplement a students
regular instruction
Parents, you can influence the
success of your student in school
more than any teacher or federal
program. 1. Our school currently
serves children using the SchoolWide Title I model. Please
review the two choices and
check your preferred Title I
school strategy on the
attached Parent Vote/Survey
Page. Also, please list any
modifications or additions you
would like to suggest to our
school compact and parent
involvement policy. We
appreciate your feedback!
Thank you!
School-wide Model: Funds may
be used to address the needs of
all students. All teachers could
participate in professional
Targeted Assistance Model: Only
a limited number of students
could receive additional help and
only the teachers of those

students could receive additional

staff development.

Parent Involvement Policy

Draft for 2015- 2016 School
Oliver Middle School will:
Involve parents in the planning,
review, and improvement of the
schools parental involvement policy,
in an organized, ongoing, and timely
Involve parents in the joint
development of any school wide
program plan, in an organized,
ongoing, and timely way.
Hold an annual meeting to
inform parents of the schools
participation in Title I, Part A
programs, and to explain the Title I,
Part A requirements, and the right of
parents to be involved in Title I, Part A
programs. The school will convene the
meeting at a convenient time to
parents, and will offer a flexible
number of additional parental
involvement meetings, such as in the
morning or evening, so that as many
parents as possible are able to attend.
The school will invite to this meeting
all parents of children participating in
Title I, Part A programs (participating
students), and will encourage them to

Provide information to parents
of participating students in an
understandable and uniform format,
including alternative formats upon the
request of parents with disabilities,
and, to the extent practicable, in a
language that parents can understand.
Provide to parents of
participating children information in a
timely manner about Title I, Part A
programs that includes a description
and explanation of the schools
curriculum, the forms of academic
assessment used to measure childrens
progress, and the proficiency levels
students are expected to meet.
On the request of parents,
provide opportunities for regular
meetings for parents to formulate
suggestions, and to participate, as
appropriate, in decisions about the
education of their children. The school
will respond to any such suggestions as
soon as practicably possible.
Provide to each parent an
individual student report about the
performance of their child on the State
assessment in at least math, language
arts and reading.
Provide each parent timely
notice when their child has been
assigned or has been taught for four (4)
or more consecutive weeks by a
teacher who is not highly qualified
within the meaning of the term in

section 200.56 of the Title I Final

Regulations (67 Fed. Reg. 71710,
December 2, 2002).



Oliver Middle is a Title I

School. Title I is a
federally funded program
under the ESEA
(Elementary and
Secondary Education Act)

Title I Parent
Policy Information

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