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Why do so many people describe themselves as part of certain groups?

(ex: Greasers, Socs,

Jocks, Bros, Hipsters, Hamster Lovers, etc.)
Panel 1
Write at least one complete sentence describing your
response to this question (take a clear stand can be
agreed or disagreed with).
So many people describe themselves as part of certain
groups because that's how they were raised. They grew
up with a certain group of people. I also think that many
people label themselves or other people with those
names. It's essentially stereotyping people. I don't like
when people stereotype people because, it's excluding
and not all people who are in a group are exactly how the
group says they should be.

When you are finished, pass your iPad to the person on

your right.
Panel 3
Read panels 1 + 2. Write a response challenging
(disagreeing with) those ideas.
I disagree that grouping people is stereotyping them. The
groups people are in is really a choice they made, and no
one is being put in a group. Also, just because you were
raised with a certain type of people doesn't mean you have
to be in a group with them, though it is true most of the

Panel 2
Read the response from the person before you. Write a
response adding support to the ideas of the person before
Many people were raised with stereo types of a certain
group of people. Most people are raised to stay away from
kids like Dally or people who look like any of the greasers,
but people really don't know exactly what they are like. So
the people raised with those stereo types will consider
themselves a group against the greasers called the socs.

When you are finished, pass the iPad to the person on your
Panel 4
After reading the responses in panels 2 + 3, describe your
response to the question. Has it changed? If yes, how? If
not, why are you not persuaded by panel 3?
My response to the question has slightly changed. I do still
think that groups have a stereotype but they're also formed
because people want to fit in. Panel 3 made a good point
when it says that groups that people are in is a choice, so I
think the people who make that choice want to fit in.

When you are finished, pass the iPad back to the

person who wrote Panel 1.

Submit finished sheets to the Schoology dropbox for this activity.

Best TWRLHB (Talk with Real Live Human Beings): I chose the discussion I had with my table
group about why people categorize themselves into different groups as my best TWRLHB. I
chose this because it demonstrated how I had my opinion then everybody else gave
feedback and responded, having some change to my opinion. It makes me proud because it
pertained to the book the Outsiders but also the real world, so it felt meaningful. I learned
how to disagree, agree, and change my opinion on different topics. I grew by understanding
other people's interpretations and having an open mind. This is why I chose this discussion as
my best TWRLHB.

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