Edrd 554 Week 1

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EDRD 554

Current Issues in Literacy

Week 1
Deep inside each author in this book is a faith in teachers. This faith affirms that
teachers count and their professionalism is a necessity.
John Guthrie
Welcome to Current Issues in Literacy, where you will explore some of the issues and
experts impacting literacy education. The content learned will surely be necessary to you
as a literacy leader, transitioning you into an expert whom teachers can come to for
support and insight.
The activities in this course are designed to cover the theoretical and knowledge bases of
reading and instruction. You will look at current issues in literacy, collaborating with your
peers to share information on a variety of issues. The course text is a compilation of
writing by some of the most prominent figures in literacy education today. It is current
and refers to best practices in correlation to the Common Core State Standards (CCSS).
The information learned, and activities completed, will prepare you for a career in
literacy leadership.
Perspectives on Best Practices
As practitioners in the field, you already have knowledge of some of the most pressing
and current issues facing teachers today. These may vary from school to school, district to
district, state to state, and country to country. However, there are issues we all face. What
we strive for as literacy professionals is to be the best practitioners we can be in terms of
impacting student learning.
Your text lists and describes the ten evidence-based best practices for comprehensive
literacy instruction that support students in becoming proficient, persistent, passionate,
and prepared to meet the literacy challenges of the 21st century (Gambrell, Malloy,
Marinak, & Mazzoni, 2015, p. 15). You will reflect on your own practice, discovering
how you can strengthen your literacy instruction.
The Construct of Balance
There has always been debate in education, be it phonics vs. whole language or scripted
curriculum vs. authentic text. With the creation and adoption of the Common Core State
Standards, the goal has been narrowed and focused on higher level thinking and
performing more complex tasks. Balance is the goal but there will always be divergence
in education. Griffo, Madda, Pearson, and Raphael (2015) state that balance needs to be
considered in todays educational context including the presence of 21st century
technologies and the shifting demographic of U.S. schools (pp. 38-39).

As society changes, so must our idea of literacy instruction. Students need to be prepared
for the 21st-century, becoming versed in skills required of 21st-century life.
Full and active participation in 21st-century life requires much more than
the acquisition of foundational skills to decipher the printed word. Rather,
in order to learn effectively and live productively in the modern age,
students must learn to evaluate and think critically about information
sources, to organize and manage information, and to communicate and
collaborate with others utilizing a variety of tools. (Griffo et al., 2015, p.
Although the goals have become more focused, decisions still need to be made in terms
of adopting a balanced approach. We must look at all facets of education and decide,
within the contexts of the learning, whats best for our students in the modern era.
Gambrell, Malloy, Marinak, & Mazzoni (2015). Evidence-Based Best Practices for
Comprehensive Literacy Instruction in the Age of the Common Core Standards.
In Gambrell, L., & Morrow, L., (Eds.), Best practices in literacy instruction (p.
15). New York, NY: The Guilford Press.
Griffo, Madda, Pearson, & Raphael (2015). Current Issues and Best Practices in Literacy
Instruction. In Gambrell, L., & Morrow, L., (Eds.), Best practices in literacy
instruction (pp. 38-39). New York, NY: The Guilford Press.
Weekly Objectives
Through participation in the following activities, the candidate will:

Review and discuss the current issues, debates, and best practices in literacy
o Evidence-Based Practices Reflection
o Professional Book/Literature Review Selection
Heads Up
There are assignments in this course that take time and research to complete. You will
want to continuously look ahead in order to know what comes next. Most of the Saturday
assignments cannot be completed in one night, and some may require you to access
resources in your community or circle of contacts. Please plan ahead accordingly.
Required Studies
The following materials are required studies for this week and will help you complete

your assignments. Complete these studies at the beginning of the week and save these
weekly materials for future use.
Required Text:
Best Practices in Literacy Instruction
o Chapter 1: Evidence-Based Best Practices for Comprehensive Literacy
Instruction in the Age of the Common Core Standards
o Chapter 2: Current Issues and Best Practices in Literacy Instruction
Reading Researchers List [PDF]
Recommended Studies
These resources are provided to enhance your overall learning experience. For deeper
understanding of the weekly concepts, review these optional resources.

Close Reading in Elementary Classrooms (Fisher, n.d.)

Closing in on Close Reading (Boyles, 2012-2013)
Smarter Balanced Assessment http://www.smarterbalanced.org/smarter-balancedassessments/
Vocabulary Development
Close Reading and the CCSS, Part 1 (Fisher, n.d.)
Close Reading and the CCSS, Part 2 (Fisher, n.d.)

The CU Library has important research resources available as well. Navigate to the CU
Intranet and log on. Find Library in the list on the left. Then look for Subject Guides.

Post to Discussion Board: Week 1 - Academic Agreement

Due Monday
As you move toward becoming a scholarly-practitioner, this rigorous program requires
you to act with ethics and integrity as you explore, study, research, and write. Please read
the following.
Academic Integrity Policy (Student Handbook)
Respond by posting a statement like the following to the Discussion Board. Add your
name after the statement.

"I have read, understand, and agree to the Academic Integrity Policy and the APA writing
style requirements for this program."
Note: This is a pass/fail Discussion Board post that must be completed before other
assignments are submitted. The instructor will post a 0 and note that the requirement
has been met.
Post to Discussion Board: Week 1 - Introduction
Due Monday
Please introduce yourself to the class and post the following information on the
Discussion Board:

Explain your reasons and/or motivations for taking this course.

Tell us about your experience in teaching reading and/or being a literacy leader, as
well as your current position (location, grade level, subject, etc.).
Tell us something about your life outside of education.
What do you consider to be the most controversial literacy issue today?

Click here for the rubric.

Post to Discussion Board: Peer response
Due Tuesday
Read all of your classmates introductions and reply to at least two posts. Welcome your
classmates to this new course.

Post to Discussion Board: Week 1 - Pioneer or Contemporary Reading Researcher

Due Wednesday
On the Discussion Board, select the Pioneer or Contemporary Reading Researcher you
would like to study for week 3.
In the heading of the Discussion Board, list your name with the Pioneer or Contemporary
Reading Researcher you selected.
Example: Johnny Example (your name) Richard Allington (reading researcher name)
Only one person per researcher. If someone else has selected that researcher, select
After you have made your selection, read ahead to Week 3 for complete assignment
Note: This is a pass/fail Discussion Board post. The instructor will post a 0 and note
that the requirement has been met.
Post to Discussion Board: Week 1 - Professional Book/Literature Review Selection
Due Wednesday
As we have learned, there are numerous and countless issues impacting literacy

instruction in schools today. Your final assignment for this course is a choice between a
Professional Book Review or Literature Review.
This assignment starts now, but the final product is not due until our last week together.
You should begin your research now, because it will be a busy and full five weeks.
Step 1: Select one of the issues below, or with permission from the instructor, you may
choose a literacy issue that you do not see listed here but is of interest to you. Please see
the Recommended Studies section for additional information on some of the issues below.

Common Core State Standards

Smarter Balanced Assessment (SBAC)
Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC)
Close Reading
Vocabulary Development
Early Intervention for Struggling Readers
Reading Recovery
Closing the Achievement Gap
Basal Reader Programs vs. Teacher-Directed Guided Reading
DIBELS vs. Authentic Assessment
Readers Workshop vs. Direct Instruction
Adolescent Literacy- What to do with Struggling Readers
21st Century Literacies
Teacher Professional Development
Technology in Literacy Education
RTI (Response to Intervention)
Literacy Education of English Language Learners
Issue of Your Choice (get instructor approval)

Step 2: Select one of the options below as a method for exploring your literacy issue.

Professional Book Review: This assignment requires you to read and review a
contemporary or classic new to you work in reading education, providing you
an opportunity to explore in depth your particular issue of choice. The book you
choose may be an authored book or an edited book. You are free to select any title
that relates to your issue, as long as the book is not one you have read previously.
Your written book review should not exceed 4 double-spaced, typed pages, using
12-point font. Your review should include (a) a concise summary of the book, (b)
Your reactions (What you agreed and disagreed with and why), and (c) How the
information applies to your selected issue as well as how you will apply the
information to your current practice.

Review of Literature: Choose an issue or topic of your choice to research, using at

least five books, websites, and professional peer-reviewed journals. Write a 3-5
page paper, double-spaced, using 12-point font, highlighting your findings, your
reactions, and how you will apply the information to your current teaching
assignment, especially how this information might affect ELL and struggling
readers. Cite at least 5 references in APA style. Also be sure to cite this same
reference in the body of the paper itself whenever you are making specific
referent to an article (parenthetical documentation).

Step 3: On the Discussion Board, post the following information:

Your selected issue from Part 1
Why this issue is of interest to you
If choosing the Professional Book Review:
o Post the title of the book you will be reviewing.
If choosing the Literature Review:
o Post the three literature titles you are using for your review
Please refer to the rubric to ensure all requirements are met.
Click here for the rubric.
Post to Discussion Board: Peer Response
Due Thursday
Read your classmates chosen issues and professional books for research. If you have
read any of the titles, give them feedback on the book. If you have not read any of the
titles, offer feedback on just the chosen issue. You are required to respond to at least two
peers and any questions asked of you.
Submit to Assignment Dropbox: Week 1 Evidence-Based Practices Reflection
Due Saturday
In Chapter One of Gambrell and Morrow (2014), the authors list ten evidence-based best
practices for comprehensive literacy instruction. Read the chapter and then reread pages
one and two, submitting a two to three page reflection to the Assignment Dropbox. Please
include the following in your paper:

Do you agree or disagree with the practices listed? Is there anything missing or
anything you would add?
Which of the ten practices do you feel are your strength?
Which of the ten practices do you feel are your weakness?
Are there any district or school constraints that may keep you from achieving
your vision of a successful instructor of literacy?
What is something you can do to improve your practice?

Support your statements with evidence from the text and course readings. Please refer to
the rubric to ensure all requirements are met. Be certain to follow APA formatting.
Click here for rubric.

Assignment Summary
Due Monday

Post Academic Agreement

Due Monday

Post Introduction

Due Tuesday

Post Peer Responses

Due Wednesday

Post Reading Researcher Selection

Due Wednesday

Post Professional Book/Literature Review Selection

Due Thursday

Post Peer Response

Due Saturday

Submit Evidence-Based Practices Reflection

Finally brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure,
whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable, if anything is excellent or praiseworthy, think
about such things.
~Philippians 4:8

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