Term 2 (Py) Large Ball - George Observation

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George May

Date: 22/452015_____ Period_4__Room:__Large Gym_

Observer Gayle Perry _____


Subject___Large Ball skills ___



Preparation and
Introduction to

You sat the students down with a quick intro it would

be beneficial to have a visual and verbal aid of the
learning intentions. You soon got them active which is
excellent and adapted your lesson from what you had
planned due to limitation on equipment.

Knowledge of
content and

Great knowledge and explanations throughout the


Variety of activities
Use of resources

Aimed at
appropriate level

Questioning skills
Use of written

You offered the students a challenge of some relay

type activities, which adds a great element of
The mini games built on this TGFU approach to the
Yes this is pitched at the correct strand of learning in
connection to the curriculum document.
You attempted this around how to hold the basketball.
You drew from students good
How can you phrase questions to get to that next level
of thinking?
You could have made use of the whiteboard. Otherwise
not applicable for this lesson.


Clarity of

You instructions were clear and the students knew

what was expected.

Time allocation

You spent a good amount of time on the activities and

sit down explanation time.

You had no gears writing how could you integrate

them more into the lesson as opposed to just getting
gear out. Could one ref? or could they be observers of
a game and give feedback to the teams?
Good PE uniform for those participating.

Handling of



Use of Voice

Good class
Excellent you moved from court to court and continued
to do so throughout the lesson.
Loud clear instructions. Dont be afraid to use your
whistle some times to mix it up otherwise students get
very use to the loud voice and it looses it s impact.

Rapport with

Ending of lesson

Positive and constructive with students. Able to have a

laugh. Just ensure that students dont get too familiar
with you.
Good that you got the students with no gear tidying up
more constructive than playing on phones etc.
A recap on the fundamentals of basketball, which you
drew mostly from the students.

Classroom manner
You are very positive and the students enjoy coming to your lesson. You get them active.
Areas of strength
Your positive attitude and relationships built with your students
Content knowledge
Clear loud voice
Teacher movement
Teacher feedback to students
Giving the students specific praise.
Plenary recap on learning
Areas for development
-Verbalise & written learning intentions what is the point of the lesson & how will know when you
have achieved this?
- Adding the curriculum strands to your lesson plan.
- Classroom management no gears interrupting your lesson, outline that this is not acceptable
behaviour. Continue to explore different strategies to deal with no gears.
- Questioning
Achievement of aims
The students were busy happy and active. It is hard to gauge the success of achievement aims
when learning objectives havent been outlined.
Lesson Plan
(Use attached sheet - must be handed to Observer a day prior to lesson) YES/NO
Seen and discussed with HOD/Mentor before lesson YES/NO
Signed by Observer ________Gayle Perry__________________________________________
Signed by teacher ______________________________________________________
Make an appointment to discuss this with your observer when you have completed your
own reflection.
Copies of observations/reflections need to be given to your supervisor and the DP PRT Coordinator. You must also keep your own file.
Are you doing an assessment for this lesson and if so how?

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