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Any Announcements?

Upcoming Events
Candy Cane sales will begin today during lunch
SHEA High School Boys Basketball Coach will be here today at
10:30am-see Beth for details
Spanish 4 Trip To Boston Tomorrow
Events Planning Committee Meeting on Wednesday During Long
Student Government Meeting Wednesday-3pm
SyFy Meets Wednesday 4-5pm
Thanksgiving Food Drive Advisory Basket Pick Up on Thursday

Series of the Week

Series: Unwind Dystology
Book: Unwind #1
Author: Neal Shusterman
Genre: Science Fiction
Characters: Connor Lassiter, Risa Ward, Levi Lev Calder, Cyrus
CyFi Finch, and Roland.
In this dystopian society, unwanted children between the
ages of 13 and 18 can be unwound, which is when all of the
childs organs are harvested and are transplanted into different
donors. So, technically speaking, their lives dont end. This is
what the second Civil War was fought over: reproductive rights.
Connor is just too much for his parents to handle. Risa is a ward
of the state that just isnt enough to be kept alive. Lev, on the
other hand, is a tithe, which means that he was pretty much born
and raised to be unwound. With help from each other, they might
just have a chance to survive.

College of the Day- Northeastern


Facts about Northeastern University

Located in Boston, Massachusetts
32% of applicants were accepted to Northeastern
(highly selective)
64% of accepted freshman were ranked 10th or lower in
their high school graduating class
Students need between 640-730 on the SATs in critical
reading to be considered for North Eastern
Northeastern is well known for their Co-Op Program in
which students do internships and most are paid

Word of the Day

Sympathy: (n) Feelings of pity and sorrow for
someone elses misfortune.
We should have sympathy for those who need

Blackstone Athlete of the Day

Caitlinn Depina
Sport: Volleyball
Height: 56
Weight: 120
Birthday: June 1st, 1999
Team: Tolman Tigers

DID YOU KNOW that the average human
will eat 70 assorted insects and 10
spiders while sleeping?

Pick Up of the Day

Guess Who?

Clean Your Table and Get To Class

Good Morning Blackstone

Please Quiet Down and Sit With Your Advisory.

Any Announcements?

Upcoming Events
Candy Cane sales today during lunch
Joy For All Seasons Fundraiser Orders Ready For Pick Up- see
Events Planning Committee Meeting on Wednesday During Long
Student Government Meeting Wednesday-3pm
SyFy Meets Wednesday 4-5pm
Last chance CF High School Indoor Track Sign ups Thursday
After School

Series of the Week

Series: Unwind Dystology
Book: Unstrung #1.5
Author: Neal Shusterman
Genre: Science Fiction
Characters: Levi Lev Calder
In this short story it follows Lev Calder and the
adventures he took. It tells how he went from an
unwillingly escaped tithe to a clapper. His experiences
on a wealthy reservation and how he came to know a
very talented teen musician. It is his own heartbreaking
story that caused him to choose the clappers path.

College of the Day- Regis College

BACS Alumni - Ashley Monteiro is a freshman there

Facts About Regis College

Small School outside of Boston - 1,737
72% of applicants admitted
Specialize in Health Sciences -Nursing etc.
Sports: Basketball, Cross Country, Diving,
Lacrosse & many more

Word Of The Day

Inevitable: certain to happen; unavoidable.
Detention is inevitable, if you dont do your

Pick up of the day

Blackstone Athlete of the Day

Name: Joshua Benros
Sport: Soccer
Height: 57 ft
Weight: 150 lbs
Birthday: August 10th,2000
Team: Shea Raiders

Fun Fact of the Day

DID YOU KNOW that 95% of people
text things they would never say in

Guess Who?

Clean Your Table and Get To Class

Good Morning Blackstone

Please Quiet Down and Sit With Your Advisory.

Any Announcements?

Upcoming Events
Candy Cane sales today during lunch
Events Planning Committee Meeting Today During Long
Student Government Meeting Today at 3pm
SyFy Meets Today 4-5pm
Thanksgiving Food Drive Advisory Basket Pick Up on Thursday

Series of the Week

Series: Unwind Dystology
Book: Unwholly #2
Author: Neal Shusterman
Genre: Science Fiction
Characters: Connor Lassiter, Risa Ward, Levi Lev Calder, and Camus
Because of Connor, Lev, and Risa -- and their explosive revolt -people can no longer turn their backs on unwinding. Unwinding has
become a big business, and there are powerful political businesses that
are interested in seeing it strive and expand by unwinding prisoners and
the poor people. A business called, Proactive Citizenry, has created a
rewind named Camus Comprix. A rewind is something that is
completely made up of other unwinds, a futuristic Frankenstein. Camus
is struggling to find an identity and is wondering if he even has a soul.
On this search he crosses paths with Connor, Risa, and Lev, and he may
have to question humanity himself.

College of the Day

Endicott College

Facts about Endicott

Located in Beverly, Massachusetts
72% of applicants are admitted
Application essay required
Major in Business, Biology, Math, History,
Art Science, etc.
Students need between 480-570 on the
SATs in Critical Reading

Word of the day

Discrete: (adj) Individually separate and
Alberto needs to learn how to be discrete
when he steals snacks.

Blackstone Athlete of the day

Name: Brett Gaudreau
Sport: Swim
Height: 60 ft
Weight: 190 lbs
December 31st,1997
Team: Tolman Tigers
Fun fact: Michael Phelps long lost son

Fun Fact of the Day

Fun Fact of the Day
a fearyou
of being
are looking
at someone
cell phone?
and when
you are
at soeone you
Do you have

Guess Who?

Clean Your Table and Get To Class

Good Morning Blackstone

Please Quiet Down and Sit With Your Advisory.

Any Announcements?

Upcoming Events
Candy Cane Sales Today During Lunch
Thanksgiving Food Drive Advisory Basket Pick Today
GSA meeting today at 4 in Meghans room
Homework Club Saturday 10:ooam-12:30pm

Series of the Week

Series: Unwind Dystology
Book: Unsouled #3
Author: Neal Shusterman
Genre: Science Fiction
Characters: Connor Lassiter, Lev Calder, Camus Comprix, and Risa
Lev and Connor are on the run since the Graveyard, the last safe
haven for AWOL unwinds, was destroyed. But theyre not running away
from something, theyre running towards answers, a woman from
Proactive Citizenry who has been completely erased from history. They
may discover the key to ending unwinding forever. Camus is planning to
take down the organization that created him, so that he can prove to
Risa that his feelings for her are real. And without Risa, Camus feels
very disconnected from humanity. The paths of Connor, Lev, Camus,
and Risa will converge explosively, and everyone will be changed.

College of the Day- Assumption College
BACS Alumni Nicole Rebelo, Lisa Tracy, Jia
Min Hung and Jonathan Duarte attend

Facts about Assumption College

(Private College)
-Located in Worcester, Massachusetts
-74% of applicants admitted
-2,002 undergraduates
-Acceptance Rate: 75%
- Students need a average of 540 on their SAT
Critical Reading score.

Word of the Day

Conundrum: (n) A confusing and difficult
problem or question.
Planning morning meeting has been a

Pick up of the Day

A Message From Gil.

Managing Stress- Brainsmart- BBC

Blackstone Athlete of the Day

Name: Doc Augusta
Sport: Basketball
Point Guard for Hope High School
Birthday: March 15, 1849
Fun fact: Nickname back in the dayJumpshot

Fun Fact of the Day

desks have
times more bacteria than a toilet

Guess Who?

Clean Your Table and Get To

Good Morning Blackstone

Please Quiet Down and Sit With Your Advisory.

Any Announcements?

Upcoming Events
Briannas Advisory Clean Up Duty Today
Candy Cane sales today during lunch
Homework Club Saturday 10:00am-12:30pm

Author: Neal Shusterman

Neal Shusterman has 4,888 fans on goodreads.
Genre: Science Fiction
rating: 4.55 out of 5; 1,587 rated.
Teens control the fate of America in the fourth and final book in the New York Times
bestselling Unwind dystology by Neal Shusterman.
Proactive Citizenry, the company that created Cam from the parts of unwound teens, has a
plan: to mass produce rewound teens like Cam for military purposes. And below the surface of
that horror lies another shocking level of intrigue: Proactive Citizenry has been suppressing
technology that could make unwinding completely unnecessary. As Conner, Risa, and Lev
uncover these startling secrets, enraged teens begin to march on Washington to demand justice
and a better future.
But more trouble is brewing. Starkeys group of storked teens is growing more powerful and
militant with each new recruit. And if they have their way, theyll burn the harvest camps to the
ground and put every adult in them before a firing squadwhich could destroy any chance
America has for a peaceful future.

College of the day- Stonehill College

Stonehill College
-Located in: North Easton, Massachusetts
-Acceptance Rate: 65%
-Sports include: broomball, soccer, tennis, basketball,
volleyball, etc.
- Majors include: biochemistry, accounting, physics,
Art, History, etc.
- Students need between 510-610 on SAT Critical

Word of the Day

Perplexed: (adj) Completely baffled; very
Gina had a perplexed look when she took
the exam.

Blackstone Athlete of the day

Name: Paul Healy aka Ankle Breaker!
Sport: Basketball
Height: 511ft
Weight: 195 lbs
Birthday: December 28th,1983
Team: East Greenwich Avengers
Fun Fact: Most known for shifting Isaac Cruz on to the
Paul cant wait to cross over on Anthony and Marquise
during the Teachers vs Students Basketball Game

Fun Fact of the Day

DID YOU KNOW that most of
the dust underneath your bed
is actually dead skin?

Artist of the day

Artist: Kenny Loggins
Music type: Soft Rock
Birthday: January 7th, 1948
Fun fact: Brian Webbs long lost

Clean Your Table and Get To Class

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