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APPROVED 5/12/2015

Scott Mountain Homeowners Association

Board Meeting of April 7, 2015
Location: Fire Station, 9339 SE Causey
Board Members Present: Ted Seble, Dave Gilman, John Short, Jim Graham, Nancy Hall, John
Chapman, Dan Otis,
Absent: Jenny Shaffer, Dennis Shaffer
Homeowners Present: See attached list

Guests: none

Call to Order: 7:02 pm by Vice-president Ted Seble

Dennis Shaffer and Jenny Shaffer resigned since the last Board meeting for health reasons.
Approval of Meeting Minutes Board Meeting January 2015
The Board members had the draft minutes available by email. A motion was made to approve the
March minutes as submitted by John Short and seconded by John Chapman. All Board members
present approved.
Homeowner Issues
President: Acting Ted Seble

Dennis Shaffer resigned due to health reasons since the last meeting. Ted is acting President
and will run meetings until new President is determined. Ted said he will be gone for the May
meeting. John Chapman agreed to be acting President for the May meeting.

Vice-president: Ted Seble

See President above
Secretary: Dave Gilman
Dave reported the completion of the meeting minutes for Board meeting that occurred in March
Dave said he would be gone for the May meeting and would need a substitute to take minutes.
Jim Graham said he would do the minutes but there was a chance he may also be gone. John
Short said he would take notes if Jim was not able to attend.
It was noted that there was no safety committee chair since Jenny resigned. John Short will take
over safety for near term.
Pamela Cunningham said she was interested in being on the Board and she was accepted. The
officer and committee assignments will be discussed at a future meeting.
Treasurers Report: John Chapman
John Chapman handed out and explained the proposed budget. The total proposed spending
was $29,900 including the estimated amount for drain repair. This would require annual dues of
$120. See attachment.
Jim talked about drainage repair, which would become a significant part of the budget. He
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Prepared by Dave Gilman

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explained potential work to be done. It could be as high as $12,000-15,000. The contractor said
it would not be known for sure until they started the work.
John Chapman made a motion to set the dues for 2015-16 at $120 per year. It was seconded by
Dave. All the board member approved except for Nancy who voted no. The motion passed.

Environmental Committee: Jim Graham

Jim discussed the estimate from Mosaic Ecology for the green space management plan. This
work is necessary to meet the State stewardship requirement. This item is in the budget under
Open Space Maintenance. The 2015 portion of the estimate is $2575. Jim made a motion to
approve this amount. It was seconded by John Short. All of the Board approved.
Jim announced the dumpsters would be here on May 1, the first Friday in May.
Covenant Compliance: Dan Otis
Dan reported about the houses on end of Stevens Court. They need upkeep. He said a letter
would be sent to the homeowners that they are not compliant.
He also received a complaint about the house at 10891 SE Stevens Way not being kept up.
Architectural: John Short
John Short approved a roof at 10793 SE 95th Ct.
He approved a tree removal at 10493 SE 98th Ct, which has been removed.
He approved a tree removal for Pat Mick, but she has changed plans and decided not to
remove it.
Safety: Vacant
Jenny Shaffer resigned due to health reasons.
John Short will chair this committee for now.
Eagle Landing: Nancy Hall
Nancy reported on the County Commission meeting held a few weeks ago. She and others
went to the March 19 County Commission meeting and provided testimony. The project has until
April 15 to submit a master plan. There will be an opportunity for the public to view and provide
comments. There will be a new traffic study for the plan. The County will have a hearing on the
plan and comments can be submitted. Pat Mick handed out some additional info on area plans
and discussed implications for our neighborhood. She stated her concern about homeless
moving into the green space. She stated an Oxford house for drug rehabilitation is in the area
which brings in transients. She suggested a letter to the County.
Open Forum
Adjournment: at 9:00 pm by Ted
Next Regular Board Meetings: May 5, 2015 at 7 pm at the Fire Station. And each first Tuesday of the
month that follows, except in August and December.

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