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Intrapersonal Creative Piece
My name is Abdeali Saherwala and I have had an amazing year at Delphi Secondary Alternative
School. From 2014 to 2015, I have learned an enormous amount of information that has opened
my eyes to further possibilities. One of my most memorable experiences at Delphi will be Mr.
Jonade Naeems grade 12 university level Biology course. In this course, I have obtained a
wealth of information that has opened my eyes to the world of Biology. From the simplest
concepts such as the Biological Hierarchy to the mind boggling idea of Photosynthesis, my faith
in Islam has been further strengthened. The complexity of biology has truly solidified my faith in
a Supreme Being because there are several complex processes that are unnoticed or unseen that
keep humans alive such as our bodys energy making process from the foods we eat into
Adenosine triphosphate or ATP. Cellular respiration is the set of metabolic reactions and
processes that take place in the cells of organisms to convert biochemical energy from nutrients
into adenosine triphosphate (ATP). In each major step of cellular respiration such as glycolysis,
there are several minor steps in it. Nothing in Biology is simple, but yet for me, I believe that
God has created this world in such a complex manner; that we as humans are never fully going to
be able to understand the complexity of our world and Gods beauty in it. I view whatever
knowledge I obtain from school or from others sources in an Islamic viewpoint. In Islam, the
concept of world being created in seven days is not followed; but we as Muslims believe that the

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creation of our world was created through a timely process and through an intellectual creator. In
the Quran, the theory of evolution is upheld and proposed more than 1400 years before, Charles
Darwin. In the Quran it states, What is the matter with you that you hope not for greatness and
wisdom from Allah? And He has created you in different forms and different conditions. See you
not how Allah has created seven heavens in perfect harmony, and has placed the moon, there in a
light and made the sun as a lamp ? (71:14-16). In Islam, the concept of evolution has been
mentioned because Allah has created this world in steps and created living things in different
forms. There are hundreds of thousands of different species of trees such has oak, maple,
weeping willow and pine; that might have been modified or created from a single ancestor.
When we were discussing about how different kinds of birds were created from a common
ancestor or descent with modification, through natural selection and evolution. I was quite
amazed because chapter ones knowledge of evolution, form fits function and natural selection
was already mentioned in Islam. I am a person that always yearns for physical proof when some
answer is presented to me. In religious theories or information, I am not given sufficient physical
proof because no one can see, hear, touch, taste and smell God or a Supreme Being. So in order
to strengthen my faith, I comprehend the natural world around me. I know something as simple
as photosynthesis is an extremely complex process, that trillions of trees, plants and organisms
that create food through chloroplast perform 24/7. Biology endows me with the proof I need in
order for me to believe that Allah exists and Biology endows me with the proof, I need to see
Gods beauty in everything. Something as simple as a tree has trillions and trillions of cells. In
order to survive, these trees perform hundreds of process that some have been discovered by
science and some have been not. Biology 12 U has endowed me with a small slice of
information, when compared to the courses relating to Biology in university. My mind has still

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not fully grasped or learned this so called small amount of information from Biology 12 U.
Also, from this Biology 12U course, I have got a general idea of how Biology courses will work
in university. I love Biology because Biology endows me with the proof I need in order to belief
in Allah and if I study Biology to a greater extent by becoming a doctor, geneticist or a
researcher; then I will be financially and socially be stable as well. Overall, I truly enjoyed my
Biology 12 U experience with Jonade Naeem because it has opened my eyes to an array of
possibilities and strengthened my faith in Allah.
Thank you so much Jonade for being patient and for teaching me the Biology 12 U course
Thank you so much.

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