Waihou Marae Hireage Form With Amendments 15 March 2014

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Waihou Marae Hireage Form

Waihou Marae Trustees and the Waihou Komiti Wahine are the custodians of this marae.
We welcome all people onto this hapu marae. We are more than happy to give
custodianship of our marae complex to those who ensure that the mana of Waimirirangi and
Pare-Puna o Te Ora are upheld, maintained and exercised through the practice of tika, pono
me te aroha.

Drug and Alcohol Policy:

Waihou Marae Trustees in collaboration with the Komiti Wahine and beneficiaries of our
marae have formulated this Drug and Alcohol policy. This has been passed and given mana
by Waihou Marae Trustees at a hui which took place in 2013. This policy was implemented
because of the cost in repairs absorbed by the Trust through abuse and damage inflicted by
those partaking in drugs and alcohol during their stay.
The following rules are observed:
All people wishing to hire the marae must not partake of any illegal drugs on the marae
complex. There is a wide range of controlled and illegal drugs, which the Misuse of Drugs
Act 1975 classifies according to the level of risk of harm they pose to people misusing them:

Class A (very high risk): methamphetamine, magic mushrooms, cocaine, heroin, LSD (Acid)
Class B (high risk): cannabis oil, hashish, morphine, opium, ecstasy and many
amphetamine-type substances
Class C (moderate risk): cannabis seed, cannabis plant, codeine.

Any use of the above illegal drugs on the marae complex will be considered offensive and
will lead to the person or group under which the marae is hired, having their hireage status
revoked and bond withheld.
1. The person or group hiring the marae must declare if their intention is to drink alcohol
on the marae complex
2. A bond of $300 must be deposited after confirmation of booking if there is alcohol
3. Alcohol can be consumed in moderation on the marae between 12pm and 9pm
during birthdays or social celebrations. There is to be no drinking of alcohol before
12pm or after 9pm.
4. There is no drinking of alcohol in the quadrangle (between whare hui and whare kai),
on the marae atea and in the whare hui.
5. There is no drinking of alcohol during tangihanga (this includes the period after burial
- This is at the discretion of the Komiti Wahine and Trustees).
6. Any flouting of the rules will require the hirer to intervene.
7. If the rules continue to be breached, the bond will be withheld.
8. The hirer takes responsibility as a host for their whanau and guests to ensure the
behaviour is respectful at all times.

In the case of tangihanga, priority is given to this occasion over any other event that may be
concurrently taking place on the marae. If the whanau pani wish to bring their tupapaku back
to Waihou Marae, the current hirer of the marae will be asked to accommodate for this
occasion. We would ask that the hirer be very clear about this tikanga and that the Marae
trustees and Komiti Wahine have the mana to make a ruling if the decision from the hirer or
occupants is in conflict with this tikanga.
The hireage fees are as follows:

$450* weekend stay (including sheets, linen, pillow cases and tea towels)
$150* per overnight stay. Usually 12pm to 12pm the next day.
(Not including sheets, linen, pillow cases and tea towels)

$350 - $500 per day for Government, Business and Commercial groups.
$100 for sheets, linen, pillow cases and tea towels
$100 per extra night (including sheets, linen, pillow cases and tea towels)
$80 Wi-Fi full excess for everyone at marae (excluding tangihanga)

* A bond must be paid prior to hire and immediately after booking has been confirmed by the
Komiti Wahine. If there is to be alcohol consumed during your stay, the bond is $300. Nonalcohol events, $100 bond. The bond is additional to the hire fee. The bond is returned after
the marae has been inspected by a Marae Trustee or Komiti Wahine member and on the last
day. This bond should be deposited into the Komiti Wahine bank account after confirmation
of booking. Please be mindful that the bond may not be released on the day of your
Declaration: (Write full legal name, dates and indicate Yes or No or And / Just )
I _________________________ wish to hire the marae from _____________________
to ____________________ 20 __ __.
I wish to have a member of the marae explain the tikanga, rules and health and safety
procedures of the marae:
Yes / No
I wish to request approval to consume alcohol during our stay here:
Yes we wish to consume alcohol /

No this is a non-alcohol event

I wish to have caterers purchase and / just prepare kai for us during our stay:
Yes / No

If Yes the budget for catering is $ ____________________

Catering is not offered for Hura Kohatu and Tangihanga (Please korero to the Komiti wahine
regarding tangihanga).

I understand the rules and tikanga of the marae and I am responsible to all who occupy this
marae complex during the hire period.
Signature: ________________________ Date: _________________________
Phone number:


E-mail: ____________

[office use only] Booking approved / declined

Date: ____________________
Please email to maraea.brodrick@gmail.com From there a response will be emailed
back to the person booking.

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