Grandam College Essay

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Lena Lin

AP English 11


Time has passed by but her plump figure still stood vivid in my memory from ten
years ago. I could still recall her wise, wrinkled face smiling at me every time I came
home from grandpas little farm. Lunch was ready. The smell of cooked rice and colorful
dishes of fish, chicken and vegetables aroused the entire house as soon as I walked in.
Grandma, Im home! I grinned as I ran into her arms; the arms that were composed of
cozy, warm smell that made me feel welcomed at home. She was my grandmother. And
she was the most significant person in my life.
It was an early weekend morning as the sound of Mah-Jongg (a game of Chinese
origin usually played by four people with 144 domino-like pieces or tiles marked in suits,
counters, and dice, the object being to build a winning combination of pieces) clashed
and rumbled about on the old wooden table seated by my grandma and her girlfriends.
Three Double! she laughed. A weekend routine, the elderly folks age back to teens as
soon as the Mah-Jongg landed in their hands. I yawned and helped prepare breakfast with
grandma after the game. Mah-Jongg is not only a game but also has stories behind it.
She remarked.
How so? I asked as I pulled out another dirty dish out of the sink.
Its an art. Her wrinkled eyes sparkled as she stared out the tiny window in the
kitchen. She explained no farther afterward, leaving the puzzled me dangling in space.
Later, while grandma was sitting on the ancient, rusted rocking chair sewing a
new winter clothes for my twin and me, she also told us an interesting story of her past.
Grandma said her mother family was poor but grandpa used to be rich. Shes the type of
traditional lady who, before marriage, sees her father as the king, after marriage, her
husband as the king, and after the death of her husband, her son as the king. But the most
fascinating part was when grandpas family got robbed by a group of bandits. In just one
night, grandpa turned from a rich person to a nothing. But, nether less, grandma
married to him anyway. Im glad I have made at least one choice in my life without my
parents regard. She explained. My twin, Zinnia, and I looked at each other and giggled.
Grandma was definitely different from the other ladies who only obeyed their family. She
doesnt bind her feet too.
Foot binding or Lotus feet was a common painful practice of binding the feet of
young girls to prevent further growth. Its believed to display upper-high social status and
to marry a rich husband in the future. This practice was banned in 1920s but some people
still did it anyway. Grandma had two reasons why she didnt bind her feet. For one, shes

born into a farmers family, where daughters arent expected to bind their feet since they
need to help the farms and two, grandma refused to feet binding when she was little.
As usual, she also taught us a lesson. A lesson of courage and self-determination
far beyond a shy, obeying daughter expected to possess. This has also affected my
personality, a change from a shy and quiet little girl to a girl who learned to smile in front
of people and gradually have a sweet mouth full of compliments.
A few months later, when I began to learn the game of Mah-Jongg, I recalled
grandmas words. She said Mah-Jongg was not only a game but also possesses
uniqueness. Because of this, I was starving for more knowledge. Knowledge of the secret
of Mah-Jongg. Grandma laughed frankly when I told her my curiosity. Oh honey, there
is no secret behind this, she exclaimed, If you really want to know, take a look at the
method you play and youll find out.
I was frustrated and ashamed. Not because of her thin explanation but of my slow
realization of the meaning of Mah-Jongg. It was simply a game to enjoy and laugh while
you play with your friends and family. I was thinking something way more complex and
was in thirst for more and more skills to improve on the game instead of thinking on
broader terms. I guess this was what grandma meant by the stories behind the game, its
simply those moments you cherish and spend time playing at.
I finally understood the concept of her idea. As always, grandma was a perfect
role model for me and will be forever. Her experience, story, morality and lessons shaped
the way I am today. I can never forget the moment she waved her last goodbye to me
when I flew back to America. Her tears dripped down on her smiling cheeks but her eyes
was sparkling. It will always be sparkling.

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