Matlab Basic Note

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MATLAB notes 1

A parachutist of mass 68.1 kg jumps out of a stationary hot air balloon. Given
v(t)= gm/c (1-e^(-c/m)t) and the drag coefficient is equal to 12.5kg/s. By using
MATLAB, calculate v(t) when t=2.
(Chapra & Canale, 2006)

Consider a quadratic equation as;
x2 100.0001x + 0.01 = 0
Find xs.

(1) Define the formula to be use.
(2) Use quadratic formula;
x1,2 = -b (b2 4ac)

Consider the function;
F(x) = x (x - (x-1)
Use MATLAB to calculate the value of f(x) for the following three values of x: x = 10, x
= 1000 and x = 100000.


A parachutist of mass 68.1 kg jumps out of a stationary hot air balloon. Given
v(t)= gm/c (1-e^(-c/m)t) and the drag coefficient is equal to 12.5kg/s. By using
MATLAB, calculate v(t) from t=0 till t=14. Also plot a graph v versus t.

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