Bjig 13 The Word Was God John 1 6 6 15

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An Examination of John 1:1-18

Last updated 6/06/15 this study is thirty two pages long
Some say that John 1:1-2 states that Jesus = the Word = God
Some also say that because the word became flesh in vs14, then God became flesh when he became Jesus.
V18 in some translations, including the NIV, confirms that Jesus is also God
On the face of it these beliefs might seem like valid arguments, however I will show that these interpretations are an
incorrect conclusion and that John 1:1-18 does NOT show Jesus to be God.
The belief that "Jesus is the Word" began in the second century and is based on a small amount of evidence from
three difficult to interpret passages, mostly John 1. Nowadays there are two small translation variants in John 1:1-2
which, although they are small, have huge consequence to general interpretation and understanding. These variants
leave a lot of people confused and some insisting it makes sense to them when it cannot.
The belief that "Jesus is God began in the early church during the second and third centuries leading up to the
Council of Nicaea in AD325. By the end of that century the Trinity theory of a triune God was fully established.
This belief continues today partly due to the two translation variants in John 1:1-2 and another that sometimes
appears in vs18 depending on bible choice.
This study will show
1/ That John 1 cannot and does not show that Jesus is the word
2/ That the theory Jesus = the Word = God is incorrect.
3/ That John 1 cannot and does not show that Jesus is God
4/ That "the word" is the full communication of God which Jesus heard from his father, God, before creation. It will
show that Jesus, who is not God, delivers Gods word to the people. The message is separate and different from the
If you have a different belief to that stated, take the time to read the following evidence and keep note of all that
you agree or disagree with so we can discuss once you have finished. It is imperative that you either agree or
disagree with each "Part" from Part 1 to Part 4. If you agree with Parts 1-4 then logically you will agree with the
conclusion, already stated. If you only "scan" this document it will be a waste of time, it is best for you to stop here,
it needs to be studied in depth and critiqued. If you believe Jesus is God, you must disagree with some of Parts 1-4.
Because of the deep rooted belief of many people surrounding this passage, the several problems created through
translation, and the fact that there are eight different understandings of vs1-2 all with theological experts to support
their viewpoints, this document necessitates over thirty pages to identify and try to resolve the problems.
Whether you agree or disagree, in part or in whole, big or small, please email me any feedback to help improve this
study. I would also appreciate any help with its logic, grammar, typos, editing etc.
Setting the Stage for Understanding John 1:1-18
Before attempting to analyze John chapter 1:1-18 we will be looking at our understanding of the word. This is in
order to ground ourselves in exactly what we believe the word is, and what are our foundational doctrinal beliefs
are regarding the word of God. (Part 1A-Part 1G)
We then examine who Jesus is throughout the NT and who God is in John 1. (Part 2A-C)
In the next section (Part 3), there are two other scriptures that are said to support the idea that Jesus = The Word =
God that are also analyzed.
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Section Part 4 is a look at the Greek text, what it meant, how it has been translated, and how it should have been
translated in three key places.
The penultimate part in Part 5 shows, unbelievably, eight interpretations of John 1:1-2 each of which put a different
understanding of the meaning of John 1:1-18.
Finally my understanding of John1:1-18 and a summary/conclusion of our entire investigation which will show that
Jesus is the Son of God but he is not the Word, nor is Jesus God, based on this passage.
Definitions and Terms:
All Hebrew and Greek words are indicated by Strong's reference numbers.
Each time word or dabar from the OT, or logos and rhema from the NT, are used in this article they have a
variation or a combination of the following definitions, depending on context.
spoken word or
full communication or
sayings, mandates, doctrines, teachings and instruction or
creative expression or
verbal idea
Perhaps also His verbal expression of His wisdom or reason, or his purposes and plans,
especially as they are brought into action.
If the length of this study seems to long, analyze the list of contents then go to the end and read the Final
Conclusion which is two pages long and work back from that point.
Each Part is between half and two pages long, either it is correct or it isn't. If it has mistakes tell me where, if it is
correct then the conclusion is justified and Jesus is not God.
Article Contents All Part 1-Part 7 are hyperlinked
Pre supposed Doctrinal Beliefs of the word
P1A Creation by Gods word
P1B The word of God
P1C The word of Jesus
P1D The word of God came through the prophets including Jesus
P1E The word of God and the testimony of Christ or prophets or disciples
P1F Jesus says the words I speak are not my own
P1G Recap of Summaries for P1
Who is Jesus, Who is God
P2A Jesus claims to be
P2B Jesus is the light of the world
P2C God is
Examining two Supporting Scriptures
P3A 1 John1 The word of life explanation
P3B Revelation 19:13 The word of God explanation
Examining the Greek Way of Writing, and the English Translation
P4A Existing Facts Outside of John chapter 1
P4B Existing Facts Inside of John chapter 1
P4C Existing facts inside John 1:1
P4D Examining the Greek Term for Word, Logos:
P4E Examining the Greek Term for God, Theos:
P4F Translation differences for John 1:2
P4G Examining the Greek Term for He or This, Houtos:
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P4H Empty
P4J John 1:18
A Brief Opinion of the Word Before we get to John 1
P4K Opinion So Far
Possible Interpretations Followed by My Interpretation of John 1:1-18
P5A/ Possible Interpretations for each verse in John 1:1-18
P5B/ Arguments against possibilities NA
P6A/ DG understanding of John 1:1-18
P7 Summary Conclusion
Overview of Pre supposed Doctrinal Beliefs of the word:
In these seven parts, 1A-1G, we will confirm our pre supposed doctrinal beliefs that are a key factor before
analyzing and deciding what each sentence of John 1-18 mean. We have to know and agree to our basic
understanding around certain meanings of word when it appears in the Bible.
Part 1A Creation By Gods Word
The Bible begins with an entire chapter giving us the definition concerning the strength and capability of Gods
spoken word. Here the Bible shows that God spoke and commanded something should happen and out of nothing
our universe appeared. When God said something it happened. It was Gods spoken word or creative
expression or full communication or verbal idea or reason, purposes and plans, especially as they
are brought into action. The spoken word of God caused creation to exist.
Genesis 1:1-31
In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.
2 The earth was without form and void, and darkness was over the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God
was hovering over the face of the waters.
3 And God said, Let there be light, and there was light.
6 And God said, Let there be an expanse in the midst of the waters, and let it separate the waters from the
waters. 7 And it was so.
9 And God said, Let the waters under the heavens be gathered together into one place, and let the dry land
appear. And it was so.
11 And God said, Let the earth sprout vegetation, plants yielding seed, and fruit trees bearing fruit in which
is their seed, each according to its kind, on the earth. And it was so.
14 And God said, Let there be lights in the expanse of the heavens to separate the day from the night. And
let them be for signs and for seasons, and for days and years, 15 And it was so.
20 And God said, Let the waters swarm with swarms of living creatures, and let birds fly above the earth
across the expanse of the heavens. 21 And God saw that it was good.
22 And God blessed them, saying, Be fruitful and multiply and fill the waters in the seas, and let birds
multiply on the earth.
24 And God said, Let the earth bring forth living creatures according to their kindslivestock and
creeping things and beasts of the earth according to their kinds. And it was so.
26 Then God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness. And let them have dominion over the
fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over the livestock and over all the earth and over every
creeping thing that creeps on the earth.
28 And God blessed them. And God said to them, Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it,
and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over every living thing that
moves on the earth.
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And God said, Behold, I have given you every plant yielding seed that is on the face of all the earth,
and every tree with seed in its fruit. You shall have them for food.
30 And to every beast of the earth and to every bird of the heavens and to everything that creeps on the earth,
everything that has the breath of life, I have given every green plant for food. And it was so.

In brief, Genesis explains that Gods spoken word created everything in the known universe.
Vs3 And God said . and it happened
Vs6-7 And God said... and it was so
Vs9 And God said... and it was so
Vs11 And God said.. .. and it was so
Vs14-15 And God said and it was so
Vs20-21 And God said and God saw that it was good
Vs22 And God blessed them saying - God was speaking.
Vs24 And God said. and it was so
. and God saw that it was good
Vs26 And God said
Vs28 And God said to them.
Vs29-30 And God saidand it was so
Vs31 God saw everything he had made, and it was very good
God spoke and said that things should happen and they did, he formed creation by speaking. It was his own
personal word, his own creative expression and full communication.
When God speaks, reality exists.
2 Peter 3:5-7 For they deliberately overlook this fact, that the heavens existed long ago, and the earth was
formed out of water and through water by the word (G3056 logos) of God,
6 and that by means of these the world that then existed was deluged with water and perished.
7 But by the same word the heavens and earth that now exist are stored up for fire, being kept until the day of
judgment and destruction of the ungodly.
Vs5 The heavens and earth exist by the word of God
The word of God that Peter is referring to is in regard to Genesis 1 where God spoke and creation was formed. The
word is Gods spoken word.
Other scriptures include Psalm 33:4-9
God created everything by means of his spoken word or creative expression or full communication
the sayings, mandates, doctrines, teachings and instruction of God, that word which he uttered and that word
which went out on the breath of His mouth. This is the same idea and interpretation that is carried forward
throughout the OT and into the NT.
Side Note
(Adapted from The Trinity Delusion website)
Because many believe that Jesus is also the word or the word of God, a particular oddity has occurred
that must be conveniently ignored for those who hold that viewpoint. God the Father had two different
words which he used to create all things:
(1) His spoken word indicated here and
(2) a person who happens to be called the Word (i.e. His Son) through whom God the Father created where
this person is the agency or instrument through whom God created.
One word is not a person, His spoken word.
The other word is indeed a person (Jesus), and not His spoken word.
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These two things cannot be sensibly harmonized and that should immediately tell us that there is a problem
with definitions.
Part 1B The Word Of God
In this brief part we identify dabar as the main Hebrew term, and logos and rhema as the main Greek terms
that translate into the English word.
1 Samuel 15:10 Then the word (dabar/H1697) of the LORD came to Samuel:
The word (dabar,) the communication, of the LORD (Jehovah) comes to Samuel
2 Corinthians 4:2 Rather, we have renounced secret and shameful ways; we do not use deception, nor do
we distort the word (logos/G3056) of God. On the contrary, by setting forth the truth plainly we commend
ourselves to every man's conscience in the sight of God.
The disciples do not distort the word (logos) of God, but speak the truth plainly
Luke 3:2 during the high priesthood of Annas and Caiaphas, the word (rhema/G4487) of God came to John
son of Zechariah in the desert.
The rhema of God came to John
The word of God is dabar in the OT and logos or rhema in the NT.
OT: H1697 dabar, word count 1441 times. "word of God" 4 times, "word of the LORD" 245 times.
NT: G3056 Logos word count 330 times.
NT G4487 Rhema word count 68.
word of God 37 times total: logos of God 34, rhema of God 3.
The word of the LORD is the full communication the creative expression the spoken word from Jehovah
God the Father, the sayings, mandates, doctrines, teachings and instruction that came from God to the prophets
and the people
Part 1C The Word Of Jesus
Here we continue our biblical explanation and definition of the word and how it would come to Jesus and how
Jesus conveyed it to others.
Deuteronomy 18:18 I will raise up for them a prophet like you from among their brothers; I will put my
words (dabar/H1697) in his mouth, and he will tell them everything I command him.
Vs18 God says, he will raise up a prophet. God does not say God will become the prophet
Vs18 God will put his words in the prophets mouth. God already has the words.
Vs18 God commands the prophet to tell the people everything the prophet heard from God. Nobody commands
God what to do, God doesnt need to hear anything from anyone.
Vs18 God is stating and referring to prophets, of who Jesus was one, speaking Gods words in Gods name.
If someone assumes that Jesus is the word and Jesus is also God, this scripture cannot make sense
If someone assumes Jesus is the word do they also say he is the OT Hebrew dabar?

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Mark 10:24 The disciples were amazed at his words (logos/G3056). But Jesus said again, Children, how
hard it is to enter the kingdom of God!
The disciples are amazed at Jesus logos his word, his communication, not that Jesus is the logos word.
If you believe that Jesus is the "word" what exactly does this verse mean to you?
Do those who say Jesus = word = God say disciples were amazed at Jesus Jesus, or at Jesus' God?
ESV Acts 10:34 So Peter opened his mouth and said: Truly I understand that God shows no partiality,
35 but in every nation anyone who fears him and does what is right is acceptable to him.
36 As for the word (logos/G3056) that he sent to Israel, preaching good news of peace through Jesus Christ
(he is Lord of all)
God sends the word to Israel through Jesus preaching.
God sends his communication through anothers preaching
For those who believe Jesus is the word and Jesus is God their interpretation of this verse is that God sends God
through Gods teaching. How can this make any sense?
It is Jesus who speaks, communicates and preaches God's word, not Jesus is Gods word or words.
Vs36 This is a direct reference to John 1:14 and the word became flesh
The word, Gods communication, came through Jesus. Look at this passage and consider.
Acts 20:35 In everything I did, I showed you that by this kind of hard work we must help the weak,
remembering the words (logos/G3056) the Lord Jesus himself said (eipon/G2036): It is more blessed to
give than to receive.
Clearly Jesus speaks the logos, not he is the logos.
How can this be interpreted any other way?
Romans 10:17 Consequently, faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the
word (rhema/G4487) of Christ.
The message is heard through the word, (the rhema), of Christ.
The word of Christ is the message from God, which is the word of God
Gods message or Gods word, is taught by Christ who learned it from God
Do those who say Jesus is the word, (logos), also say he is the rhema?
Do those who say Jesus is the "word", Greek "logos", also say he is the Hebrew "dabar" or the Greek "rhema"?
To say that Jesus is the word or "dabar" or "rhema" or "logos" is incorrect
Jesus spoke words, rhema or logos, that God gave and told him to speak, not his own words.
Jesus relayed the sayings, mandates, doctrines, teachings and instruction of God to the people.
The word of God and Jesus Christ are, despite often being combined, distinct and from each other.
When the word of God became the word of Christ, God did not become Christ.
What happened was an extension of Gods character became an extension of Jesus character.
We as disciples try to have to make an extension of Gods character be an extension of our character.
Are you in agreement so far? If not and you have a different interpretation of these scriptures, you must be able to
identify my mistakes and give your reasons.
Part 1D The word of God came through the prophets including Jesus
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When God wanted to communicate with the prophets he spoke to them. He expressed His ideas and thoughts
through his spoken word. His sayings, mandates, doctrines, teachings and instruction were communicated by
Him to the prophets who also included Jesus.
2 Kings 20:4 Before Isaiah had left the middle court, the word (dabar/H1697) of the LORD came to him:
Isaiah spoke the word of the LORD, others include
1 Chronicles 17:3
1 Chronicles 21:19 Gad
2 Chronicles 10:15 Ahijah
2 Chronicles 18:18 Micaiah
2 Chronicles 36:12 Jeremiah
Ezekiel 1:3
Mathew 11:9 Then what did you go out to see? A prophet? Yes, I tell you, and more than a prophet.
This is the one about whom it is written: " 'I will send my messenger ahead of you,
John the Baptist is the messenger that God sent, messengers speak words, therefore John speaks the word of God
just like Jesus does.
Mathew 21:11 The crowds answered, "This is Jesus, the prophet from Nazareth in Galilee."
Jesus is the prophet who speaks the word of God
Prophets including Jehu, Elijah, Elisha, Jonah, Isaiah, Nathan, Gad, Ahijah, Micaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, John the
Baptist and Jesus all spoke the word of God
Prophet: One who proclaims inspired utterances on behalf of God.
God is not a prophet, Jesus is a prophet.
Part 1E The word of God AND the testimony of Christ, or prophets, or disciples.
The word of God is an additional thing when compared to the testimony of Jesus Christ. The word of God is
Gods communication, and the testimony of Jesus Christ is how it is relayed to the people. The word and Jesus
are two separate things they are not one and the same.
Revelation 1:9 I, John, your brother and companion in the suffering and kingdom and patient endurance
that are ours in Jesus, was on the island of Patmos because of the word (logos/G3056) of God and the
testimony of Jesus.
The word of God and the testimony of Jesus are two distinct and separate things.
Just as the word came through the testimony of the prophets it came through the testimony of Jesus Christ.
John does not say that the word of God is Jesus. He says they are two different things.
It is incorrect to say was on the island of Patmos because of Jesus and Jesus
It is incorrect to say was on the island of Patmos because of the word of God and the testimony of God
Therefore it is incorrect to say the word of God is Jesus
Revelation 20:4 I saw thrones on which were seated those who had been given authority to judge. And I
saw the souls of those who had been beheaded because of their testimony for Jesus and because of the word
(logos/G3056) of God. They had not worshiped the beast or his image and had not received his mark on
their foreheads or their hands. They came to life and reigned with Christ a thousand years.
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The prophets were " beheaded because of their testimony for Jesus"
AND "because of the word (logos/G3056) of God."
How, if they are one and the same thing, can this make sense? It cannot.
It is incorrect to say beheaded because of their testimony for Jesus because of the Jesus.
It is incorrect to say "beheaded because of their testimony for God and because of the God of God."
It is incorrect to say "the word of God is Jesus"
The word of God, and, the testimony of Jesus Christ.
The word of God is the communication of God, spoken or given by the testimony of Jesus or by the people.
John explains that the word of God is testified by Jesus Christ, not that one is the other.
If my interpretation is incorrect please identify how and why, and then give your own.
Part 1F Jesus says the words I speak are not my own
An extremely important factor in this analysis is Jesus viewpoint on the subject of Gods word. Jesus tells us that
the words he speaks are not his own. These statements alone tell us that Jesus is not the word or the word of
God. For one to say Jesus is the word is in direct opposition and a complete contradiction to Jesus personal
teachings. If Part 1F seems overwhelming it is because the evidence and opposition to the theory Jesus=The Word =
God is overwhelming. Each of my statements or questions needs your thoughts and answers.
NIV John 14:23-24 Jesus replied, "If anyone loves me, he will obey my teaching (logos/G3056). My Father
will love him, and we will come to him and make our home with him.
He who does not love me will not obey my teaching (logos/G3056). These words (logos/G3056) you hear
are not my own; they belong to the Father who sent me.
Vs23 We implies two or more will come. God and Jesus will still be separate and distinct, when they come to
disciples during a disciples life time on earth.
Vs24 The majority of translations ESV, HCSB, NKJV have obey my words rather than obey my teachings.
Vs24 He will not obey my teaching/logos. How can Jesus be the teaching/logos? Jesus is not the logos.
Vs24 How could Jesus say these words/logos are not my own if Jesus is the words/logos?
Vs24 How could Jesus say these words are not my own if Jesus is God?
Vs24 If the words belong to the Father. Do they also belong to Jesus or does he quote them?
These statements, the words/logos I speak are not my own are critical to those who believe that Jesus is the
word/logos. Jesus is not the word/logos as identified here. Not at any time.
We also know that Jesus' and God's wills are separate and distinct but Jesus submits to Gods will. Mat 26:39
In this verse Jesus tells us that he is speaking his Father's words, not his own.
Jesus words are distinct and separate to Gods, but Jesus chooses to speak Gods words.
John 17:6-9 "I have revealed you to those whom you gave me out of the world. They were yours; you gave
them to me and they have obeyed your word (G3056 logos).
Vs7 Now they know that everything you have given me comes from you.
Vs8 For I gave them the words (G4487 rhema) you gave me and they accepted them. They knew with
certainty that I came from you, and they believed that you sent me.
Vs9 I pray for them. I am not praying for the world, but for those you have given me, for they are yours.
Jesus is praying to God who he calls Father in vs5
Vs6 They were yours shows they were Jews. They have obeyed your/Gods logos
Vs6 They have obeyed your word means they have obeyed Gods instruction, not obeyed Jesus. See vs8
Vs7 The words come from the Father and are given to Jesus. How can Jesus say this and be God
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Vs8 Jesus gave people the words God had given to Jesus. Jesus gave them the rhema."
The people knew that Jesus came from God. God did not come from God
The people believed that God sent Jesus. Who has the authority to send God?
If Jesus is God, why did he need to be given these words? Given the logos and given the rhema?
Vs9 The people God had given to Jesus still belonged to God, Jesus Father.
Jesus told them that everything he had came from another, he was sent, his teachings were from another.
Jesus clearly stated that the logos or rhema he spoke was not his own, how can that be if he is God?
Was Jesus persuading them to believe something less than the full truth?
These passages are all literal statements from literal passages
The book of John, which Trinitarians claim shows that Jesus is the Word is God in John 1 is the book that has five
passages saying that Jesus is not the word, but that he speaks it. (Also John 3:32-34, 14:10, 18:9)
These words (logos/G3056) you hear are not my own; they belong to the Father who sent me.
The idea that Jesus is the word is in direct contradiction to these passages.
Jesus spoke words, rhema or logos, that God gave and told him to speak, not his own words.
If Jesus speaks the word of God and Jesus is God and the word is God, does that mean the God that God sent
speaks the God of God? Of course not.
Jesus is not the logos or the rhema (or the word) in the same way that me and myself both apply to the
person speaking. Jesus speaks the logos and the rhema, it is a communication from him to us, just as any other
person can communicate by the logos or the rhema.
The word of God is Gods communication to us. Jesus brought and spoke that communication from God, Jesus
relayed the sayings, mandates, doctrines, teachings and instruction of God to the people
Part 1G Recap of the Summaries for P1.
P1A God formed creation by speaking, he spoke and things happened. His spoken word made creation.
P1B The word of God is the communication of Jehovah God the Father
P1C Jesus relayed the sayings, mandates, doctrines, teachings and instruction of God to the people.
When the word of God became the word of Christ, God did not become Christ.
An extension of Gods character became an extension of Jesus character.
P1D John the Baptist and numerous OT prophets including Jesus spoke the word of God
P1E The word of God is the communication of God, spoken or given by the testimony of Jesus or by the people.
John explains that the word of God is testified by Jesus Christ, not that one is the other.
P1F These words (logos/G3056) you hear are not my own; they belong to the Father who sent me.
Jesus is not the logos or the rhema (or the word) in the same way that me and myself both apply to the
person speaking. Jesus speaks the logos and the rhema, it is a communication from him to us, just as any other
person can communicate by the logos or the rhema.
In any evaluation of doctrine all passages on the topic must be considered together. When considering the meaning
of John 1 our interpretation must correspond to the facts established here. A viewpoint cannot be established that
contradicts these definitions already in place. So far I have established that Jesus is not the word therefore any
viewpoint that believes or states that Jesus is the word is a direct contradiction to this fact and is therefore false.
If you still hold that Jesus is the Word, then you have not accepted the proven facts established in Parts 1A-1G.
Please show where my interpretation is incorrect and also provide another for these passages before continuing.
Who is Jesus, Who is God
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Who and what did Jesus and God say and claim about themselves are looked at in Parts 2A-2C.
Part 2A Jesus claims to be
John recorded that while Jesus was on earth he made numerous claims surrounding who he was, never once did he
claim to be the word. This is a brief outline concerning those claims.
Bread of life
Came from God
Good shepherd
I am
Jesus of Nazareth
Light of the world
Son of man
Son of God
True vine

John 6:35
John 16:27
John 10:24
John 10:7-9
John 10:11
John 8:42
John 8:58
John 18:5-6
John 18:37
John 9:5
John 14:6
John 4:25
John 11:25
John 8:28
John 10:36
John 15:1
John 14:6
John 14:6
John 5:17

I am the bread of life

I came from God
If you are the Christ tell us plainly. I told you
I am the door of the sheep
I am the good shepherd
I am here, I came not of my own accord
Before Abraham existed, I am (Jesus existed before Creation)
I am he
Pilate said to him so you are a king Jesus answered you say I am
I am the light of the world
I am the way, the truth, the life
The messiah will tell us all things. I am he
I am the resurrection and the life
When you have lifted up the son of man you will know that I am he
because I said I am the son of God
I am the true vine
I am the way the truth and the life
I am the way the truth and the life
My Father is working until now and I am working

Jesus claims to be many things but he never claims to be the word
In these quotes Jesus says I am the .., If he was the word you would think he would have said it.
Jesus made monumental claims regarding who he was, surely he would have claimed this title at least once if it
were true. (In section P1F Jesus has made it clear that he is not the word.)
It is said that no evidence is not evidence, however if it is such a cornerstone to Trinitarianism you would think
Jesus would have offered some support for them.
Part 2B Jesus is the light of the world
The prophecy of Isaiah 46:6 tells us that when the prophet, Jesus, comes he will be a light for the nations. This
prophecy is confirmed and fulfilled in the Gospels including John 1. This is relevant to agree with as it forms a
large part of the emphasis in John 1:1-8.
Isaiah 42:1-9 Behold my servant, whom I uphold, my chosen, in whom my soul delights; I have put my
Spirit upon him; he will bring forth justice to the nations.
He will not cry aloud or lift up his voice, or make it heard in the street;
a bruised reed he will not break, and a faintly burning wick he will not quench; he will faithfully bring
forth justice.
He will not grow faint or be discouraged till he has established justice in the earth; and the coastlands wait
for his law.
Thus says God, the LORD, who created the heavens and stretched them out, who spread out the earth and
what comes from it, who gives breath to the people on it and spirit to those who walk in it:
I am the LORD; I have called you in righteousness; I will take you by the hand and keep you; I will give
you as a covenant for the people, a light for the nations,
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to open the eyes that are blind, to bring out the prisoners from the dungeon, from the prison those who sit
in darkness.
I am the LORD; that is my name; my glory I give to no other, nor my praise to carved idols.
Behold, the former things have come to pass, and new things I now declare; before they spring forth I tell
you of them.
Vs1 God speaking through Isaiah in a prophecy of Jesus
Jesus the servant, God chose Jesus and put his spirit upon him. Jesus brings justice to the nations
Vs2 This may be referring to his response on the cross??
Vs3 Jesus is gentle with hurting people, he will bring justice
Vs5 Thus says the LORD God. God gives people breath and spirit (sometimes translated life)
Vs6 God has called Jesus and will take care of Jesus.
God gives Jesus as a covenant, and will give Jesus as a light for the nations
Vs9 God confirms this is a prophecy.
Luke 2:28-32 he took him up in his arms and blessed God and said,
Lord, now you are letting your servant depart in peace, according to your word;
for my eyes have seen your salvation
that you have prepared in the presence of all peoples,
a light for revelation to the Gentiles, and for glory to your people Israel.
And his father and his mother marveled at what was said about him.
And Simeon blessed them and said to Mary his mother, Behold, this child is appointed for the fall and
rising of many in Israel, and for a sign that is opposed
Vs28 Simeon, the old man, carries baby Jesus
Vs32 Jesus is "a light for revelation" to the Gentiles.
Those Trinitarians who say that the Trinity is a mystery, or explaining who Christ is a mystery, are not in harmony
with this passage that says Jesus is revelation.
John 8:12 Again Jesus spoke to them, saying, I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not
walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.
13 So the Pharisees said to him, You are bearing witness about yourself; your testimony is not true.
14 Jesus answered, Even if I do bear witness about myself, my testimony is true, for I know where I came
from and where I am going, but you do not know where I come from or where I am going.
Vs12 Jesus claims to be the light of the world. Followers will have the light of life
Vs14 Jesus knew he came from heaven.
John 9:3-5 Jesus answered, It was not that this man sinned, or his parents, but that the works of God might
be displayed in him.
4 We must work the works of him who sent me while it is day; night is coming, when no one can work.
5 As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world.
Vs5 Jesus says As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world
Isaiah 42:6 God will give Jesus as a light for the nations
Luke 2:32 Simeon talking to God and says about baby Jesus, I have seen your salvation a light for revelation to
the Gentiles
John 8:12 Jesus said I am the light of the world
John 9:5 Jesus says As long as I am in the word, I am the light of the world
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In John 1:4 and 1:9 John the Baptist confirms that the light was coming from God into the world and the light is
Also John 12 and Revelation 21
Part 2C God is
God is many things in extremely large amounts. He is grace, light, love, spirit, and truth.
Grace of God: 19 times Acts 11:23, 13:43, 14:26, The grace of God
God is light: 2 times Acts 26:18 1 John 1:5
God is love: 2 times I John 4:8 and 1 John 4:16
Love of God: 11 times Psalm 52:1, John 5:42
God is spirit: John 4:24 God is spirit
Spirit of God: 26 times: Gen 1:2, Num 24:2, 1 John 4:2
God of truth: Isaiah 65:16 The God of truth (twice), Colossians 1:6 The grace of God in truth
Truth of God: 2 Tim 2:15 The word of truth
Word of God: 44 times Proverbs 30:5 Every word of God proves true, Acts 11;24
God is light and has light, God is love and has love etc.
If we took John 1:1-2 on its own, it is possible that any one of these could be exchanged for word.
In the beginning was grace, and grace was with God and grace was God. Grace was in the beginning with God.
In the beginning was love, and love was with God and love was God. Love was in the beginning with God
In the beginning was the spirit, and the spirit was with God and the spirit was God. The spirit was in the beginning
with God.
In the beginning was the truth, and the truth was with God and the truth was God. The truth was in the beginning
with God.
In the beginning was the word, and the word was with God and the word was God. The word was in the beginning
with God.
Isn't that cool to look at?
All of these characteristics are fully a part of who God is, just as his word is fully a part of who he is.
Examining two supporting Scriptures
In parts 3A-3B we look at the two scriptures that are said to support the idea that Jesus is the Word.
Part 3A 1 John 1:1 The word of life explanation
Some say that 1 John 1:1-3 confirms the theory that Jesus is the Word. Below is a look at other possibilities for
understanding this passage.
1 John 1:1-3 That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our
eyes, which we have looked at and our hands have touchedthis we proclaim concerning the word
(logos/G3056) of life.
The life appeared; we have seen it and testify to it, and we proclaim to you the eternal life, which was with
the Father and has appeared to us.
We proclaim to you what we have seen and heard, so that you also may have fellowship with us. And our
fellowship is with the Father and with his Son, Jesus Christ.

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Vs1 The word of life was from the beginning. People have seen and touched the word of life
the word or the word of life is either A or B, both have problems.
A/ Jesus.
This is unlikely because that which was from the beginning should be he or similar.
It says Jesus has a beginning which he would not have if he were God
Our hands have touched seems difficult if applying to Jesus
B/ The full communication, or sayings, doctrines, teachings, of God regarding salvation.
This is also unlikely because our hands have touched seems difficult if applying to Gods communication.
Vs2 The life appeared, we have seen it
The life that appeared could be either A or B
A/ Jesus.
This interpretation leaves doubts because it says we have seen it not him
B/ The full communication, or sayings doctrines teachings, of God regarding salvation that Jesus brought
This leaves doubts because if life appeared how can life be it?
Vs2 the eternal life,
Could be
A/ Jesus
This answer is difficult because the life is referred to as it rather than he
B/ the sayings, doctrines, teachings of God regarding salvation appeared when Jesus brought them
This seems likely because we inherit eternal life (Matthew 19:16)
This seems unlikely because the layout of the sentence seems difficult
Vs2 with the father
A/ Jesus was with the father
If Jesus is with the father then Jesus is not the father
B/ The full communication, or sayings doctrines teachings, of God were with God the Father
Vs3 Our fellowship is with the father and with his son, Jesus Christ
There are two possibilities, both of which are unclear.
VS1 say Jesus is the word or the word of life
Vs2 say Jesus is the life that appeared
Vs2 say Jesus is eternal life?
Or do they say Jesus brought instruction from God the Father of how we obtain eternal life.
The answers to the dilemma and the uncertainty of 1 John 1:1-3 are explained by the following five scriptures in
John 5:24, Acts 13:46, Acts 13:48, Philippians 2:16 and Revelation 22:19.
John 5:24 I tell you the truth, whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life and
will not be condemned; he has crossed over from death to life.
Hear Jesus word. Not Jesus is the word.
Hear Jesus word and believe he was sent by another.
Hear Jesus word and believe it. Jesus is not it.
Hear Jesus word and believe it, has eternal life
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Hear the word - believe the word - receive eternal life

Acts 13:46 Then Paul and Barnabas answered them boldly: We had to speak the word (logos/G3056) of
God to you first. Since you reject it and do not consider yourselves worthy of eternal life, we now turn to the
Paul spoke the word of God
Reject the word of God means no eternal life
Therefore accept the word of God and receive eternal life
The word of God is the communication of God, from God, which brings eternal life
Acts 13:48 When the Gentiles heard this, they were glad and honored the word of the Lord; and all who
were appointed for eternal life believed.
The Gentiles honored the words spoken by Paul and Barnabas
The words of Paul and Barnabas were the words of the Lord
The words of the Lord, or the words of Christ, which are also the words of God
The people believed the words Paul spoke and were appointed for eternal life
Philippians 2:16
Do everything without complaining or arguing,
15 so that you may become blameless and pure, children of God without fault in a crooked and depraved
generation, in which you shine like stars in the universe
16 as you hold out the word (G3056 logos) of lifein order that I may boast on the day of Christ that I did
not run or labor for nothing.
Vs15 Paul talking to the disciples of Christ
Vs16 As we hold out the sayings, mandates, doctrines, teachings and instruction of God in order that Paul may
boast on the day of Christ.
We hold out the communication of God from God.
Not hold out Christ to boast on the day of Christ.
Revelation 22:19 And if anyone takes words (G3056 logos) away from this book of prophecy, God will
take away from him his share in the tree of life and in the holy city, which are described in this book
If anyone takes away the sayings, mandates, doctrines, teachings and instruction of God from the book of
prophecy God will not give him eternal life
We can conclude that the word or the word of life in 1 John 1:1-3 and Philippians 2:16 along with the words
that bring eternal life in the other passages are directly referring to the sayings, mandates, doctrines, teachings and
instruction or the full communication of God. Jesus and the disciples bring and communicate the word of life
to the people.
Therefore we can also eliminate the claim that 1 John 1:1-3 says that Jesus is the Word or God.
Part 3B Revelation 19:13 The word of God explanation
Here is the second passage that some say confirms that Jesus is the Word. Revelation is an apocalyptic book and
chapter 19 is no exception. It is an extremely figurative passage full of metaphor, imagery and hyperbole.
Revelation 19:11-15
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11 I saw heaven standing open and there before me was a white horse, whose rider is called Faithful and
true. With justice he judges and makes war.
12 His eyes are like blazing fire, and on his head are many crowns. He has a name written on him that no
one knows but he himself.
13 He is dressed in a robe dipped in blood, and his name is the Word (logos/G3056) of God.
14 The armies of heaven were following him, riding on white horses and dressed in fine linen, white and
15 Out of his mouth comes a sharp sword with which to strike down the nations. "He will rule them with an
iron scepter." He treads the winepress of the fury of the wrath of God Almighty.
Vs11 Heaven is open and there is a white horse.
The rider is called faithful and true
Vs12 Eyes like fire. Several crowns. No one knew his name except himself. What does this mean?
Vs13 Wearing a blood dipped robe. His name is the The word of God
or anoma kaleo logos theos or name called word God
Vs14 Armies on horses followed the first horseman
Vs15 A sword came out of his mouth.
He will rule with an iron scepter.
He treads a winepress
Most of Revelation is a vision that John had which includes verses that are mostly symbolic and should not be taken
literally. In Revelation 19:11-15 it is hard to imagine that any one of the following are not symbolic
Heaven standing open
A white horse
A rider called faithful and true
The rider judges
(Jesus will judge)
The rider makes war
The riders eyes are like blazing fire
He had several crowns on his head
He had a name written on him
He is wearing a robe dipped in blood
His name is the word of God. This is symbolic as is the rest of this passage.
Armies of heaven are following him on white horses dressed in fine white clean linen
He has a sharp sword coming out of his mouth
He will rule nations with an iron scepter
He treads a winepress of the fury of the wrath of God.
Why Revelation 19:13 doesnt say Jesus is God:
To make the claim that Jesus symbolic name in this dream is the Word of God is true however, it is a symbolic
name. When we say it we should say it like we would say he is dressed in a robe dipped in blood. Word of God
is very symbolic just as the robe is symbolic. Jesus is not actually wearing a dripping blood robe just as there is no
sword coming out of his mouth, the sword is symbolic of his speaking of the word. Jesus is also called the lamb of
God however we dont make any claim that he is a sheep because we know lamb is a symbolic name that comes
with a meaning. Word of God signifies that Jesus spoke the truth of God, he delivered Gods message for him.
To make the claim that Jesus symbolic name in this dream is the word of God which then means Jesus is literally
the word of God, is opposed by scriptures that say the word of God AND Jesus Christ shown in the following
Revelation 1:2
who testifies to everything he sawthat is, the word (G3056 logos) of God and the testimony of
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Jesus Christ.
Revelation 1:9
I, John, your brother and companion in the suffering and kingdom and patient endurance that are ours in
Jesus, was on the island of Patmos because of the word (G3056 logos) of God and the
testimony of Jesus.
Revelation 20:4
I saw thrones on which were seated those who had been given authority to judge. And I saw the souls of
those who had been beheaded because of their testimony for Jesus and because of the word (G3056 logos)
of God.
Three times Revelation, written by John, states that "the word of God" is in addition to Christ.
To make the leap and to claim that the symbolic name, in this apocalyptic book, makes Jesus the word of God and
therefore also makes Jesus God, is going way beyond what is meant.
The word of God is always it rather than he or him. Jesus is not it, he is "he" or "him."
Jesus is symbolically called The Word of God, in a similar way that he was called the Lamb of God. God himself
was called Rock, and others like Nathaniel were called Gift of God.
Jesus is called the Word of God because he communicated the word of/for God. The words I speak are not my
Jesus spoke the word of God and relayed the communication of God to the people
The word of God is in the NT 37 times, always referring to the communication from God
Jesus could have been figuratively named the Truth of God or the Grace of God etc it is a symbolic name only.
Jesus personally calls his disciples The Light of the World Matthew 5:4
Jesus personally claims to be called The Light of the World John 8:12 and John 9:5
Does this mean we are Jesus?
Does this mean we are the sun and the stars? No, they are figurative names only.
This is another critical point for those who say Jesus is the Word, I have shown it not to be true based on 1 John 1,
and Revelation 19:13. If you disagree with my interpretation please critique my work showing why and how etc.
It may have seen repetitive in places, however the points I have just made have to be disproved in order for John 1
to show that Jesus is God.
Examining the Greek Way of Writing, and the English Translation
In parts 4A-4K I will briefly examine the Greek way of writing and how words were translated to English. The
theology that Jesus is the Word existed prior to the English translations, however the translations have compounded
the problem therefore I will examine it here.
Part 4A Existing facts outside of John chapter 1
1/ There are no biblical examples of anyone being called "word" or Hebrew dabar or Greek logos or rhema
2/ There are no biblical examples of word being a distinct being from God
3/ There are no biblical examples that say Jesus is the word or logos or rhema. The explanations for 1 John 1
and Revelation 19:13 are in P3A and P3B
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Part 4B Existing facts inside of John chapter 1

1/ Word Count: Light is written seven times: John 1:4, 5, 7, and 8 twice 9 twice
Word is written four times: John 1:1 three times, and 1:14

Part 4C Existing facts inside of John 1:1

In order to further examine our passage I have put together a brief explanation of how the Greek writers put
together their writings, we are also looking at the first sentence as a whole and what it looked like 2000 years ago.
1/ The actual translation of John 1:1 looks like this:
















the beginning was


ton theon
the god


theos en
god was



2/ Because the style and construction of the Greek text is different from the English language, even though the word
order is different, it is universally accepted and agreed that this is the correct word order for John 1:1c "and the
word was God," Not and God was the word.
3/ John 1:1 is commonly broken into three parts for discussion purposes
1. John 1:1a In the beginning was the word
2. John 1:1b and the word was with God
3. John 1:1c and the word was God
4/ At the time John 1 was written there was no upper and lower case or capitalization. Upper and lower cases came
centuries later. Originally it would have looked like the first line in all capitals, apparently we invented lower case.
Part 4D Examining the Greek Term for Word, Logos:
There was no written difference between word or Word. Instead of using capital letters, names were determined
by the context of the phrase.
If John and his contemporaries wanted to say "God" like we do in English, they would have simply said,
"the god" or "THE GOD." Our English word capital 'G' God, is equivalent to the Greek term "the god."
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In English, Capital 'G' God immediately signifies we are talking about a specific identity because that is
what capitalization signifies in English unless we are referring to names of things like cities and countries.
The problem with our English capitalization conventions is that capitalizing words like "Word" and "God" is
that it can mislead a reader into thinking John specifically wrote in the same manner and indicated we are
necessarily talking about a person. We capitalize names like "Anthony" or titles like "President" when we
are referring to an identity. Capitalization makes it appear to English readers that John was intentionally
referring to a person when he said the "the Word" or that he was telling us WHO the Word was when he said
"the Word was God."
Each time "word" is written in John 1, it is written the word or ho logos which to some indicates that word is
Word and is personal. However the word shows in the NT NIV 130 times and only three times in John 1 and once
in Revelation does word become capitalized Word. Therefore the idea that ho logos rather than logos indicates
a person is completely invalid. There is no indication from the structure of John 1:1 that word signifies a person
and has a capital W.
So the question is who decided that word becomes Word if the sentence does not indicate that, and why?
It is hard for me to know precisely how it all began. It seems it began during the debates in the years leading up to
the Council of Nicaea 325AD and the subsequent Trinitarian doctrines that were enforced by penalty of death and
passed down ever since. They taught that Jesus was God prior to creation and still God after his earthly birth.
Perhaps it was because Gods word became flesh in Jesus in John 1:14, that Jesus is God and word is God then
word should be capitalized Word and that Jesus and Word are one and the same thing.
This may or may not be the exact way word became Word however the capitalization is an incorrect Trinitarian
presupposition and one that became an incorrect decision of the English translators a thousand or so years after it
was written in Greek.
Once logos is translated word which doesnt indicate a person, suddenly we have a completely different view
point of John 1:1. Now word can be seen for what it is, His spoken word. Remember how it looked in Genesis 1
where it was God's word, his verbal communication, that caused creation. Remember how it is possible to swap out
"word" for "grace," or "the truth," and so on and the verse make perfect sense?
John 1:1 In the beginning was the word and the word was with
God and the word was God
arche eimi ho logos kai ho logos eimi pros ho theos kai ho logos eimi theos
Part 4E Examining the Greek Term for God Theos:
Another important Greek word from John 1:1 is God or Greek Theos/n, Strongs G2316.
It can have slightly different meanings and implications depending on how the sentence is constructed.
The two times God is written, it is in a slightly different manner.
1b/ the word was with God. Theon is accusative God is the object
1c/ the word was God
Theos is nominative God is the subject

John is saying the word was with God the Father but not in such a way that the word was a second thing in
addition to God the Father; the word was God the Father Himself qualitatively such that they were not two
things but one and His word was inherent within He Himself.

In a similar way God's strength was with Him, his love or light or life or grace or truth was with him
1c/ God's word was God. In a similar way that His strength, love, light, life, grace or truth was also Him.
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Part 4F Translation differences for John 1:2

From looking at 52 different Bible translations we can see that verse two of the book of John has been translated
differently approximately 50% of the time. The way it is translated has extremely significant implications. What
happened, and what should have happened?
He (G3778) was in the beginning with God.
Amplified, CJB, CPDV, Darby, ERV, ESV, EXB, GEN, GW, HCSB, ISR, ISV, Mounce, Murdock, NABRE, NASB,
The same (G3778) was in the beginning with God.
Voice, WE, WEB, Websters, WYC, YLT, Younan, (25)
Of the fifty translations listed for John 1:2, half of them have the Greek word houtos translated as he and half
as the same. There are popular translations in both groups.
Our general understanding of John 1:2 is based on the Bible we usually read and interpret.
If we read those that translate G3778 houtos into the word he then we tend to believe word in vs1 is a person.
If we read those that translate G3778 houtos into the words the same then we tend to believe word in vs 1 is the
spoken word of God.
Because we have already established that nothing indicates that word should be capitalized then he in vs2 is
not an option, it should have always been translated "the same," or "this," or it.
Part 4G Examining the Greek Term for He or This, Houtos
What should have happened when the Greek word houtos or Strongs G3778 was translated to English?
Word Count: G3778 Houtos is in the ESV NT 477 times
Personal references include: Christ 1, he 21, He 13, Jesus 2, she 4, She 1, they 14, their 1, them 1,
Other references: that 5, the 1, these 60, These 18, this 227, This 71, those 3, and numerous others.
Approx 75% of the time Houtos is translated in a non personal way.
The writings of John only: John, 1 John, 2 John, 3 John, Revelation
G3778 houtos: 115: he 8, He 4, these 19, this 76 (generally John uses houtos to signify this)
G846 autos is in the ESV NT 5602 times 114 results
he 243, her 227, him 1861, himself 67, his 972, it 225, its 84, same 116, their 330, them 1102, they 140,
John 2:20 The Jews then said, It has taken forty-six years to build this (G3778) temple, and will
you raise it (G846) up in three days?
G3778 and G846 are both used by John to refer to a non personal subject which shows that in vs1-2, based on his
use of these two words, John could be indicating a person or an object.
The Greek words houtos or autos could be used for he or this based on Johns usage in his five books. He used
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both words in both ways. He used houtos to refer to John the Baptist in John 1:14 and so if John had wanted to refer
to Jesus in John 1:2 he could have used either.
However if word was written with a lower case w in Vs1 it would have not indicated a person and therefore
houtos would have always been translated this or it in vs2-4. Houtos is only translated he or him because
of the pre supposition that word should be written as Word.
These two Greek words function much like the English word "this." For example, see the translation of
houtos at 1 John 5:20, "THIS is the true God and eternal life." The word "this" does not by itself indicate
either a person or an inanimate object is in view although it may be used of both. The same is true with
houtos and autos. These two words do not indicate whether a person is in view. Only by the context can we
tell whether a person or an inanimate object is being referenced.
Much like the English word "this," the Greek words houtos and autos are simply words which refer back to
the subject under discussion. These words do not indicate whether a person is in view or whether an
inanimate object is in view.
Part 4J John 1:18
Depending on which Bible we read we have a major translation difference that creates a very different
understanding of John 1:18. Half of them say Jesus is God, and half do not say Jesus is God. So which is correct?
Different Greek Texts:
The differences stem from the five different compilations of Greek text listed here. As I am no expert on which text
has the most value or credence all I can do is speculate as to why four of the five main groups have "begotten son"
and one has "begotten God." My next step would be to try to find out why Westcott Hort is different from the others
and how do the translators decide which text to use?
Stephanus Textus Receptus
Tichendorf 8th
Westcott Hort
Textus Receptus
Byzantine Majority


monogones huios
monogenes huios
monogenes theos
monogenes huios
monogenes huios

only begotten son

only begotten son
only begotten God
only begotten son
only begotten son

Jesus is the son

Darby, ASV, AV, DR, HCSB, KJV, NKJV, RSV, YLT, John 1:18 No man hath seen God at any time; the
only begotten Son, which is in the bosom of the Father, he hath declared him
Begotten son
GW, John 1:18 No one has ever seen God. Gods only Son, the one who is closest to the Fathers heart, has
made him known
Gods only son at the Fathers side
Ten of the more popular Bible translations translate John 1:18 to say Jesus is the son.
Jesus is God
ESV John1:18 No one has ever seen God; the only God, who is at the Fathers side, he has made him
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The only God at the Fathers side. Here we have two Gods!
ISV, NLT, John 1:18 No one has ever seen God. The unique God, who is close to the Fathers side, has
revealed him.
The unique God who is close to his Fathers side. Again we have two Gods!
LEB, John 1:18 No one has seen God at any time; the one and only, God, the one who is in the bosom of
the Fatherthat one has made him known.
The one and only God at the bosom of the Father. Once more we have two Gods!
NET, TNIV, John 1:18 No one has ever seen God. The only one, himself God, who is in closest fellowship
with the Father, has made God known.
The only one, himself God, has made God known. Again we have two Gods!
NASB, John 1:18 No one has seen God at any time; the only begotten God who is in the bosom of the
Father, He has explained Him.
The only begotten God who is in the bosom of the Father. Again we have two Gods!
NCV, NIRV, NRSV, John 1:18 No one has ever seen God. But God the only Son is very close to the Father,
and he has shown us what God is like.
But God the only son. Lastly we have two Gods.
Ten of the more popular Bible translations translate John 1:18 to say Jesus is God.
Which also says they have two Gods.
Ten versions say Jesus is the son
Ten versions say Jesus is a second God
If, as in the NASB, the text did indeed say, No one has seen God at any time; the only begotten God who is
in the bosom of the Father, He has explained Him, this introduces the concept of multiple Gods.
Un-begotten God number 1 is expressed by the other begotten God number 2. Some Trinitarians seem to be
quite aware of this problem while others seem to be quite blind to it. One simply cannot escape the fact that
John would be describing "a" distinct God that everyone saw from "the" distinct God no one has ever seen,
but who is declared by the other God who people can see. Indeed, such a rendering indicates the visible God
expresses the invisible God and the un-begotten God begat a begotten God, the second God declares the first
God. Since Jesus is begotten of God then we have a begotten God of the un-begotten God. And in the end,
the Trinitarian has two Gods on his hands and is caught in the very predicament he accuses Jehovah
Witnesss and Arians of being found in.
The only thing the Trinitarian can do to attempt to contrive his way out of this mess is to pretend in his mind
that John was simply saying that one person of the Trinity is expressing another person of the Trinity. In
other words, he must try to insist that this is no different than saying God the Son expresses God the Father.
However, this contrivance doesn't work. The NASB simply doesn't say that the Son expresses the Father, it
doesn't say that one person reveals/declares/explains another. That is what the other manuscript tradition
says. This version says the begotten God reveals/declares/explains God the Father. The passage says that
one visible begotten God expresses another invisible un-begotten God. This would not be a case of the Son
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member of the one Triune God expressing the Father member of the one Triune God, but a case of one God
expressing another God. It is inescapable.
In context, John says that no one has ever seen God. We know our God is the invisible God, let us appeal to
our common sense. What do you think John intended to say? Did he intend to say the only begotten God
declared/revealed the un-begotten God the Father? Or do you think he intended to say the Son reveals his
invisible Father who is God? Let us be honest with ourselves.

Part 4K Recap before we get to John 1

OT: God spoke directly to the people such as Adam and Moses, or in visions to the prophets
NT: God said to Jesus go and take these words, my words, to the people.
Jesus left heaven and went to the people with the words of God
Jesus gave the people the words and said the words are not my own
Therefore: To say Jesus is the word does not correspond with biblical truth.
Possible Interpretations followed by my Interpretation of John 1:1-18
Part 5A/ Possible interpretations for each verse in John 1:1-18
There are several understandings of most parts of John 1:1-18, especially the first two verses. Here I have listed the
likeliest and/or most common and the Christian groups that generally support that idea. My choices are signified by
an asterisk (*) my understanding and reasoning is explained fully in P6A.
Just because a person may support a certain groups opinion on John 1 does not mean they support all of that groups
theories on John 1 or any subject.
Unbelievably I have listed eight different possibilities or interpretations used by various branches of Christianity
for the meaning of word in vs1. Consider that they all have their own highly educated theologians that claim to be
able to back up their viewpoints. This fact alone should signify that it is far better to look to other scriptures that
most of us agree on, for our understanding and belief of what word might mean. Rather than continuing to focus
on this one passage and INSISTING that we know best and "it is clear to me," when it isn't and has never been.
John 1:1a In the beginning was the Word,
A1/* the Word should be lower case word, and is non personal.
The sayings, mandates, doctrines, teachings and instruction of God were at/in the beginning of creation.
A2/ the Word refers to Jesus who was in/at the beginning
John 1:1b and the Word was with God,
B1/* the Word should be lower case word, and is non personal.
The sayings, mandates, doctrines, teachings and instruction of God was/were with God
B2/ the Word refers to Jesus who was with God
John 1:1c and the Word was God.
C1/* Christadelphians, Unitarians and others
"the word was god" = the non-personal word was divine, Gods nature.
The sayings, mandates, doctrines, teachings and instruction of God, was/were divine or godly.
logos eimi theos rather than logos eimi ho theos, godly rather than the God.
What the word is, an extension of Gods personality like the truth was God, or love was God.
C2/ Christadelphians, Unitarians and others
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"the word was God" = the non-personal word was God (who).
The sayings, mandates, doctrines, teachings and instruction of God was God.
Who the word is, the word was completely identical with God.
Similar to saying the Father was God, or Jehovah was God
C3/ Trinitarian and others
"the Word was God" = Jesus was divine by nature, godly.
What Jesus is, only God is divine therefore because Jesus is godly he is also God.
C4/ Trinitarian and others
"the Word was God" = Jesus was the one God
Who Jesus is, Jesus was and is Jehovah God.
Many people have this belief and yet are not Trinitarians.
C5/ Modalist & Sabellian and others
"the Word was God" = Jesus the Son was God.
God has three faces, different modes or aspects, Father Son - HS. In this verse God was Jesus.
C6/ Jehovah Witnesses and others
"the Word was a god" = Jesus was/is a god (but not the God, not Jehovah God).
C7/ Jesus was God and now is not God
was means past tense. (I don't know anyone who supports this, perhaps this view is mute)
C8/ The Greek is actually the other way around
it says and God was the word
Kai Theos en O logos. (Wycliffe and two Aramaic translations have it this way around.)
This may make no difference and again maybe a mute point.

He (G3778 Houtos) was with God in the beginning.

D1/* He Greek Houtos should be translated The same or This or It (AV, KJV)
The - sayings, mandates, doctrines, teachings and instruction of God - were with God in the beginning
D2/ He is Jesus, who was with God at the beginning of creation.

Through him (G846 autos) all things were made;

E1/ him Greek autos should be translated this

Through this Through the sayings, mandates, doctrines, teachings and instruction of God all things were
E2/* Through him, God, everything was made
E3/ Through him, Jesus, everything was made
without him (G846 autos) nothing was made that has been made.
F1/ him Greek autos should be translated this
without this Without the sayings, mandates, doctrines, teachings and instruction of God, nothing was
F2/* without him, God, nothing has been made
F3/ without him, Jesus, nothing has been made

In him (G846 autos) was life, and that life was the light of men.
him refers to..
G1/ him Greek houtos should be translated this or it
In the sayings, mandates, doctrines, teachings and instruction of God was the chance of eternal salvation,
that chance came through Jesus.
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G2/* In him, God, was life. That life was Jesus. (Jesus claims to be the light John 8:12 and 9:5)
G3/ In him, God, was life. That life was the chance of eternal salvation.
G4/ In him, Jesus, was life. That life was the chance of eternal salvation.

The light shines in the darkness, but the darkness has not understood it.
light refers to.
H1/* Jesus shines (Jesus claims to be the light John 8:12 and 9:5)
H2/ A Godly life shines in the darkness.

There came a man who was sent from God; his name was John.
The Baptist

He (G3778 houtos) came as a witness to testify concerning that light, so that through him (G846
autos) all men might believe.
testify refers to..
J1/ John the Baptist to testify about God
J2/* John the Baptist to testify about Jesus, the light.
J3/ John the Baptist to testify about eternal salvation through a Godly life
through him refers to
K1/ Through God all might believe
K2/* Through the light, Jesus, all might believe
K3/ Through John the Baptist all might believe

He himself (John) was not the light; he came only as a witness to the light.

John 1:9-16
The true light that gives light to every man was coming into the world
The true light refers to.
L1/* Jesus is the true light that gives light, and was coming
L2/ The true light was coming with Jesus

He (NIG) was in the world, and though the world was made through him (G846 autos), the world
did not recognize him (G846 autos)
He and him and him refers to..
M1 Jesus

He (NIG) came to that which was his own, but his own did not receive him (G846 autos)
He and him refers to.
N1 Jesus

Yet to all who received him (G846 autos), to those who believed in his (G846 autos) name, he gave
the right to become children of God
"him" refers to
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P1/* All who received Jesus can be children of God, brothers of Jesus
P2/ All who received Jesus, who is God, can be Jesus children
P3/ All who received Jesus, who is God, can be the Fathers children

children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband's will, but born of God.

Q1/ People are reborn spiritually during conversion to Christianity


The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. (NIV)
Kai ho logos ginomai sarx kai
skenoo en ego
And the word was made flesh and
dwelt among us (AV)
his is not in the Greek text.
Vs14 refers to.
R1/* Word should be lower case word
Gods words became flesh when they joined the pre-existent spirit son at his human birth
Jesus the son is what the word became, not the word as one-to-one equivalent
Gods truth could be said to have also became flesh.
R2/ the pre-existent spirit son, eternally known as the Word became flesh
R3/ the pre-existent spirit son known since creation began as the Word became flesh
R4/ the pre-existent spirit son, now becomes the Word as he became flesh,
R5/ Gods words became flesh when Jesus was first created/born at Bethlehem
We have seen his (G846 autos) glory, the glory of the One and Only (G3439 monogenes), who came
from the Father, full of grace and truth.
This part of Vs14 refers to
S1/ have seen his, Gods, glory through Jesus the one and only son who came from God
S2/ have seen his, Jesus, glory, the monogenes one and only son who came from God
S3/* have seen this glory. The glory of Gods spoken word joining Jesus the light, the son, the monogenes only
begotten who was already with God and came from God

John testifies concerning him. He cries out, saying, "This was he of whom I said, 'He who comes
after me has surpassed me because he was before me.'

From the fullness of his grace we have all received one blessing after another.
his grace refers to
T1/ Gods grace
T2/* Jesus grace
T3 God and Jesus grace
John 1:17-18
For the law was given through Moses; grace and truth came through Jesus Christ.
God gave the law through Moses, and grace and truth through his son, not through God

No one has ever seen God,

No Human has seen God Does this include Jesus? Or does it mean no human being? What about Moses or Adam,
or Jacob?
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but God the One and Only, NIV and others

the One and Only Son
HCSB and others


V1/ Jesus is "God the One and Only"

V2/ As shown in Part 4J the NIV and others is an incorrect translation of the word monogenes huios, that should
be the one and only son or the only begotten son or similar as in the HCSB and others.
The word God is only in the Westcott Hort Critical text.
The word Son is in the Textus Receptus, Tichendorf Critical and the Byzantine Majority
In vs 14 monogenes is translated to the one and only. Here the word God is incorrectly added to the text.

who is at the Father's side, has made him known.

W1/ God the One and Only has made the Father known. Two Gods
W2/ the One and Only Son has made the Father known
Part 6A/ DGs Understanding of John 1:1-18
This is what I believe each part of John 1:1-18 means and my choice from the options listed in 5A, with a short
explanation of why for each part. Basically Jesus becomes the light if vs4 and delivers the word in vs14.
Many of the options given in P5A are not really options because of the facts presented in P1A-F. My understanding
of John 1 is based around pre understood facts, proved outside of this scripture, such as Jesus is not the word. This
means John 1 cannot be translated to show something that doesnt correspond with that fact.
I have earlier revealed three important translation variants that have a significant relevance to how John 1 should be
understood correctly.
1/ I have un-capitalized Word it now reads word.
2/ Houtos in vs2 is changed from him to this
3/ The word God is removed from vs18
Without these three variants most of the current confusion in this passage has gone.
John 1:1a In the beginning was the word,
A1/ The sayings, mandates, doctrines, teachings and instruction of God were at/in the beginning of creation
Explanation: There is no indication that logos/word is capitalized or refers to a person, it is a subject.
The word was of the same nature, an extension of the personality of God.
Some say that vs14 is the indication that vs1 is capital Word. As shown in the explanation of vs14 this is not so.
John 1:1b and the word was with God,
B1/ The sayings, mandates, doctrines, teachings and instruction of God were with God
Explanation: Just like truth or love is with God, so the word is with God.
Quote: The word was with God the Father but not in such a way that the word was a second thing in addition to
God the Father; the word was God the Father Himself qualitatively such that they were not two things but one and
His word was inherent within He Himself.
John 1:1c and the word was God.
C2: Christadelphians, Unitarians and others
"the word was God" = the non-personal word was God
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The sayings, mandates, doctrines, teachings and instruction of God was God.
An extension of Gods personality like love or truth
Explanation: Because of the original word order of was with God and God was the word I understand both times
God is written it means exactly the same thing: God the Father

This (G3778) was with God in the beginning.

D1/ He Greek Houtos should be translated The same or This or It

The - sayings, mandates, doctrines, teachings and instruction of God - were with God in the beginning
Explanation: As explained in P4E, Houtos/ G3778 can and should be translated this.
word in vs1-2 refer to Gods creative expression or communication which is with God, not Jesus with God.
Therefore John 1 does not show that Jesus is literally the word. Jesus and the word are not one and the same

Through him (G846) all things were made;

E2/ Through God everything was made

Explanation: Him refers to God as God certainly made everything.
However I could nearly have E1 and have this referring to the word, God's action. There is ample reason that
this would be a good choice based on Genesis 1
without him (G846) nothing was made that has been made.
F2/ without God nothing has been made
Explanation: God is the creator of everything
However I could nearly have F1 and have this refer to the word, God's action.
Next, G2, H1, J2, K3 Jesus enters as the light in vs4

In him (G846 autos) was life, and that life was the light of men.

G2/ In him, God, was life. That life was Jesus. (Jesus claims to be the light John 8:12 and 9:5)
Explanation: Jesus is introduced as the light. Jesus is the light.
However I could nearly have G1 and have autos/G846 translated as this and refer to the word
In Gods spoken word was Jesus. At some point God spoke Jesus into existence

The light Jesus shines in the darkness, but the darkness has not understood it.

H1/ Jesus shines (Jesus claims to be the light John 8:12 and 9:5)
Explanation: Pure Jesus stands out in a world full of sin and sinners

There came a man who was sent from God; his name was John.

The Baptist
Explanation: John the Baptist was sent in a similar way that Jesus was sent. Section 14
John 5:36, John 6:38, John 7:28, Luke 4:43 etc

He (G3778) came as a witness (G3141) to testify concerning that light, so that through him (G846
autos) all men might believe.
J2/ To testify about Jesus
K2/ Through the light, Jesus, all might believe
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Explanation: The feeling of the English can make it seem that K2 refers to John not Jesus.

He himself (John) was not the light; he came only as a witness to the light (Jesus).

Next, L1, P1, R1, S3, T2 Jesus is the true light.

The The sayings, mandates, doctrines teachings of God were delivered through Jesus in vs14
John 1:9-16
The true light (Jesus) that gives light to every man was coming into the world
L1/ Jesus is the true light that gives light, and was coming

He Jesus was in the world, and though the world was made through him, the world did not
recognize him.
Explanation: John continues with expressing the extreme importance of who the light, Jesus, is and was by
revealing that he was involved in the creation with God. The world was made through the true light, Jesus. God
spoke the world into existence through Jesus.

He came to that which was his own, but his own did not receive him.
Explanation: Because everything was created by God through Jesus, and Jesus has all authority over everything,
creation belongs to Jesus.

Yet to all who received him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become
children of God
P1/ All who received Jesus can be children of God, brothers of Jesus
Explanation: Now John tells us Jesus is also involved in the salvation of the worlds people

children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband's will, but born of God.

People are reborn spiritually during conversion to Christianity


The word became flesh and made its dwelling among us. (Greek doesnt include made his)
Kai logos ginomai sarx kai skenoo en hemin

And word made flesh and lived with us (The NASB is a closer interpretation)
R1/ Word should be lower case word
his should be its. Or made his dwelling should be dwelt (most translations)
Gods words became flesh when they joined the pre-existent spirit son at his human birth
Explanation: In vs1 John indicates the word was with God and was God because he knows he will be associating
the word with Jesus and he wants to make sure we understand what word he has in mind in verse 14, that same
word which was with God in the beginning. Now John joins the word with the light, Jesus. John is explaining that
Gods words will be conveyed and spoken by Jesus light on Gods behalf, just as God wants them to be expressed.
Jesus the light is the bringer of the word.
To say Jesus is the word, is like saying Jesus is the truth. Jesus is not literally either, Jesus is the messenger he
brings the word and he brings the truth from God.
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The second part of vs14 is on one line to show the translation:

We have seen this (G846) glory, the glory of the one and only, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.
kai theaomai autos
doxa hos monogenes
pater pleres charis kai aletheia
and weve seen this
glory the glory as the only child
from father full grace and truth
S3/ have seen this glory. The glory of Gods spoken word joining Jesus the light, the son, the monogenes only
begotten who was already with God and came from God
Explanation: I changed autos/G846 from his glory to this glory
I could also choose S2/ Jesus glory.

John testifies concerning him. He cries out, saying, "This was he of whom I said, 'He who comes
after me has surpassed me because he was before me.'

From the fullness of his grace we have all received one blessing after another.

T2/ Jesus grace


For the law was given through Moses; grace and truth came through Jesus Christ.

Moses is compared with Jesus Christ, both of who were Gods prophets and messengers.
NKJV 18 No one has seen God at any time. The only begotten Son, who is in the bosom of the Father,
He has declared Him.
V2/ The NKJV have one of the more correct translations and should be the one and only son or the only
begotten son or similar as in the HCSB and others.

who is at the Father's side, has made him known.

W2/ the One and Only Son has made the Father known
"word" is written four times: Vs1 three times and vs14 once, all refer to the sayings, mandates, doctrines,
teachings and instruction of God.
light is written seven times:
John 1:4,5,7 All refer to Jesus
Vs8 twice, Jesus is the light
Vs9 twice, Jesus is the light and he gives the light
It is my view that the translations of John 1 in numerous versions of the Bible were written by people who were
carrying an old traditional belief in their minds, dating from the days and years surrounding the Council of Nicaea,
which incorrectly influenced their work. From the sentence structure there is no indication that word is a personal
name, it is a pre conceived idea with poor support. If word was not personalized then the Greek houtos would
have been written this or it in vs2. When translated in the way shown in this assessment (and also in many
translations) this passage stops being confusing and makes sense when compared to numerous other passages
involving dabar, logos and rhema.
John does not say Jesus is the word or that Jesus is God.
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John does say that Gods spoken word, his communication, was with him at the beginning of time. Jesus the
existing son came to earth in vs14 and brought with him Gods words.
Part 7 List of Summaries and Final Conclusion
Based on confirmed summaries in each part of this analysis I have made the following conclusions.





God created everything by means of his spoken word or creative expression or full communication
the sayings, mandates, doctrines, teachings and instruction of God, that word which he uttered and that
word which went out on the breath of His mouth.
The word of the LORD is the full communication the creative expression the spoken word from
Jehovah God the Father, the sayings, mandates, doctrines, teachings and instruction that came from God
to the prophets and the people
To say that Jesus is the word or dabar or rhema or logos is incorrect.
Jesus spoke words, rhema or logos, that God gave and told him to speak, not his own words.
Jesus relayed the sayings, mandates, doctrines, teachings and instruction of God to the people.
The word of God and Jesus Christ are, despite being combined, distinct from each other.
When the word of God became the word of Christ, God did not become Christ.
What happened was an extension of Gods character became an extension of Jesus character.
We as disciples try to have the same.
Prophets including Jehu, Elijah, Elisha, Jonah, Isaiah, Nathan, Gad, Ahijah, Micaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel,
John the Baptist and Jesus spoke the word of God
Prophet: One who proclaims inspired utterances on behalf of God.
God is not a prophet, Jesus is a prophet. God is not Jesus
The word of God AND the testimony of Jesus Christ.
The word of God is the communication of God, spoken or given by the testimony of Jesus or by the people.
John explains that the word of God is testified by Jesus Christ, not that one is the other.
These passages are all literal statements from literal passages
The book of John, which Trinitarians claim shows that Jesus is the Word is God in John 1, is the book that
has five passages saying that he is not the word, but that he speaks it.
These words (G3056 logos) you hear are not my own; they belong to the Father who sent me.
To say Jesus is the word is to contradict these passages.
Jesus spoke words, rhema or logos, that God gave and told him to speak, not his own words.
If Jesus speaks the word of God and Jesus is God and the word is God, does that mean the God that God
sent speaks the God of God? Of course not.
Jesus is not the logos or the rhema in the same way that me and myself both apply to the person
speaking. Jesus speaks the logos and the rhema, it is a communication from him to us, just as any other
person can communicate by the logos or the rhema.
The word of God is Gods communication to us. Jesus brought and spoke that communication from God,
Jesus relayed the sayings, mandates, doctrines, teachings and instruction of God to the people
In any evaluation of doctrine all passages on the topic must be considered together.
When considering the meaning of John 1 our interpretation must correspond to the facts established here.
A viewpoint cannot be established that contradicts these definitions already in place.
The book of John where Jesus makes the most claims regarding who and what he is.
He claims to be many things but he never claims to be the word.
In these quotes Jesus says I am the .. If he was the word he would have said it.
In section P1F Jesus has made it clear that he is not the word. He said he is not the word.
Just because Jesus may have a characteristic that God has doesnt make Jesus God.
EG truth, light, king etc
Jesus said I am the light of the world
God is light and has light, God is love and has love etc.
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If we took John 1:1-2 on its own, it is possible that any one of these could be exchanged for word.
In the beginning was grace, and grace was with God and grace was God. Grace was in the beginning with G
In the beginning was love, and love was with God and love was God. Love was in the beginning with God
In the beginning was the spirit, and the spirit was with God and the spirit was God. The spirit was in the etc
In the beginning was the truth, and the truth was with God and the truth was God. Truth was in the etc
All of these characteristics are fully a part of who God is, just as his word is fully a part of who he is.
We can conclude that the word or the word of life in 1 John 1:1-3 and Philippians 2:16 along with the
words that bring eternal life in the other passages are directly referring to the sayings, mandates, doctrines,
teachings and instruction or the full communication of God that Jesus and the disciples bring and
communicate to the people.
Therefore we can also eliminate the claim that 1 John 1:1-3 says that Jesus is the Word or God.
Jesus is symbolically called The Word of God Just as others in P26 like Nathaniel were called Gift of
God. Jesus is called the Word of God because he communicated the word of/for God. The words I speak
are not my own.
Jesus spoke the word of God and relayed the communication of God to the people
The word of God is in the NT 37 times, always referring to the communication from God
1/ There are no biblical examples of anyone being called word or dabar or logos or rhema
2/ There are no biblical examples of word being a distinct being from God
3/ There are no biblical examples that say Jesus is the word or logos or rhema. The explanations for 1
John 1 and Revelation 19:13 are in P3A and P3B
Facts around the Greek text in the chapter of John 1
Facts inside the Greek text in the verses of John 1:1-2
So the question is who decided that word becomes Word if the sentence does not indicate that?
It was a decision of the translators based on the incorrect traditional idea passed down from the Council of
Nicaea in 323AD.
Once logos is translated word suddenly we have a completely different view point of John 1:1
John is saying the word was with God the Father but not in such a way that the word was a second thing in
addition to God the Father; the word was God the Father Himself qualitatively such that they were not two
things but one and His word was inherent within He Himself.
Our general understanding of John 1:2 is based on the Bible we usually read and interpret.
If we read those that translate G3778 houtos into the word he then we tend to believe word in vs1 is a
person. If we read those that translate G3778 houtos into the words the same then we tend to believe
word in vs 1 is the spoken word of God.
Because we have already established that nothing indicates that word should be capitalized then he in
vs2 is not an option, it should have always been translated "the same," or "this," or it.
if word was written with a lower case w in Vs1 it would have not indicated a person and therefore houtos
would have always been translated this or it in vs2-4. Houtos is only translated he or him because
of the pre supposition that word should be written as Word.
John 1:18 Ten versions say Jesus is the son. Ten versions say Jesus is God
OT: God spoke directly to the people such as Adam and Moses, or in visions to the prophets
NT: God said to Jesus go and take these words, my words, to the people.
Jesus left heaven and went to the people with the words of God
Jesus gave the people the words and said the words are not my own
Therefore: To say Jesus is the word does not correspond with biblical truth
Possible interpretations for John 1:1-18
Arguments against possibilities, empty
It is my view that the translations of John 1 in numerous versions of the Bible were written by people who
were carrying an old traditional belief in their minds, dating from the Council of Nicaea, which incorrectly
influenced their work.
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From the sentence structure there is no indication that word is a personal name, it is a pre conceived idea
with poor support. If word was not personalized then the Greek houtos would have been written this
or it in vs2.
When translated in the way shown in this assessment (and also in many translations) this passage stops
being confusing and makes sense when compared to numerous other passages involving dabar, logos
and rhema.
John does not say Jesus is the word or that Jesus is God
John does say that Gods spoken word, his communication was with him at the beginning of time.
Jesus the existing son came to earth in vs14 and brought with him Gods words.
Final Conclusion:
As stated at the beginning of this document, Jesus is not the Word and he is not God based on John 1:1-18.

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