Nahravsu Educ 202 Teacher-Student Interaction

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Virginia Teachers for

EDUC 202 Examining Teaching Practices
observers name:

Cara Nahra

todays date:
length of observation:


cooperating teacher:


student observed:

whole class

grade level/subject:

!st grade

objective of observation:

understanding the good ways of teaching


As completely and accurately as possible, describe the interactions between the teacher and
one selected student. Include direct quote and descriptions of the teacher and the students,
including facial expressions, gestures, and voice quality. Be careful, however, to avoid
making judgments.


teacher quotes, actions, etc.


The teacher calls all the kids to sit in a

square on the carpet for calendar time.


Calls students by choosing out of a little

container with clothes pins that have the
studenst names written on them
Teacher scolds one kid who was getting
out of his seat and talking too much
Teacher handed out a worksheet
Teacher gives students coins for the
school store for correct answers and
Takes them on a bathroom break and
rewards them for being quiet in the halls
Puts on a youtube video that reviews the
next topic they going to use
Teacher uses the promethean to explain
the concept talking through the steps

student quotes, actions, etc.

They sit with their bottoms on a circle in a
square and ready to write down on their
The students choose what they would like to
do or do what the teacher asks them to do
then sit down
Gets quiet sits down and has two more
warnings before color change
Students get out their white boards
Students add them to the bag of coins they
Follow in a single file line and quietly
Kids dance and answer the questions. Also
they are really happy
Students listen and raise hand to ask
questions if unclear.
continued on the next page

Now, lets pay special attention to gender equity practices. Respond to the following questions by choosing the
correct response from the drop-down menu in the column on the right. Please be cognizant of what the word
proportionate and its variation mean. For instance, if there are twice as many boys as girls in a classroom, a teacher
who exhibits good gender equity habits would naturally call on boys with twice the frequency as that for girls.

Teacher-Student Interactions
very frequently

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