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Stop Motion Animation Pre-production Booklet

Pre-Production Booklet for Animation

Name: Alice Marchant

Stop Motion Animation Pre-production Booklet

Risk Assessment






Smashing your


head against


walking at all times,

other things,

lay a plastic covering

seriously hurting

if available over


in to

Tripping over

Look where you are


Look where you are

them and

going, avoid large



breaking or
pulling a body

into the

Hitting your head

on them,


when walking in
studio, try to avoid low



Duck if you are tall

hanging lights.

Burning yourself

Dont touch the lights

until a long time after
they have been turned

Please leave this section blank:






Stop Motion Animation Pre-production Booklet

Risk Assessment checked by: Name ..
Signed .


Legal Issues
Legal issues that I may face in my production are copyright infringement and plagiarism from
the Lego Company because I am using their product as well as creating a production which
has a similar look to that of the Lego Movie. In order to avoid this I will ask their permission
to use the brand name of Lego in the title of my production, as well as ensuring that my
storyline is different to the Lego Movies as well as the style of animation, characters, and
general morals. So the aim is to get permission by writing an email to the Lego Company
and asking for the use of their name in the title of my production, and to make sure that my
idea is completely original and my own which it is because I havent seen anything like it
before on the big screen. I have sent an email to the Lego Company asking the following:

Stop Motion Animation Pre-production Booklet

This is the response that I received from the Lego Company:

From this I have learnt that I can use the product of Lego as well as the name in order to
produce my final major project because it is not going to be used to make money, it is just for
part of my course.

Stop Motion Animation Pre-production Booklet

The subject of my animation will be teamwork because the whole film is about how a town
pulls together in order to defeat an evil mafia and serial killer. In my trailer there wont be
teamwork shown as much but it is designed to be a promotion for the film so it requires
action shots and comedy in order for the target audience to be engaged in the trailer and
want to go and see my film in the cinema when it is released.
The start of my trailer will be the Mayor talking to the towns people with a dead character on
the floor outside the Town Hall. There will be a narrator in my trailer who tries to sell my film
as much as possible with as little words as possible so that my characters can also have
lines in my trailer. The next scene that my trailer cuts to is the Mafia Headquarters where the
Godfather is talking to his other four members of the mafia about who they should kill that
night. Their mission is to take over the town and make all of the members do their dirty work
for them. The trailer then cuts to the other murderer in the film, the Serial Killer. He is in the
ex-army Veterans bedroom creeping towards the bed. This is a quick scene as the trailer
returns to it a bit later on. Then you have a shot of a ghost in the Mediums bedroom, the
Medium is scared and doesnt understand why the dead towns people are talking to him in
the night, but the provide him with valuable information about who has killed them. Next we
are in the Jailors cell interrogating a suspect about what they get up to at night. The jailor
decides that the person is guilty, even though they are wearing a doctors uniform and are a
vital part of keeping the town alive. Then we have a quick shot of the Sheriff interrogating a
member of the Mafia, then we return to the Veterans bedroom where the Serial Killer has
woken the sleeping man up. We see them both look at each other, and both of them raise
their guns, then the scene fades to black as two guns go off.

The characters that I am going to use in my animation are:








Serial Killer







Stop Motion Animation Pre-production Booklet

Sets/ backgrounds
Will your set be;

A three wall set

A blue/green screen

Add in photographs of your sets/backgrounds.

Stop Motion Animation Pre-production Booklet

Stop Motion Animation Pre-production Booklet

Stop Motion Animation Pre-production Booklet

Frame Rates
What is the duration of your animation in minutes? (minimum 30 seconds)
1 minute

In seconds?
60 seconds

How many frames per second for video?

Between 24 and 30 it varies from scene to scene but most have 30 fps.

Stop Motion Animation Pre-production Booklet


Sound Effect


Warner Bros Intro Music

Non Diegetic

2 , 3, and 4

Dramatic intro music

Non Diegetic

Crowd gasping


5, 6 , and 7

Eerie and suspenseful


Non - Diegetic

Dramatic drum noise

Non - Diegetic

8 and 9

Dramatic music

Non - Diegetic

10, and 11

Thunder and lightning


12, 13, and 14

Upbeat detective music

Non Diegetic

15 and 16

Detective music

Non diegetic


Slamming hands on



Slow dramatic music

Non diegetic


Gun shot


18 and 19

Upbeat music

Non Diegetic

Sound Table

Stop Motion Animation Pre-production Booklet


Shot 1: Opening Production Company shot with a short jingle to

introduce the trailer.
Shot 2: Establishing shot of the MAYOR standing in front of
the town hall. Camera zooms in slowly.

In a town of mysterious events.

Shot 3: Long shot of the MAYOR talking to the townspeople.

Another attack happened in the night.
This time it was our vigilante.

Shot 4: Wide shot from behind the MAYOR showing the

townspeople the body of the VIGILANTE. The townspeople gasp
and exchange mutters of horror and surprise.
Shot 5: Wide shot of mafia headquarters, there is eerie music
playing in the background.
Shot 6: Mid shot of the GODFATHER talking to his mafia

Tonight we must dispose of

Shot 7: Close up of GODFATHERS face.

(Dramatically) The Sheriff.

Stop Motion Animation Pre-production Booklet

Shot 8: Wide shot of the SERIAL KILLER in the VETERANS

bedroom. He walks towards the bed with slow and creepy music
playing in the background. There is the sound of thunder and
flashes of lightning.
Shot 9: Medium long shot from the side of the bed where the
VETERAN wakes up to find the SERIAL KILLER standing over him.
Shot 10: Close up of GHOSTS face.

Woooooooo! Woooo!

Shot 11: Long shot of the MEDIUM waking up in bed with the
GHOST leaning over him.

Ahhhhgggghhhhh!!! What are you?!

Its the Mafia!! Get the Mafiaaaaaa!!!


It is up to the Towns law

Shot 12: Wide shot in the JAILORS cell. He is interrogating

the DOCTOR about what he does at night.


Stop Motion Animation Pre-production Booklet

I know its you who killed my friend the


Shot 13: Medium close up of the JAILOR getting close to the


It wasnt me I swear!! I heal people!!


Shot 14: Close up of DOCTORS face as he pleads innocence one

more time.

Im the Doctor!! Please dont hurt me!
Im innocent I swear!!!

To bring justice.

Shot 15: Wide shot of the SHERIFF interrogating the

CONSIGLIERE from the mafia.

I know you and your gang have been
visiting people.

Shot 16: Long shot of the SHERIFF slamming his hands down on
the desk of the interrogation room.

Stop Motion Animation Pre-production Booklet

I know its you!! Just admit it!!

Shot 17: Medium long shot of the SERIAL KILLER in the

VETERANS bedroom. They both pull guns at each other in slow
motion. When the scene fades to black you hear a gun shot.
Shot 18: Screen saying coming this year.

Coming this year

Shot 19: Screen with pack shot of product.

Lego Town of Disaster.

Storyboard Final
Shot Type: Pack shot
Description: Warner Bros logo title
Camera Movement: None
Transition: Fade to black
Duration: 1 sec

Shot Type: Establishing shot

Stop Motion Animation Pre-production Booklet

Location: Town Hall
Description: Mayor talking to townspeople
about events that happen in the night.
Camera Movement: Slowly zooming in
Transition: straight cut
Duration: 2 sec

Shot Type: Long shot

Location: Town Hall
Description: Still talking to town about
events that happen at night.
Camera Movement: None
Transition: Straight cut
Duration: 5 sec

Shot Type: Wide shot

Location: Town Hall
Description: Mayor shows town dead
citizen and they are shocked.
Camera Movement: Slow Pan
Transition: quick fade to black
Duration: 3 sec

Shot Type: Wide Shot

Location: Mafia Headquarters
Description: quick shot of headquarters
Camera Movement: Slow zoom in
Transition: Straight cut
Duration: 3 sec

Shot Type: Mid Shot

Stop Motion Animation Pre-production Booklet

Location: Mafia Headquarters
Description: Godfather talking to mafia
about plans for who to kill in the night.
Camera Movement: None
Transition: Straight cut
Duration: 5 sec

Shot Type: Close Up

Location: Mafia Headquarters
Description: Godfathers face as they say
a dramatic line.
Camera Movement: None
Transition: Longer fade to black
Duration: 3 sec

Shot Type: Wide Shot

Location: Veterans Bedroom
Description: Serial Killer walking towards
the Veteran while he sleeps.
Camera Movement: Slow zoom in
Transition: quick fade to black
Duration: 4 sec

Shot Type: Medium Long Shot

Location: Veterans Bedroom
Description: Serial Killer is at the bed
and the Veteran wakes up.
Camera Movement: None
Transition: Fade to black
Duration: 3 sec

Stop Motion Animation Pre-production Booklet

Shot Type: Close Up
Location: Mediums Bedroom
Description: Ghost appears in the
bedroom and makes spooky noises and
moves around.
Camera Movement: None
Transition: Straight cut
Duration: 3 sec

Shot Type: Long Shot

Location: Mediums Bedroom
Description: Ghost scares Medium and
gives information on who is killing at
Camera Movement: None
Transition: Quick fade to white
Duration: 5 sec

Shot Type: Wide Shot

Location: Jailors Cell
Description: Jailor is interrogating the
Doctor because he thinks he is part of
the mafia.
Camera Movement: None
Transition: Straight Cut
Duration: 3 sec

Shot Type: Medium Close Up

Stop Motion Animation Pre-production Booklet

Location: Jailors Cell
Description: Doctor trying to convince
Jailor that he isnt mafia. Jailor decides
to execute him.
Camera Movement: Slowly zoom in
Transition: Straight Cut
Duration: 3 sec

Shot Type: Close Up

Location: Jailors Cell
Description: Doctor pleading his
innocence one more time.
Camera Movement: None
Transition: Slow fade to black
Duration: 2 sec

Shot Type: Wide Shot

Location: Sheriff Interrogation Room
Description: Sheriff interrogating a
member of the Mafia.
Camera Movement: Slow pan
Transition: Straight cut
Duration: 3 sec

Shot Type: Long Shot

Location: Sheriff Interrogation Room
Description: Sheriff aggressively
questioning mafia member.
Camera Movement: None
Transition: Slow fade to black
Duration: 3 sec
Shot Type: Medium Long Shot

Stop Motion Animation Pre-production Booklet

Location: Veterans Bedroom
Description: Veteran and Serial Killer
slow motion pull guns at each other.
Camera Movement: None
Transition: Slow fade to black
Duration: 5 sec

Shot Type: Title screen

Description: the words coming this year
appear on screen with animation to
make it move interestingly.
Camera Movement: None
Transition: Dissolve
Duration: 2 sec

Shot Type: Pack shot

Description: Title of my production with
animation to make it move
Camera Movement: None
Transition: Fade to black
Duration: 2 sec

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