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CTR - Class Profile Assignment Protocol

Purpose: Effective teachers build strong relationships with students through knowing them as learners and as individuals. Academic data,
observations in academic and social settings, surveys and learning inventories, community building activities, and conversations with
students and families are all valuable sources of information about students.
Residents complete this document during the first 8 weeks of school
Resident partners may work together, however, each resident should manage their own document
This Document should be stored at the Drive (Student Profile Folder) along with any other relevant student information
High School residents & Departmental Assignments should choose one class for their profile
Class Profiles are due 11/6/14
This is a living document that will be helpful when updated over the school year

Accumulate Class Profile information utilizing 8-10 resources below.

The names have been changed to pseudonyms.
My mentor teacher - Throughout the first 8 weeks.
Colleagues - Throughout the first 8 weeks
Student Files - 9/19 (Many missing)
IEPs - 11/7
Participation in class relationship-building activities - First week of school.
Learning Style Inventory
Interest Inventory
Conversations with students before and after school, during lunch and recess - Throughout the first 8 weeks.
Conversations with students during breaks, small group work, etc. - Throughout the first 8 weeks.
Information from family members - Throughout the first 8 weeks and during report card pickup.

Class / Room: 204

Residents: James Jazo & Elizabeth Nikiel

Grade / Content: 2nd Grade

Mentor: Aniya Winfield


1. Sue


Academic Data:
(include all relevant
academic data)

Describe characteristics
relevant to students
learning: their learning
styles, their social/
emotional development
and readiness

List information that

will help you build
relationships and
motivation (family,
friends, likes,
dislikes, hobbies,
interests, etc.).

BAS Instructional Level:

Accuracy Rate: 95%
Comprehension: 4/7

Learning: Sue is a kinesthetic

and visual learner. Reading is
difficult for Sue, so visual cues
and hands on activities help
her learn. Sues favorite
subject is reading and she has
demonstrated a high level of
motivation to improve her

Sue lives with her

mother and father. Her
parents are very
supportive and that are
particularly concerned
about Sues reading
abilities. Our triad has
helped Sues parents
with strategies that
might help her reading
level improve. We have
seen Sues reading
skills increase as her
parents push her to
read everything she

NWEA Reading EOY: 159

NWEA Math EOY: 165

Social/Emotional Readiness:
Sue is always on task, she
only talks with peers when it
is appropriate, and she
respects classroom rules in
general. Her motivation and
positive attitude towards
school is helping her develop
foundational skills that will
help her succeed.
2. Angelo

BAS Instructional Level:

Accuracy Rate: 96%
Comprehension: 5/7

Learning: Angelo is a
confident learner. He enjoys
reading and he responds well
to kinesthetic activities.
Angelo is eager to learn most
of the time, but he sometimes
shouts out answers. Angelo
favorite subject is physical

Angelo lives with his

mother and he has a
close relationship with
his aunt. His aunt
frequently picks him up
and is an integral part
of his life. Angelos
mother has expressed
concern that his aunt
undermines her rules

Special Populations Use these codes:

MED=Medical Condition
IEP=Special Education*

3. Juan

BAS Instructional Level:

Accuracy Rate: 97%
Comprehension: 6/7
NWEA Reading EOY: 170
NWEA Math EOY: 179

Social/Emotional Readiness:
Angelo wants to be the most
popular student according to
his mother. He is always trying
to impress his peers and this
has led to negative behaviors.
Kieyuon has displayed bully
behavior and has gotten into
physical fights with students.
Behavioral goals should be
established in order to keep
Kieyuon on track

and wishes in regard to

Angelo. Dealing with
Angelos mother directly
is best.

Learning: Juan is highly

motivated to learn. He is
below grade level in terms of
reading, but he is determined
to improve his reading level.
Juan loves math because he
enjoys being challenged by
math problems.

Juan lives with his

mother and siblings. His
mother and father
divorced when he was
four years old according
to his mother. Juans
mother says he is the
man of the house and
loves to help out with
chores. His family
practices yoga and
meditation nightly.
Juans mother believes
the yoga and
meditation helps with
alleviating stress. Juan
also loves basketball
and has started playing
basketball on a team.

Social/Emotional Readiness:
Juan is mature socially and
emotionally. He tries to
resolve conflicts with other
students in a mature manner
by seeking out an adult

4. Jason

BAS Instructional Level:

Accuracy Rate: 93%
Comprehension: 5/7
NWEA Reading EOY: 166
NWEA Math EOY: 174

Learning: Jason becomes

distracted easily during
instruction. Jason thinks
reading is difficult, but he is
able to read. He becomes
distracted while reading,
which makes him feel as
though he cannot read. He is
unable to work with a table
group because any
distractions hinder his ability
to learn. Jasons favorite
subject is physical education.
Social/Emotional Readiness:
Jason struggles with making

Jason lives with his

parents and his
extended family. Jason
lives in a flat and
various family members
live in one building. His
cousin Gina brings him
to school and takes him
home. I have spoken
with Jasons father, but
our conversation was
short. His mother is
largely absent and
unreachable. His sister
is interested in Jasons
behavior and frequently

friends. He is aggressive
towards other students and
has trouble keeping his hands
to himself. He becomes
physically violent and touches
students inappropriately if he
thinks a teacher is not
looking. Progress is being
made and Jason has
behavioral goals that he is
working towards.

asks how he is doing.

Jason loves learning
about sharks.

5. Rogelio

BAS Instructional Level:

Accuracy Rate: 93%
Comprehension: 5/7

Learning: Rogelio is a visual

learner. He motivated to learn,
but he can become distracted
by things around in the class.
He is on track for reading. He
always wants to be the first
one done, so he often rushes
through tests and exit slips.
He needs to be reminded to
check his work.
Social/Emotional Readiness:
Rogelio interacts well with
other students. His best
friends in class are Juan and
John. They seem to motivate
each other.

Rogelio lives with both

of his parents. His
parents have not
spoken with any other
of the teachers in Room
204. Rogelio enjoys
playing soccer.

6. Damarae

No Data

Learning: Damarae struggles

with all subject areas. He
receives services from special
education educators
throughout the day. Damarae
only joins our class during
social studies and science. He
struggles with letter
recognition, so he often needs
a scribe and/or someone to
read to him during science
and social studies.

grandmother works at
Marquette. She often
picks him up after
school and his mother
has been in contact
with the teachers
Damarae works with.
Damarae loves learning
about science, but he
struggles with reading
and can become
frustrated if an
assignment involves

Social/Emotional Readiness:
Damarae struggles with
building relationship. He is
often aggressive towards
other students and touches
other students inappropriately.
He does have behavioral

IEP - Special Education

Indirect: SPL 15Q

7. John

BAS Instructional Level:

Accuracy Rate: 93%
Comprehension: 5/7
NWEA Reading EOY: 173
NWEA Math EOY: 176

Learning: John struggles with

reading and writing. He enjoys
physical education and
science. Anything involved
with Mexican cultural or the
Spanish language motivates
John. He loved reading the
story The Three Little
Javelinas and he frequently
relates his school experiences
with his culture.

Johns family is from

Mexico and he has a
strong connection to
Mexican culture. His
grandfather has a farm
in Indiana and John has
his own horse. He loves
going to Indiana to visit
the farm. He also enjoys

IEP - Special Education

Required: SPL 30W
Indirect: SPL 15Q
John has asthma.

Social/Emotional Learning:
John gets along with other
students for the most part. He
has difficulty sharing and
practicing accountable talk.
8. Owen

BAS Instructional Level:

Accuracy Rate: 99%
Comprehension: 5/10
NWEA Reading EOY: 196
NWEA Math EOY: 212

Learning: Owen excels at

every subject. He is highly
motivated to learn and math
is his favorite subject. He likes
to help other students and
enjoys sharing his ideas with
the class.
Social/Emotional Learning:
Owen gets along with other
students and shows a high
level of responsibility. He is
quiet when he needs to be
quiet and never interrupts the
teacher or other students.

9. Anthony

BAS Instructional Level:

Accuracy Rate: 98%
Comprehension: 5/7
NWEA Reading EOY: 164
NWEA Math EOY: 181

Learning: Anthony is
motivated to learn. He is very
quiet in class, but he does
participate during class
discussion when appropriate.
His favorite subject is math.
Anthony needs support with
phonemic awareness and
pronunciation because he has
difficulties with
Social/Emotional Readiness:
Anthony makes friends easily.
He gets along with the

Owen lives with his

mother and siblings. He
has a sister in fourth
grade that attends
Marquette. He enjoys
playing soccer and
learning about a wide
variety of topics. He
enjoys staying after
school to push his
thinking by learning
new concepts.

Anthony enjoys playing

soccer. He lives with his
mother and his older
brother. I do not know
about Anthony father.
Anthony has little
knowledge of Spanish,
but he wants to learn
how to speak Spanish.

IEP - Special Education

Required: SPL 30W

students at his table group.

He seems quiet in class, but
his mother has explained that
he is extremely talkative at
home. He might be shy in
class, but he works through it
in order to participate.

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