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Multiple Choice


1. What tool is missing from this pop-up tool list?

a. Sponge tool
b. Rectangular marquee tool

c. Magnetic lasso tool

d. Brush tool

____2. Which of these is not a color mode?

a. RGB
b. Mask Color
c. Grayscale
d. CMYK.
____3. Which of the following can you NOT do with Photoshop?
a. Create Flash movies
b. Restore old photographs
c. Create original artwork
d. Open jpg files
____4. Which of the file formats can keep layer information?
a. BMP
b. GIF
c. PSD
d. JPG
____5. CS3 stands for
a. Counter Strike
b. Creative Studio
c. Color System
d. Computer Science
____6. Which of the following tool(s) can NOT make a selection?
a. Marquee tools
b. Lasso tools
c. Magic wand tool
d. Move tool

____7. By pressing which key can you make a perfect circle?

a. Alt
b. Shift
c. Ctrl
d. Spacebar
____ 8. Clicking on the ..........................................button automatically positions selected layers, with equal
space between each layer.
a. Alignment
b. Distribute
c. Auto Select Layer
d. Show Bounding Box
_____9. The ....................... command can be used to change the number of pixels used to create the image.
a. Image size
c. Crop

b. Canvas size
d. Trim

____ 10. Levels in Photoshop are:

a. filters that have been applied to the image
b. images stacked on top of each other
c. previous versions of an image
d. color and brightness correction

____ 11. Which of the following transform commands is used on this picture?

____12. Which settings of the Figure 1 was changed to make Figure 2?

____13. Which is not a selection method?

a. Quick masking
b. Layer masking
c. Using the Lasso Tool
d. Color Range

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