HRD Management in It Industry

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1.0.1 Success of every business enterprise depends on its human resource. Money, material a
1.0.2 Growth of an enterprise is vital for the economic development of the country. This is
1.0.3 The basic aim of human policies is the genuine concern for the people. Proper design
1.0.4 Finding the right man for the job and developing him into a valuable resource is an i
1.0.5 The human resource management is very crucial in respect of information technology se
1.1.1. And Some industry commentators call the Human Resources function the last bastion of
1.1.2 Strategic Partner:-In today’s organizations, to guarantee their viability and ability
1.1.3 Employee Advocate:-As an employee sponsor or advocate, the HR manager plays an integr
1.1.5 Change Champion:-The constant evaluation of the effectiveness of the organization res
1.2.1 The main role of leadership was seen as creating a participatory process f
1.2.2 Story telling and appreciative enquiry are emerging as a new dimension in p
1.2.3 Rosabeth Moss Kanter said, " Human beings are good raw material, they become
1.2.4 He also stated that the HRD department should be renamed TDFD (Talent Develo
1.2.5 Another aspect of leadership if the decision to introduce fun in the work pl
• People try to resist or deny change
• They adapt, participate in the change
• They attempt to add value
• The culmination or formation of a new status-quo
1.2.6 A number of presentations revealed that leaders who initiate change must do so with o
1.2.7 E-Learning :- Organisations like Ford Motor, Hewlett Packard, Intel and IBM are using
1.2.8 CEO s are talking to their people about new ideas and enlisting their support through
1.2.9 Universities like Cornell, MIT, Stanford, etc, have started emphasizing e-learning to
1.3.1 The Innovative Practices in Human Resources study uncovered 12 practices that are red
1.3.2 Practices and technologies include:
• Internet and intranet employee services
• Strategic human resources
• Centralized HR departments and call centers
• 360-degree performance appraisals
• HRIS systems
• Employee self-service
• Voice response systems (VRUs)
• Resume scanning and Internet recruitment
• Kiosks
• Automated time and attendance systems
• Team policies and development
• Outsourcing
• Business process reengineering (BPR)
1.4.1 Most Human Resource professionals are familiar with the concept of strategy. There is
1.4.2 Pay for performance systems are becoming more and more popular as senior managers rea
1,4.3 In experience, most organizations will profess to a "pay-for-performance" philosophy
1.4.4 A merit system demands that managers be willing to make distinctions in merit increas
1.4.5 Second, most performance appraisal systems are after-the-fact appraisals. In other wo
1.4.6 The end result is usually a lot of avoidance behavior. Managers avoid the appraisal p
1.4.7 You might well ask is there any way out of this mess? The answer is fortunately yes.
1.4.8 They are adopting a system of annual incentive bonuses linked directly to the achieve
1.4.9 Why Is This Transition Occurring? :-Well, there are many challenges facing businesses
1.5.1 The California State University (CSU) system is being challenged to meet increasing d
1.5.2 In 1991, the CSU began a study to look at alternative work and job design approaches
1.5.3 This article begins by identifying several trends that led to the study, then describ
1.5.4 Three trends have had a direct impact on the development of a strategic job design ap
1.5.5 The technology demands within higher education lead to a complex and dynamic computin
1.5.6 In terms of educational trends, many institutions offer distance learning using vario
(1) Economics. There is increasing pressure to constrain administrative costs within the "l
(2) Decentralization of responsibility. With fewer people and greater access to information
(3) Another central workplace trend is the "earning and learning" environment described by
(4) The influx of new technology and applications has created a demand for continual learni
1.5.7 The implications of these technological , educational, and workplace trends point dir
1.6.1 Following were the objectives of the study:-
1. To enlist emerging HR trends in Indian IT Industry
2. To review literature and research done in this area.
3. To find out lacking areas regarding the HRD in IT sector.
4. To measure the perceptions of IT sector employees in respect of application of HRD in th
5. To suggest the measures to fill the gaps and improve motivation level of employees and H
1.7.1 The study was exploratory in nature. All published and unpublished available on the s
1.7.2 In order to measure the employees perceptions of emerging HR trends in different IT o
1.7.3 Firstly, the pilot survey on ten randomly selected respondents was undertaken. Then t
1.7.4 The final questionnaire was administered in person to the extent possible and through
1.7.5 Finally, the results of the survey has been presented in Tabular form, analyzed and i

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