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6th Grade Math

Mrs. Kimberly Powers

Classroom Expectations and Procedures
Preparation for class: In order to be prepared for class students should have the
following items with them DAILY!!!
3 subject spiral notebook

Agenda ($5)
Cap Erasers

Homework: Homework assignments will be written on the board and posted on my

website (This can be reached by going through
Students will copy homework assignments into their agenda each day. Occasionally,
time will be given in class to begin work on homework assignments and to receive help
from the teacher. Homework will be corrected on a daily basis.
Tests and Quizzes: Tests and quizzes will be given periodically throughout a unit. Tests
may occur on any day of the week and they may consist of multiple choice and short
answer. As a general rule, all work must be shown.
PODS: (problem of the day) At the beginning of each class period students will be
required to complete an SOL review question. Students are responsible for answering the
question to the best of their ability. We will discuss and check this together.
Make-up Work: In the event of absence from class, students should consult the
homework board or check my website. Worksheets can be found there for download and
printing and can also be obtained from the file in the classroom.When make-up work is
completed it should be turned in to the assignment box. If a test or quiz was missed
during the absence, the student should be prepared to take it upon their return to school.
Late Work: We encourage all students to complete work on time! If a student is absent,
he/she will have an extra day to complete that assignment.
Procedures: Bathroom breaks are to be taken before or after class. Once class has
begun, bathroom breaks will be limited to those that are emergencies.
Technology: We supplement our lessons with games that reinforce academic material
taught. Once a week, students will have 20 minutes in the computer lab on with games and activities pertaining to that weeks lesson. Students
will be supplied with a password for login which is also accessible at home.
Grades and missing work:Students and parents will be able to see their current grade in
this class as well as any missing work through Powerschool, our online grading program.

Grading: Students will receive points in my class as follows:

Type of Assessment


The following percentage scale determines the letter grade a student receives:
90 -100%A
80 - 89% B
70 - 79% C
60 - 69%D
Below 60% F
Contact Information: Planning time is between 12:45 pm and 1:15 pm should you need
to contact me by phone. If you have internet access you can email me at

Please provide your email below and have your child return to me by Friday if

were unable to provide that Monday at orientation.


Thank you and I am looking

forward to a great year!


Student Name

Parent Name and Email

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