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Strikethrough ALT+SHIFT+5
Copy CTRL + C

Dictator: Hitler
Underline CTRL+U
Paste CTRL +V

ASS 1 Q 1

PG 1

Para 1 Ass Idea: (Ass idea + dictator) PLUG IT IN!

Para 1 Ass Sentence: (write it here)

Q1 Idea: (Q idea + verb + ass idea) PLUG IT IN!

Q1 Sentence: (write it here)

Box1EV1 Copy entire box here then cross out the fat;

B1 (Bulleted Out)

put in ellipses where you crossed out information. If you

have multiple sources for this box, place the citation
directly after the passage - i.e. (Ayer, 28)
By 1923 the German mark was worthless; it took 4.2 trillion marks
to make a dollar. This disaster not only wiped out peoples
savings; it also destroyed their faith in an ordered and predictable
world. Prices rose astronomically. It can be argued that the
Weimar Republic's survival for fourteen years (1919-1933) against
such odds was a measure of success. Indeed, its constitution
included a bill of rights with special provisions to protect the
sanctity of marriage and the needs or the working classes. Voting
rights were given to women, the reichstag became the center of
political and legislative power, and the election system was
changed to one of proportional representation rather than the
simple majority system of the kaiserreich. Also, the efforts of
leaders like Gustav stresemann to solve economic problems and
cooperate with leaders of other European nations let to
Germany's acceptance by international community as a peaceloving state. The Dawes plan, named for American banker
Charles G. Dawes set up a regular payment schedule for war
debts. Germany became eligible for foreign loans to help revive
the economy and thus guarantee debt repayments.


Read the research info in EV Box a few times until you understand what
it says. When you fully understand it, cover it up so you cannot read what it says. Now you
are to write down, in bullets in your own words, what EV Box says.

C Synonyms: find synonyms using a

thesaurus and write them here


(Actual Sentences) use the bullets from B1 and write them into sentences. Use
sentence variety - use a * where you want to shove your Q. incorp (Box A). When finished,
look back at EV Box and compare what youve written here to it. If you use any of the same
words or phrasings, or if your sentences look similar structurally, REVISE IT.

in EV Box,, underline the phrase

that youd like to use as your quotation
selection. Write it here with the citation
at the end. Make sure that it doesnt
exceed 10 words. When you are
finished copying the quote here, cross it
out in EV Box. MAKE SURE YOU
when removing words, brackets when
adding words in

D Paraphrasing with quotation incorporation:

Combine Both A and B2 together with the synonyms of C. You should have 3 + sentences here. Make sure that your quotation is incorporated into your own


PG 2
F Transition Sentence

Box1EV2 Copy entire box here then cross out the fat
and put in ellipses where you crossed out information. If
you have multiple sources for this box, place the citation
directly after the passage - i.e. (Ayer, 28)


(Bulleted Out) Read the research info in EV Box a few times until you understand what
it says. When you fully understand it, cover it up so you cannot read what it says. Now you
are to write down, in bullets in your own words, what EV Box says.

C Synonyms: find synonyms using a

thesaurus and write them here

The Locarno Treaties, signed in Locarno, Switzerland, with

france, Belgium, and Holland, fixed the countrys western borders
except for Alsace- Lorraine, returned to France with the peace
treaty. French troops left the Ruhr, and in 1926 Germany was
accepted as a member of the League of Nations. In 1928, along
with fifteen other nations, Germany signed the U.S. sponsored
Kellogg-Briand Pact outlawing war as an instrument of national
policy. Internal instability rather than outside pressures or even
economic problems eventually led to the downfall of the Weimar
Republic. Weimar government officials were attacked, and
several of them murdered , by Freikorps hit squads ; right- wing
nationalist leaders accused those officials of being november

in EV Box,, underline the phrase

that youd like to use as your quotation
selection. Write it here with the citation
at the end. Make sure that it doesnt
exceed 10 words. When you are
finished copying the quote here, cross
it out in EV Box. MAKE SURE YOU

criminals or appeasement politicians who had engineered

Germany's defeat in the war.Under such circumstances it was
probably inevitable that a new authority figure, perhaps another
Hermann pr Frederick the Great or Bismarck, would appear to

B2 (Actual Sentences) use the bullets from B1 and write them into sentences.

sentence variety - use a * where you want to shove your Q. incorp (Box A). When finished,
look back at EV Box and compare what youve written here to it. If you use any of the same
words or phrasings, or if your sentences look similar structurally, REVISE IT.

when removing words, brackets when

adding words in

take charge of German destinies. The sudden collapse of

monarchy had left nothing in its place; the German people had no
experience with the process of the accommodation of competing
interests that makes democracy possible. That world had come
apart in the Great War, and in its aftermath they were caught up in
the whirl of social and economic, as well as political, reform;
without the power to carry through with the needed changes or
provide the leadership that would make their new world work. The
alternative was National Socialism, with its crude yet powerful
message, articulated by as speaker who could rouse a crowd to
fever pitch and carry them unthinking toward his negative
destructive goals.


D Paraphrasing with quotation incorporation:

Combine Both A and B2 together with the synonyms of C. You should have 3 + sentences here. Make sure that your quotation is incorporated into your own


Ass 1 Q 2

PG 3

Q2 Idea: (Trans. sig. word + Prev. Q idea + , + Q2

idea + verb + ass idea) PLUG IT IN!

Q2 EV Sentence: (make sure to use an adv. transitional phrase from Q1 EV Sent)(write it here)

Box3EV1: Copy entire box here then cross out the


fat; put in ellipses where you crossed out information. If

you have multiple sources for this box, place the citation
directly after the passage - i.e. (Ayer, 28)

In 1930, the Nazis conducted a

(Bulleted Out) Read the research info in EV Box a few times until you understand
what it says. When you fully understand it, cover it up so you cannot read what it says. Now
you are to write down, in bullets in your own words, what EV Box says.

C Synonyms: find synonyms using a

thesaurus and write them here

massive election campaign across

Germany. Hitler traveled and spoke
around the country. He shook
hands with voters, signed
autographs, and kissed babies. In
his speeches, Hitler promised work
for the unemployed, prosperity for
businesses, peace, and, most of all,
a return to the past glory of

in Box E, underline the phrase that

youd like to use as your quotation
selection. Write it here with the citation
at the end. Make sure that it doesnt
exceed 10 words.

B2 (Actual Sentences) use the bullets from B1 and write them into sentences.

sentence variety - use a * where you want to shove your Q. incorp (Box A). When finished,
look back at EV Box and compare what youve written here to it. If you use any of the same
words or phrasings, or if your sentences look similar structurally, REVISE IT.


D Paraphrasing with quotation incorporation:


Combine Both A and B2 together with the synonyms of C. You should have 3 + sentences here. Make sure that your quotation is incorporated into your own

PG 4
F Transition Sentence

Box4EV2Copy entire box here then cross out the fat;

put in ellipses where you crossed out information. If you
have multiple sources for this box, place the citation
directly after the passage - i.e. (Ayer, 28)


(Bulleted Out) Read the research info in EV Box a few times until you understand
what it says. When you fully understand it, cover it up so you cannot read what it says. Now
you are to write down, in bullets in your own words, what EV Box says.

C Synonyms: find synonyms using a

thesaurus and write them here

in EV Box,, underline the phrase that

youd like to use as your quotation
selection. Write it here with the citation
at the end. Make sure that it doesnt
exceed 10 words. When you are
finished copying the quote here, cross it
out in EV Box. MAKE SURE YOU
when removing words, brackets when
adding words in

B2 (Actual Sentences) use the bullets from B1 and write them into sentences.

sentence variety - use a * where you want to shove your Q. incorp (Box A). When finished,
look back at EV Box and compare what youve written here to it. If you use any of the same
words or phrasings, or if your sentences look similar structurally, REVISE IT.


D Paraphrasing with quotation incorporation:


Combine Both A and B together with the synonyms of C. You should have 3 + sentences here. Make sure that your quotation is incorporated into your own

Ass 1 Q 3

PG 5

Q3 Idea:(Q idea + verb + ass idea)PLUG IT IN

Q3 EV Sentence: (make sure to use an adv. transitional phrase from Q2 EV sent.) (write it here)

Box5EV1: Copy entire box here then cross out the


fat; put in ellipses where you crossed out information. If

you have multiple sources for this box, place the citation
directly after the passage - i.e. (Ayer, 28)

(Bulleted Out) Read the research info in EV Box a few times until you understand
what it says. When you fully understand it, cover it up so you cannot read what it says. Now
you are to write down, in bullets in your own words, what EV Box says.

C Synonyms: find synonyms using a

thesaurus and write them here

B2 (Actual Sentences) use the bullets from B1 and write them into sentences.

sentence variety - use a * where you want to shove your Q. incorp (Box A). When finished,
look back at EV Box and compare what youve written here to it. If you use any of the same
words or phrasings, or if your sentences look similar structurally, REVISE IT.

in EV Box,, underline the phrase

that youd like to use as your quotation
selection. Write it here with the citation
at the end. Make sure that it doesnt
exceed 10 words. When you are
finished copying the quote here, cross it
out in EV Box. MAKE SURE YOU
when removing words, brackets when
adding words in


DParaphrasing with quotation incorporation:


Combine Both A and B2 together with the synonyms of C. You should have 3 + sentences here. Make sure that your quotation is incorporated into your own

PG 6
F Transition Sentence

Box6EV2 Copy entire box here then cross out the fat;
put in ellipses where you crossed out information. If you
have multiple sources for this box, place the citation
directly after the passage - i.e. (Ayer, 28)


(Bulleted Out) Read the research info in EV Box a few times until you understand
what it says. When you fully understand it, cover it up so you cannot read what it says.
Now you are to write down, in bullets in your own words, what EV Box says.

C Synonyms: find synonyms using a

thesaurus and write them here

in EV Box,, underline the phrase that

youd like to use as your quotation
selection. Write it here with the citation at
the end. Make sure that it doesnt exceed
10 words. When you are finished copying
the quote here, cross it out in EV Box.
SENSE - ellipses when removing words,
brackets when adding words in

B2 (Actual Sentences) use the bullets from B1 and write them into sentences.

sentence variety - use a * where you want to shove your Q. incorp (Box A). When finished,
look back at EV Box and compare what youve written here to it. If you use any of the
same words or phrasings, or if your sentences look similar structurally, REVISE IT.


D Paraphrasing with quotation incorporation:


Combine Both A and B2 together with the synonyms of C. You should have 3 + sentences here. Make sure that your quotation is incorporated into your own

ASS 2 Q 1

PG 7

Para 2 Ass Idea: (Trans. sig. word + Previous Ass

idea + , + Ass idea + dictator) PLUG IT IN!

Para 2 Ass Sentence: (make sure to use an adv. transitional phrase from ASS1 Idea) (write it here)

Q1 Idea: (Q idea + verb + ass idea) PLUG IT IN!

Q1 Sentence: (write it here)

Box7EV1 Copy entire box here then cross out the fat;


put in ellipses where you crossed out information. If you

have multiple sources for this box, place the citation
directly after the passage - i.e. (Ayer, 28)

(Bulleted Out) Read the research info in EV Box a few times until you
understand what it says. When you fully understand it, cover it up so you cannot read
what it says. Now you are to write down, in bullets in your own words, what EV Box

C Synonyms: find synonyms using a

thesaurus and write them here

in EV Box,, underline the phrase that

youd like to use as your quotation
selection. Write it here with the citation at
the end. Make sure that it doesnt exceed
10 words. When you are finished copying
the quote here, cross it out in EV Box.
SENSE - ellipses when removing words,
brackets when adding words in

B2 (Actual Sentences) use the bullets from B1 and write them into sentences.

sentence variety - use a * where you want to shove your Q. incorp (Box A). When
finished, look back at EV Box and compare what youve written here to it. If you use any
of the same words or phrasings, or if your sentences look similar structurally, REVISE IT.


D Paraphrasing with quotation incorporation:


Combine Both A and B2 together with the synonyms of C. You should have 3 + sentences here. Make sure that your quotation is incorporated into your own

PG 8
F Transition Sentence

Box8EV2 Copy entire box here then cross out the fat;
put in ellipses where you crossed out information. If you
have multiple sources for this box, place the citation
directly after the passage - i.e. (Ayer, 28)


(Bulleted Out) Read the research info in EV Box a few times until you understand
what it says. When you fully understand it, cover it up so you cannot read what it says.
Now you are to write down, in bullets in your own words, what EV Box says.

C Synonyms: find synonyms using a

thesaurus and write them here

in EV Box,, underline the phrase that

youd like to use as your quotation
selection. Write it here with the citation at
the end. Make sure that it doesnt exceed
10 words. When you are finished copying
the quote here, cross it out in EV Box.
SENSE - ellipses when removing words,
brackets when adding words in

B2 (Actual Sentences) use the bullets from B1 and write them into sentences.

sentence variety - use a * where you want to shove your Q. incorp (Box A). When
finished, look back at EV Box and compare what youve written here to it. If you use any
of the same words or phrasings, or if your sentences look similar structurally, REVISE IT.


D Paraphrasing with quotation incorporation:


Combine Both A and B2 together with the synonyms of C. You should have 3 + sentences here. Make sure that your quotation is incorporated into your own

ASS 2 Q 2

PG 9

Q2 Idea: (Trans. sig. word + Prev. Q idea + , + Q2

idea + verb + ass idea) PLUG IT IN!

Q2 EV Sentence: (make sure to use an adv. transitional phrase from Q1 EV sent.) (write it here)

Box9EV1 Copy entire box here then cross out the


fat; put in ellipses where you crossed out information.

If you have multiple sources for this box, place the
citation directly after the passage - i.e. (Ayer, 28)

(Bulleted Out) Read the research info in EV Box a few times until you understand
what it says. When you fully understand it, cover it up so you cannot read what it says. Now
you are to write down, in bullets in your own words, what EV Box says.

C Synonyms: find synonyms using a

thesaurus and write them here

in EV Box,, underline the phrase that

youd like to use as your quotation
selection. Write it here with the citation at
the end. Make sure that it doesnt exceed
10 words. When you are finished copying
the quote here, cross it out in EV Box.
SENSE - ellipses when removing words,
brackets when adding words in

B2 (Actual Sentences) use the bullets from B1 and write them into sentences.

sentence variety - use a * where you want to shove your Q. incorp (Box A). When finished,
look back at EV Box and compare what youve written here to it. If you use any of the same
words or phrasings, or if your sentences look similar structurally, REVISE IT.


DParaphrasing with quotation incorporation:


Combine Both A and B2 together with the synonyms of C. You should have 3 + sentences here. Make sure that your quotation is incorporated into your own

PG 10
F Transition Sentence

Box10EV2 Copy entire box here then cross out the

fat; put in ellipses where you crossed out information.
If you have multiple sources for this box, place the
citation directly after the passage - i.e. (Ayer, 28)


(Bulleted Out) Read the research info in EV Box a few times until you understand
what it says. When you fully understand it, cover it up so you cannot read what it says. Now
you are to write down, in bullets in your own words, what EV Box says.

C Synonyms: find synonyms using a

thesaurus and write them here

in EV Box,, underline the phrase that

youd like to use as your quotation
selection. Write it here with the citation at
the end. Make sure that it doesnt exceed
10 words. When you are finished copying
the quote here, cross it out in EV Box.
SENSE - ellipses when removing words,
brackets when adding words in

B2 (Actual Sentences) use the bullets from B1 and write them into sentences.

sentence variety - use a * where you want to shove your Q. incorp (Box A). When finished,
look back at EV Box and compare what youve written here to it. If you use any of the same
words or phrasings, or if your sentences look similar structurally, REVISE IT.


D Paraphrasing with quotation incorporation:


Combine Both A and B2 together with the synonyms of C. You should have 3 + sentences here. Make sure that your quotation is incorporated into your own

ASS 3 Q 1

PG 11

Para 3 Ass Idea: (Trans. sig. word + Previous

Ass idea + , + Ass idea + dictator) PLUG IT IN!

Para 3 Ass Sentence: (make sure to use an adv. transitional phrase from ASS1 Idea) (write it here)

Q1 Idea: (Q idea + verb + ass idea) PLUG IT IN!

Q1 Sentence: (write it here)

Box11EV1: Copy entire box here then cross out


the fat; put in ellipses where you crossed out

information. If you have multiple sources for this
box, place the citation directly after the passage - i.e.
(Ayer, 28)

(Bulleted Out) Read the research info in EV Box a few times until you understand
what it says. When you fully understand it, cover it up so you cannot read what it says. Now
you are to write down, in bullets in your own words, what EV Box says.

C Synonyms: find synonyms using a

thesaurus and write them here

in EV Box,, underline the phrase that

youd like to use as your quotation
selection. Write it here with the citation at
the end. Make sure that it doesnt exceed
10 words. When you are finished copying
the quote here, cross it out in EV Box.
SENSE - ellipses when removing words,
brackets when adding words in

B2 (Actual Sentences) use the bullets from B1 and write them into sentences.

sentence variety - use a * where you want to shove your Q. incorp (Box A). When finished,
look back at EV Box and compare what youve written here to it. If you use any of the same
words or phrasings, or if your sentences look similar structurally, REVISE IT.


D Paraphrasing with quotation incorporation:


Combine Both A and B2 together with the synonyms of C. You should have 3 + sentences here. Make sure that your quotation is incorporated into your own

PG 13
F Transition Sentence

Box12EV2 Copy entire box here then cross out

the fat; put in ellipses where you crossed out
information. If you have multiple sources for this box,
place the citation directly after the passage - i.e.
(Ayer, 28)


(Bulleted Out) Read the research info in EV Box a few times until you understand what it
says. When you fully understand it, cover it up so you cannot read what it says. Now you are to
write down, in bullets in your own words, what EV Box says.

C Synonyms: find synonyms using a

thesaurus and write them here

in EV Box,, underline the phrase

that youd like to use as your quotation
selection. Write it here with the citation
at the end. Make sure that it doesnt
exceed 10 words. When you are
finished copying the quote here, cross it
out in EV Box. MAKE SURE YOU
when removing words, brackets when
adding words in

B2 (Actual Sentences) use the bullets from B1 and write them into sentences.

Use sentence
variety - use a * where you want to shove your Q. incorp (Box A). When finished, look back at EV
Box and compare what youve written here to it. If you use any of the same words or phrasings,
or if your sentences look similar structurally, REVISE IT.


D Paraphrasing with quotation incorporation:


Combine Both A and B2 together with the synonyms of C. You should have 3 + sentences here. Make sure that your quotation is incorporated into your own

ASS 3 Q 2

PG 14

Q2 Idea: (Trans. sig. word + Prev. Q idea + , + Q2

idea + verb + ass idea) PLUG IT IN!

Q2 EV Sentence: (make sure to use an adv. transitional phrase from Prev Q) (write it here)

Box13EV1: Copy entire box here then cross out


the fat; put in ellipses where you crossed out

information. If you have multiple sources for this box,
place the citation directly after the passage - i.e. (Ayer,

(Bulleted Out) Read the research info in EV Box a few times until you understand
what it says. When you fully understand it, cover it up so you cannot read what it says. Now
you are to write down, in bullets in your own words, what EV Box says.

C Synonyms: find synonyms using a

thesaurus and write them here

in EV Box,, underline the phrase that

youd like to use as your quotation
selection. Write it here with the citation
at the end. Make sure that it doesnt
exceed 10 words. When you are finished
copying the quote here, cross it out in EV
SENSE - ellipses when removing words,
brackets when adding words in

B2 (Actual Sentences) use the bullets from B1 and write them into sentences.

sentence variety - use a * where you want to shove your Q. incorp (Box A). When finished,
look back at EV Box and compare what youve written here to it. If you use any of the same
words or phrasings, or if your sentences look similar structurally, REVISE IT.


DParaphrasing with quotation incorporation:


Combine Both A and B2 together with the synonyms of C. You should have 3 + sentences here. Make sure that your quotation is incorporated into your own

F Transition Sentence

Box14EV2: Copy entire box here then cross out the

fat; put in ellipses where you crossed out information. If
you have multiple sources for this box, place the citation
directly after the passage - i.e. (Ayer, 28)


(Bulleted Out) Read the research info in EV Box a few times until you understand
what it says. When you fully understand it, cover it up so you cannot read what it says. Now
you are to write down, in bullets in your own words, what EV Box says.

C Synonyms: find synonyms using a

thesaurus and write them here

in EV Box,, underline the phrase

that youd like to use as your quotation
selection. Write it here with the
citation at the end. Make sure that it
doesnt exceed 10 words. When you
are finished copying the quote here,
cross it out in EV Box. MAKE SURE
when removing words, brackets when
adding words in

B2 (Actual Sentences) use the bullets from B1 and write them into sentences.

sentence variety - use a * where you want to shove your Q. incorp (Box A). When finished,
look back at EV Box and compare what youve written here to it. If you use any of the same
words or phrasings, or if your sentences look similar structurally, REVISE IT.


D Paraphrasing with quotation incorporation:


Combine Both A and B2 together with the synonyms of C. You should have 3 + sentences here. Make sure that your quotation is incorporated into your own

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