Math Meeting Student A

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Marshall, Heidi, Debbie, Angie, Kim

Student A-5J

Kim Mueske gave Student A the AVMR Structuring and Place Value assessments. The
comments below are based on the data from the assessments, as well as classroom
observations from Marshall and Heidi.

Addition-with the standard algorithm
Fractions-connection to cooking and he loves to cook. How can we make
number sense more real life and purposeful for him?
Some known addition facts-small doubles, large doubles, ten plus, fast nines,

Growth Areas:
Based on these assessments, he is able to structure number to 5, and has
some known facts to 10. However, he consistently relies on his fingers to
figure out problems beyond 5. For example; given 6 beads on a bead rack, he
said 6 and when asked how many to make 10 he counted on his fingers 7,
8, 9, 10 and said 4. The finger use was confirmed by what Marshall and
Heidi have seen in their settings.
Subtraction basic facts
When reading numbers he frequently had to read and re-read the number a
couple times before correctly stating it. The numbers were typically flipped.
Example: 87 may have been said as 78
When given a 2-digit plus 2-digit number in a horizontal equation his eyes
continued to go back and forth, back and forth as he lined up the numbers in
his head. When explaining how he got his answer, he was using the standard
Misconception about subtraction with regrouping Example: 43-15, 4-1=3 and
5-3=2, so the answer is 32. Does not yet appear to be demonstrating a clear
understanding of place value when attempting the standard algorithm,
especially in subtraction. Counts by 1s rather than groups.

Next Steps before a follow up meeting on April 16th:
Structuring activities- get him facile to 10 without counting/finger use
(Addition and Subtraction)
o Key combinations
5 plus (5 wise on bead rack and ten frame)
Small doubles (pair wise on bead rack and ten frame)
Doubles plus 1/neighbors up to 10
Combinations and partitions to 10

Debbie will continue to see him and a few other students 1 time a week and
work on structuring.
o What are the other needs in the grade level? Is there a way to see him
with others across the grade level more often?
Heidi is pushing in to Marshalls classroom 30 minutes x 5 days a week
during math to service 4 students.
o What might that time look like to ensure Student A and the others are
getting 30 min. of direct service every day?
Marshall will continue his work with Student A using ten frames, and helping
him make connections to the bead rack, as well as fingers.
When Student A begins counting on his fingers stop him by saying, Before
you use your fingers, I want you to think about the numbers first. His
fingers have become his comfort and he doesnt seem to stop and think about
the number sense behind it.

Current goals on IEP focus on:
Addition and subtraction of fractions
Mean, median, mode

We need to look at his current needs and align his goals. How is he with money and
making change?

Possible new goals:
Structuring-understanding basic facts up to 20 (addition and subtraction)
Double digit Subtraction with regrouping

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