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Faithlyn Norman

Maria Silva
Facing History
Facing History Activity Reflection

In this activity, we talked and learned about what happened in Ferguson, Missouri with
the Michael Brown Case. During this activity, we did a chalk talk with the advisory. I noticed that
all BACS students were paying attention. During the chalk talk, my advisory wrote down
thoughtful things. To me, this activity felt good and I learned a lot from it. I especially got a
clearer understanding of things that I was confused about. During the facing history, I learned
about racial profiling, the correct story on what happened with Michael Brown and the rioting in
Ferguson. I contributed the story I heard to my advisory, and how I watched the news and seen
a lot of people in Ferguson rioting and looting. Even people came from different states to help
get justice for Michael Brown. I am still wondering if Michael Browns family is mad with the law
or if the police that shot Michael Brown is in jail.

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