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Resolution No. 2015 RESOLUTION REQUESTING THAT THE SYRACUSE PLANNING COMMISSION REVOKE, ‘THE SPECIAL PERMITS FOR 712 HIAWATHA, BLVD W., 700 HIAWATHA BLVD W., 884 HIAWATHA BLVD W. REAR AND 531 STATE, FAIR BOULEVARD WHEREAS, this Common Council believes thatthe future development ofthe lakefront ret combined with the environmental concerns that have been documented by the NYS DEC slong Hiawatha Blvd call fors better use ofthe property than an industial scrap yard and ‘WHEREAS, the bankruptcy, environmental contamination and cease of operations atthe Roth Steel site provide the City of Syracuse with a unique opportunity to revisit the se of this Jmportant area of the City lkefiont; NOW, THEREFORE; [BE IT RESOLVED, thet this Common Council, acting on behalf of the residents ofthe City of Syracuse, herety requests thatthe Syracuse Planning Commission revoke, pursuant to Part C, §4, Article | of he Zoning Rules and Regulations, te existing special penmits for 712 Hiawatha Blvd W,, 700 Hiawatha Blvd W; 884 Hiawatha Blvd, W. Rear and S31 State Fait Blvd, so that they 0 longer permit an industrial: serap yard; subject to review and recommendation to the Planning Commission by the Director of Code Enforcement and the ‘Corporati Counse! that such a revocation would be lawl and for good eause; and BE IT RESOLVED, that this Common Council, acting on behalf ofthe residents of the City of Syracuse, hereby requests that the Planning Commission, the Director of Code Enforcement, and the Zoning Administrator review the Roth Steel permits and the existing conditions st the property to determine what development is best suited for this site going feward, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that upon passage ofthis resolution, the City Ceri, on Dehalf of the Commor Council, shall transmit a copy of this resolution to the Chair of the Syrncuse’ Planning Commission, the Director of Code Enforcement and the Zoning Administrator. 77

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