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Faithlyn Norman

Julio Alicea
EOC Reflection
June 4, 2015
EOC REflection
At the beginning of the year, I was very enthusiastic to start this class. I have always
loved history and learning about what happened way back then. But this class was different, it
was not your average history class, per say. We did not focus on the old white guys that signed a
paper. We focused on current events and topics that captured many students attention.
After I have finished World History I will remember the battle between the Hutus and
Tutsis, ingroups and outgroups, and identity. I will remember those because they were the most
important to me throughout the year. I thought that they were the most interesting and eye
opening. This class has influenced the way I think and value the study of history in many ways.
One way is I have valued history is I watch the news more often because now I find current
events very interesting. The way I think of history has not really changed over this year.
This class, has influenced how I think about identity and particularly my identity because
now I do not stereotype people when I see them. Most importantly when someone stereotypes
me, I will give them a little lesson about sterotpes.

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